5 Common Remington 7400 Problems And How To Fix Them

Last Update:

I’ve spent a good chunk of time testing out the Remington 7400. Sure, it’s got its merits, but let’s not kid ourselves—no firearm is perfect. During my hands-on time, I encountered a handful of problems that some of you might find familiar if you own this model.

So, what Remington 7400 Problems am I talking about here? Magazine issues, accuracy not being up to snuff, extraction problems, a stubborn trigger, and jamming. 

Yup, you heard it right! It seems these issues might frustrate you, but they’re part of the package. But hey, there’s no need to worry. In this article, I’ll break down these problems one by one and give you practical solutions. 

We’ll tackle them head-on so you can make the most out of your Remington 7400. We’re talking about real solutions that will make your experience better and safer. So, let’s dive in!

Overview of Remington 7400 Problems & their Solutions

ProblemsQuick Solutions
Magazine IssueSwitch to older 30-06 magazines.
Accuracy IssueUse Rem 180gr Soft Point bullets and maintain the gun.
Extraction ProblemSwap out for a new extractor.
Trigger StuckClean and lubricate the trigger assembly.
Jamming ProblemConsider a welding fix from a trained smith.

Top 5 Remington 7400 Problems & Solutions

1. Magazine Issue

Oh boy, let me tell you about this one. I’ve been in the field, locked, loaded, and ready for action with my Remington 7400. And guess what? Using Remington-branded multi-caliber magazines turned out to be a big headache. 

Nearly every round failed to feed (FTF), making the experience frustrating. It’s like getting all dressed up and then tripping on your shoelaces. 

Yep, the round just won’t come out of the mag; it gets stuck.


So, what did I do to solve this? I realized the problem seems to lie in the feed lips of the new multi-caliber mags.

Luckily, I found a solution that really works. I discovered that the older magazines, designed exclusively for 30-06, work just fine. 

On the flip side, you could also tweak the feed lips on the new magazines to make them compatible with older rifles. Trust me, it was like night and day once I did that. The rounds fed perfectly, and my Remington 7400 felt like a whole new beast.

2. Accuracy Issue

Well, here’s another pickle I found myself in with the Remington 7400—accuracy. Even after setting up, taking a deep breath, and steadying my aim, the best I could manage was a 6-inch group at 100 yards. 

Trust me, that’s not something to write home about. It’s clear as day this gun struggles when it comes to nailing the bullseye. It’s almost like shooting a basketball and missing the hoop entirely.


So, what’s the secret sauce to up your game? First off, let’s talk ammo. I swapped out the regular stuff for Rem 180gr Soft Point round nose bullets and boy, what a difference. 

These bad boys can manage a 1 1/4 to 1 1/2-inch group. That’s pretty darn good for deer hunting. In fact, with proper ammunition, this gun is capable of 2 MOA or higher, plenty enough for a deer at 200 yards.

Also, let’s not forget maintenance. Keep this gun clean and well-oiled, and you’ll see an improvement. 

So there you go, get the right bullets and take care of your firearm; you’ll be surprised how much your accuracy improves.

3. Extraction Problem

Let’s get into another snag that might slow you down—the failure to extract the issue. I noticed that the Remington 7400 had a hard time ejecting spent brass after firing. 

The brass decides to stick around in the chamber. When I tried cycling the bolt manually, it worked maybe 70% of the time, which is less than ideal, especially if you’re in a situation where reliability counts.


So, how did I tackle this? I swapped out the extractor, aiming for the Numrich brand, as I heard it works well. Now, I’ll be honest, this isn’t a walk in the park. You’ll want to unscrew the bolts holding the extractor in place.

If they’re not budging, here’s a pro tip: heat the screw head with the tip of a soldering iron. Once it starts to smoke, the Lock-Tight should be released, making it easier to unscrew. 

And if you see any sign of silver solder on that bolt, swap it out right away. After doing all this, my extraction problems significantly decreased. Talk about a game-changer!

4. Trigger Stuck

Ah, the stuck trigger. Trust me, nothing grinds my gears more than pulling the trigger and feeling it stick in place. It’s like waiting for a green light that never changes. 

This happened to me a few times while I was testing the Remington 7400 out in the field. You’re aiming, you’re ready, and then—ugh—the trigger doesn’t want to cooperate. 

Frustrating, right? It can mess up your whole shooting rhythm and, in some cases, could be a safety concern.


So, how did I tackle this obstacle? Maintenance, folks, maintenance. First, you have to make sure that the trigger assembly is clean and free of debris. 

Often, built-up grime is the culprit. Consider disassembling the trigger mechanism to clean and lubricate the individual parts for a more thorough approach. 

If you’re uncomfortable doing this, seeking professional help might be wise. But a deep cleaning job seemed to do the trick for me, making the trigger smooth as butter. Give it a try; chances are, you’ll get your trigger back in working order.

5. Jamming Problem

Alright, now let’s tackle the notorious “Jam-o-Matic” issue. Man, did this one give me a headache? The Remington 7400 has this knack for jamming up when you least expect it. The problem seems to be with the inertia block and the recoil spring tension. 

Basically, the cartridge extracts so fast that it leaves behind a mess of unburned powder, flakes, and residue in the chamber. 

What does that mean? Well, the extractor ends up pulling off a piece of the brass rim, and bam! You’ve got a round stuck in the chamber and the next one clinging to the chamber walls.


So what’s the remedy? Unfortunately, this is a known design flaw, and there’s no quick factory fix. 

I got my rifle to one of these pros for the welding fix, and let me tell you, it made a world of difference. If you’re dealing with chronic jamming, consider this welding approach. It seriously cut down on the jamming issues for me.

Final Verdict

Let’s get real. The Remington 7400 is a classic, but it comes with its own set of challenges. From magazine issues to accuracy troubles, extraction woes to a stubborn trigger, and even jamming, this firearm has given me a run for my money.

 But the silver lining here is that each problem comes with a solution that’s within reach. Switching out to older mags, using specific ammo, and keeping the gun well-maintained can turn your experience around. 

I also found that professional solutions, like welding fixes for jamming, significantly improve the gun’s performance. 

So, while the Remington 7400 may not be a perfect rifle out of the box, with a little TLC and some know-how, you can make it a reliable companion for your hunting or shooting activities.


When did Remington stop making the 7400?

Production of the Remington 7400 ceased in 2004.

Is the Remington 7400 gas operated?

Yes, the Remington 7400 utilizes a gas-operated mechanism.

What is the twist rate of the Remington 7400?

The Remington 7400 has a twist rate of 1 turn in 10 inches.

What is the best bullet twist rate?

The optimal bullet twist rate varies; for M4s often 1:7 is standard, suitable for 55-grain and 62-grain bullets.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

6 thoughts on “5 Common Remington 7400 Problems And How To Fix Them”

  1. Thank You, Michael. My daughter lost the clip for 7400-243, having trouble finding one like original. Have one coming in mail, we’ll see!

    • I’m crossing my fingers for you and hoping the one in the mail turns out to be just what your daughter’s 7400-243 needs. It’s always a bit of an adventure finding parts for these classics. When it arrives, I’d love to hear if it fits the bill or if the hunt continues!

        • It’s great to hear that everything’s running smoothly so far. I totally agree, the real test happens at the range. Can’t wait to hear how it performs when you really put it through its paces.


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