5 Common Remington 750 Problems And How To Fix Them

Last Update:

I’ve had my hands on the Remington 750 for a good while, testing it out in various conditions. It’s a pretty decent firearm, but let me tell you, it’s got its share of problems. 

I’ll be talking about the common Remington 750 Problems I’ve experienced, like the trigger not feeling quite right, cycling problems, magazine issues, jamming, and occasional firing problems. 

Yeah, I know, quite a list, right? But don’t sweat it; I’ve also dug into how to fix these issues or at least how to manage them better. So you’re not just stuck with a problematic firearm.

The aim of this article is to arm you with the knowledge to handle these issues effectively, ensuring you get the most out of your Remington 750. So, let’s dive right in, shall we?

Overview of the Problems & their Solutions

Trigger IssueConsult a pro to swap out the trigger spring.
Cycling ProblemClean chamber and switch to high-power ammo.
Magazine ProblemClean thoroughly and consider aftermarket mags.
Jamming IssueTweak main spring and consider new extractor.
Firing ProblemRegular cleaning and invest in quality ammo.

Top 5 Problems & Solutions for the Remington 750

1. Trigger Issue

Man, I can’t even begin to tell you how many times that trigger got on my nerves. You’re out there in the field, all geared up, and then you have to deal with a trigger that feels like lifting a bag of bricks. 

The pull is hefty, long, and not smooth at all. I found it incredibly hard to get consistent shots. In a hunting scenario, the last thing you want is to have a trigger that acts up when you need a reliable shot. 

This thing felt creepy and heavy; it just didn’t match the otherwise solid build of the Remington 750.


After struggling with that trigger for what felt like an eternity, I finally decided enough was enough. I’m no gunsmith, so I took my Remington 750 to a professional. 

Trust me, it’s not something you want to DIY if you’re not experienced. They swapped out the trigger spring, and the difference was like night and day. 

Various spring products are available, particularly from Brownells. While the trigger will never be a match-grade wonder, it’s way more manageable with that simple tweak. 

So, if you’re as fed up with that trigger as I was, take it to a pro. You won’t regret it.

2. Problem with the Cycling

Ah, the notorious cycling problem. So, there I was, out in the field, and suddenly, the ammo just wouldn’t cycle. I tried firing, and nothing happened. 

In the heat of the moment, that’s super frustrating. I checked the chamber and realized it was dirtier than my garage floor. This is a common issue with Remington 750s—the chamber can get so mucked up that it messes with the cycling of your ammo.

Honestly, it makes you question the reliability of the firearm in crucial moments.


Alright, let’s get to fixing this mess. The first thing I did was give the entire rifle, especially the chamber, a thorough cleaning. I used Remington, Hornady, and Federal ammo but ensured they were high-power. 

Then, I switched out the old magazine springs for new ones. Since I started doing that, I haven’t had any cycling issues. But remember, this isn’t a one-and-done deal; you’ve got to make cleaning and oiling a routine. 

Also, do check that your gas ports are clear. Since I’ve been more diligent about this, the cycling problem has pretty much disappeared. So, roll up those sleeves and start cleaning!

3. Magazine Problem

Now let’s talk about the magazine issues. Yikes! I can’t count how many times I’ve been out there, all set, and boom—the ammo doesn’t even load into the magazine. 

But that’s not all. The lug at the bottom of the bolt leaves an ugly gouge on the shoulder of the cartridge. This is especially noticeable when you’ve got either one or three cartridges in the magazine. 

It’s a mess when you try to cycle the bolt back manually or after firing. Honestly, this malfunction had me doubting the firearm’s reliability, and I bet some of you have felt the same.


Okay, so what’s the fix? First things first, clean that magazine like it’s never been cleaned before. A ton of feeding problems come from simple dirt accumulation. Next, let’s talk about the gouging problem. 

This seems to be a factory defect, and let me tell you, getting aftermarket magazines made a world of difference. I went ahead and tried magazines from Midwest Gunworks, specifically the Triple K ones. 

I can’t stress this enough—skip the Remington magazines, seriously. Since I made the switch and kept things clean, my magazine woes have been pretty much history. So, two simple steps: clean ’em and replace ’em.

4. Jamming Issue

Ah, the jamming issue—the bane of my Remington 750 experience. It feels like the gun is having its own bad day when this happens. 

The first shot usually goes off without a hitch, but then, four times out of five, the cartridge jams. The slide doesn’t go back far enough to either eject the spent shell or get the next one ready. 

Talk about a letdown! And let’s not forget those moments when the gun decides it doesn’t want to reset the firing pin. 


Alright, let’s tackle this headache. Turns out, the extractor groove dimensions are a real weak point here, and the extractor itself? Let’s just say it’s not your best friend. I found that removing a few coils from the main spring helped a bit. 

Though it’s not the ideal long-term fix, it got the job done temporarily. I also tried replacing the extractor and noticed a significant improvement. 

Lastly, don’t overlook the type of ammo you’re using. I switched to CCI for a few hundred rounds and found they had the extra oomph needed for better cycling. 

So, it’s a three-step plan: tweak the main spring, consider replacing the extractor, and maybe test other ammo. Keep these in mind; you’re less likely to end up in a jam—literally.

5. Firing Problem

The firing problem in the Remington 750 had me scratching my head, let me tell you. Everything seems good to go, and then, out of nowhere, misfires or no fires at all. 

In the heat of the action, that’s more than just annoying—it’s downright disappointing. Whether I’m at the range or out in the field, a firearm that doesn’t fire reliably is practically useless. 

Trust me, it’s a predicament that makes you wonder why you even lugged the thing around in the first place.


So, how did I get around this mess? After digging, I discovered that many firing issues stem from simple neglect, like not properly cleaning and lubricating the firing pin and chamber. 

Regular maintenance turned out to be a game-changer. Another big improvement came from quality ammo. I found that not all ammo is created equal, and selecting the right one can make all the difference. 

No more cheap stuff for me! Investing in high-quality ammunition did wonders for the firing consistency. Summing it up, clean your firearm regularly and be picky with your ammo. Simple changes, but trust me, they make a world of difference.

Final Verdict

The Remington 750 is a mixed bag, no doubt. When it works well, it’s a fantastic piece of machinery. But let’s face it: it comes with its own set of challenges. 

Trigger issues, cycling problems, magazine mishaps, jamming, and firing inconsistencies can make you question your decision to invest in this firearm. However, here’s the kicker: many of these problems are solvable. 

My time in the field has taught me that a little maintenance, the right ammo, and some professional intervention can go a long way. So, while the Remington 750 might not be perfect right out of the box, with some TLC, it’s a formidable choice for any gun enthusiast. 

The key takeaway is simple: don’t write off the Remington 750 based on these issues alone. Know the problems, apply the fixes, and you’ve got yourself a reliable firearm.


Did Remington discontinue the 750?

Yes, production of the Remington 750 was discontinued in 2015.

When was the Remington 750 made?

The Remington 750 was introduced in 2006 and was followed by the 750 Synthetic in 2007.

How many rounds does a Remington 750 hold?

The Remington 750 has a magazine capacity of 4 rounds.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

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