5 Common Remington 7600 Problems And How To Fix Them

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I’ve spent a good amount of time with the Remington 7600 out in the field, and let me tell you, it has its ups and downs. While it’s generally reliable and performs well, I’ve encountered a few issues that seem to be common among users.

So, what Remington 7600 Problems are we talking about? I’ve faced feeding issues, a sticky trigger, complications with the clip, action problems, and even trouble with the firing pin. No gun is perfect, right? But don’t worry, the aim here isn’t just to list these issues. I’ve also got some solutions for you.

The main goal of this article is pretty straightforward. I’ll break down each problem I’ve faced with the Remington 7600 and offer some reliable fixes. 

So, if you own this rifle or are considering getting one, you’re in the right place. Stick around, and let’s make sure your Remington 7600 is working like a champ.

Overview of Remington 7600 Problems & their Solutions

Feeding IssueReplace the stock magazine and smooth out dents in the receiver.
Trigger StuckApply gun-specific lubricant to the trigger mechanism.
Problem with ClipFile down worn patches or replace the clip.
Action IssueCheck seating of the magazine and alignment of case pick-up.
Problem with Firing PinSecure the firing pin and check hammer spring.

Top 5 Problems & Solutions for the Remington 7600

1. Feeding Issue

So, the first problem that caught my attention was the feeding issue. You’re out there, feeling confident, and then bam! The Remington 7600 doesn’t load properly. 

I noticed this particularly when using a 35 Whelen cartridge. What’s happening is that the rounds are bumping into something and not sliding into the chamber as they should. This messes up the bolt’s forward motion and is very frustrating. 

There you are, needing a reliable shot, and your rifle decides to give you a hard time.


The solution? After some tinkering, I found that it’s often a magazine issue. So, I went ahead and replaced the stock magazine with a third-party one. I kid you not; the feeding issue improved dramatically. But wait, there’s more. 

Also, check the top of your receiver; you might find that it’s been dented from the bolt smacking it. You’re gonna want to smooth that out. Replacing the magazine and smoothing any dents in the receiver pretty much did the trick for me. 

So, if you’re having this problem, give these fixes a shot. You’ll likely find they help out a lot.

2. Trigger Stuck

Ah, the stuck trigger is an issue that can get under your skin. Trust me, I’ve been there. While I was out testing the Remington 7600, I ran into this more than once.

You squeeze the trigger, and it just stays there, not popping back as it should. It’s like your rifle decided to go on strike right when you need it the most. 

And let’s be real, this is not only annoying but also potentially dangerous. Safety is key, and a stuck trigger compromises that big time.


After experiencing this issue firsthand, I decided to take matters into my own hands. The first thing you should do is, of course, make sure the gun is unloaded. Safety first. Then, grab some gun-specific lubricant and apply it to the trigger mechanism. 

Don’t go overboard; a little goes a long way. After applying the lube, work the trigger back and forth a few times. This should loosen things up.

If you find that the problem persists, a trip to the gunsmith might be in order. But in my case, a bit of lubricant was all it took to resolve the issue. Give it a try; it could be the quick fix you’re looking for.

3. Problem with the Clip

Alright, let’s talk about another annoying issue: the clip. While using the Remington 7600, I’ve experienced some bizarre jamming problems.

Strangely, the first shot feeds just fine, but then the second shot jams. 

When I load the clip, it squeaks awkwardly into the weapon. The clip is also sometimes a real pain to install. It’s pretty obvious that there’s a design issue at play here.


Okay, here’s what worked for me. First, if it’s a minor issue, you can carefully remove a worn patch or edge on the clip using a fine file or 000 gritt paper. 

Just make sure to be gentle; you don’t want to worsen the problem. If this DIY fix doesn’t work, getting a second clip is a solid plan. If a new clip also doesn’t fit properly, then, my friends, you’re dealing with a more serious problem. 

At this point, it’s best to take your rifle to a Remington-approved servicing facility. Don’t try to be a hero; sometimes, it’s best to leave it to the pros.

4. Action Issue

So, here’s another one that got to me: the action issue. After firing off a round and using the pump, getting the next cartridge into the chamber felt like an eternity. The fired round extracts easily enough; that’s not the problem. 

But the next round? That one just doesn’t want to play nice. It’s sluggish, making you work way harder than you should. 

It’s frustrating, especially when you’re aiming for quick follow-up shots. Honestly, it messes with the flow and turns what should be a smooth experience into a grind.


Now, let’s tackle this. After going through this hassle a few times, I found that the issue could be due to the case’s low pick-up or even that the magazine isn’t fully seated. 

So, what did I do? I double-checked the seating of the magazine first. It was a simple adjustment, and I saw some improvement. Then, I looked into the case pick-up, and sure enough, making sure it was aligned properly also helped.

If you’re running into this problem, start by troubleshooting these two parts. It won’t take long, and you’ll likely notice a difference immediately.

5. Problem with the Firing Pin

Ah, the dreaded firing pin issue. This one’s a doozy. During my time with the Remington 7600, there were instances when pulling the trigger led to nothing. It just wouldn’t fire. 

A quick examination revealed the problem: a faulty firing pin or incorrect protrusion length. Sometimes, the primer was even punctured. 

You can imagine how frustrating that was, right? The rifle was basically a paperweight at that moment, and that’s not what you want when you’re out in the field.


So, let’s get this sorted. First things first, the firing pin needs to be secured properly. If there’s a bulge or bending in the pin securing area, you need to fix that ASAP. 

Also, keep an eye on the hammer spring. If it’s too brittle, replace it. Oh, and make sure there’s no interference when the hammer drops. Last but not least, skip the grease or oil on the firing pin; dirt can accumulate and mess things up.

Follow these steps, and you should be back in action.

Final Verdict

When it comes to the Remington 7600, it’s a mixed bag. On one hand, you’ve got a rifle that’s mostly reliable, performs well in various conditions, and gives you decent accuracy. 

On the other hand, it’s got its set of problems—from feeding issues to action complications—that can throw a wrench in your shooting experience. Thankfully, these problems aren’t insurmountable. 

With a little bit of hands-on fixing, you can get your Remington 7600 to work like a charm. Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned pro, it pays to know your rifle inside and out. 

That way, if you ever find yourself with a stuck trigger or a jammed magazine, you’ll know exactly what to do. So, if you’re ready to put in the work, the Remington 7600 can be a great choice.


Is the Remington 7600 reliable?

Yes, it’s generally reliable and offers good performance in a market dominated by bolt action rifles.

Is Remington making the 7600 again?

No, Remington isn’t currently producing new 7600s according to their official website.

Which is better Remington 760 vs 7600?

Both are good; the 7600 has a simplified lug system compared to the 760’s more complex design.

What caliber is a Remington 7600?

Calibers available include .243Win, .270Win, .308Win, and .30-06.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

2 thoughts on “5 Common Remington 7600 Problems And How To Fix Them”

    • Absolutely, thanks for the tip! Replacing the barrel receiver could indeed address several issues if thread problems are common. I’ll definitely look into it. Appreciate your input


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