5 Common Remington 740 Problems And How To Fix Them

Last Update:

I’ve been out and about, putting the Remington 740 through its paces. I wanted to love this rifle; it has that old-school charm and feels pretty decent in hand. 

But let’s be real—my experience wasn’t that good. While using this firearm, I noticed a few recurring problems that could damage your shooting day.

In my time with the Remington 740, a handful of Remington 740 Problems that popped up more than once. We’re talking about problems with accuracy, the so-called “Jam O Matic,” misfeeding issues, bolt problems, and even a firing pin issue. 

Trust me, they can get annoying real quick. So, here’s the deal: I’ll break down each of these problems one by one and let you know how to tackle them.

Overview of Remington 740 Problems & Solutions

Accuracy IssueAdjust sights or scope
Jam O MaticClean and lubricate chamber
MisfeedingLoad magazine correctly
Bolt MalfunctionClean and inspect the bolt
Firing PinReplace through a gunsmith

Top 5 Remington 740 Problems & Solutions

1. Accuracy Problem

Let’s cut to the chase—the first issue that caught my eye was the accuracy, or rather, the lack of it. This rifle didn’t perform up to par when it came to hitting the bull’s-eye. 

I took the Remington 740 out multiple times, adjusting my sights and even my stance. But the shots just weren’t as precise as I’d have liked them to be. Inconsistent groupings were the norm, and that’s a big no-no for any serious shooter. 

I even switched up the ammo, but the issue persisted. Needless to say, it was frustrating.


Okay, enough griping. Let’s talk solutions. What worked for me was changing the scope. The stock scope was, well, a bit on the flimsy side. Investing in a quality scope made a world of difference. 

Once I dialed in that new scope, the shots became considerably more consistent. Sure, it’s an extra cost, but if you’re committed to this rifle, it’s necessary. 

Also, don’t forget to check the barrel and clean it regularly. Built-up grime can mess with your accuracy, too. After these tweaks, the Remington 740 started to behave much better in the accuracy department.

2. Problem with the Jam O Matic

Alright, onto the next headache: the infamous “Jam O Matic” issue. I experienced this problem firsthand while I was out in the field. 

Believe me, nothing’s worse than setting up for that perfect shot only to have the darn rifle jam on you. In my case, rounds wouldn’t load smoothly; they’d just jam up instead. Initially, I thought it was an ammo issue or maybe even a user error, but nope, the chamber’s close tolerances were the culprit. 

The rifle didn’t seem to allow any room for error or even a tiny speck of dirt. And let’s be honest, keeping things spotless isn’t always feasible when you’re out hunting.


So, how did I get past this? Well, I took a leaf out of Remington’s book and thoroughly cleaned the chamber. Trust me, it worked like a charm. 

All you need is a decent cleaning kit and some patience to ensure the chamber is as clean as a whistle. Also, given that this might be an oddity in terms of close tolerances for a commercially produced firearm, it’s worth having the chamber professionally checked and possibly adjusted. 

After all, who wants to deal with jamming issues while in the great outdoors? With a clean and properly adjusted chamber, the problem should go away.

3. Misfeeding Issue

Okay, next up on the list of grievances is the misfeeding issue. Now, you’re all set, ready to pull the trigger, and then—nothing. 

The cartridge just won’t feed right. It’s as if the rifle decided to take a little break right when you need it most. I experienced this several times, and let me tell you, it’s frustrating. At first, I was puzzled. 

I’ve been around firearms long enough to know how to load a magazine, right? Wrong. The misfeeding seemed to happen randomly, and it was eating up valuable time.


Here’s the silver lining: this problem isn’t all that hard to fix. The key is properly loading the magazine. It might sound basic, but you must ensure that the cartridges are snugly seated and aligned in the right direction. 

Don’t let your excitement get the best of you and start overloading the magazine. Stick to the manufacturer’s guidelines for maximum capacity, and you should be good to go. 

It’s a simple fix, but it makes a world of difference. Once I paid more attention to how I was loading up, the misfeeding problems pretty much vanished.

4. Bolt Problem

Ah, the bolt problem. This one’s a sneaky issue that can mess up both loading and ejecting cartridges. I remember the first time it happened to me.

Everything was going just fine, and then, out of nowhere, the bolt just didn’t want to cooperate. Talk about bad timing. A malfunctioning bolt isn’t just a minor inconvenience; it can effectively bring your whole shooting experience to a grinding halt. 

You’re stuck there, fiddling with the bolt when you’d much rather be taking your next shot. It’s a headache, to say the least.


So, how do you tackle this? First off, give your bolt and receiver a good, thorough cleaning. Dirt and debris are often the culprits here.

Make sure you get into all those nooks and crannies. Second, do a quick but detailed inspection of the bolt. 

Look for any signs of wear or damage that might be causing the issue. If you spot any damaged parts, replace them. Trust me, a little proactive maintenance can save you a ton of frustration in the long run. After I took these steps, my bolt problems became a thing of the past.

5. Firing Pin Issue

Last but not least, let’s talk about the firing pin issue. This one’s a doozy because a broken firing pin can make your firearm about as useful as a paperweight. 

Imagine being out in the field, lining up a shot, pulling the trigger, and… nothing. Yeah, it happened to me, and it’s a total letdown. 

It turns your reliable tool into a hunk of metal in seconds. At that moment, you realize just how crucial that small piece—the firing pin—is to the whole operation.


So, what’s the fix? First, if you suspect a broken firing pin, you’ll have to disassemble your firearm to check. Look for any signs of damage, cracks, or wear. 

Now, I’m no gunsmith, so I took it straight to a professional when I noticed my firing pin was busted. And that’s exactly what I’d recommend. 

Don’t try to DIY this one. Regular maintenance also goes a long way. A well-lubricated firing pin is less likely to break, so make that a part of your routine. After replacing my firing pin and keeping up with regular maintenance, I haven’t faced the issue again.

Final Verdict

Well, there you have it, folks. The Remington 740 is a mixed bag. On the one hand, it’s a firearm with a history and can serve you well in the field. 

On the other hand, it comes with a few issues that can’t be ignored. I’ve experienced the pros and cons firsthand, from accuracy concerns to the pesky Jam O Matic problem. 

But here’s the silver lining: almost all the issues are fixable if you know what you’re doing or get professional help. Regular maintenance and a vigilant eye can also save you from many of these headaches. 

So, if you’re eyeing this gun for your next hunting trip, just remember that while it may not be perfect, with the right attention and care, it can be a dependable tool.


What year was the Remington Model 740 made?
The Remington Model 740 was introduced in 1955.

How accurate are the Remington 740?
The Remington 740 is accurate enough for its intended purpose, although not the most accurate rifle available.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

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