5 Common Remington 522 Viper Problems And How To Fix Them

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I’ve had the chance to test out the Remington 522 Viper in various settings and let me tell you, it’s an interesting piece to have in your collection. 

While the design and feel were initially impressive, I quickly found some Remington 522 Viper Problems like any other piece of equipment.

Some of these are minor, while others can seriously affect your shooting experience. The key issues I’ve encountered include firing problems, issues with the trigger, cycling shell complications, extraction failures, and jamming issues. Yeah, it’s quite a list.

I want to help you get the most out of your Remington 522 Viper. In this article, I’ll break down each of these common problems, explain why they happen, and give you some solid solutions to make your time on the range or in the field as smooth as possible.

Overview of the Problems & their Solutions

Firing ProblemClean the firing pin and chamber after every use.
Issue with the TriggerDisassemble, clean, and lubricate the trigger assembly.
Problem with Cycling ShellsCheck the magazine; clean and lube the chamber.
Extraction FailureReplace the extractor spring; clean and lube assembly.
Jamming IssueClean feed ramp and ensure the magazine is aligned.

Top 5 Remington 522 Problems & Solutions

1. Firing Problem

Let’s talk about firing failure. This issue has cropped up more times than I’d like during my field experiences with the Remington 522 Viper. 

You line up your shot, get ready to pull the trigger, and…nothing. Quite frustrating, right? Firing failure can be a serious drawback, especially when you’re out hunting or practicing. 

Not only does it spoil your shooting rhythm, but it also casts a cloud of unreliability over the firearm itself.


Now for the good part: how to fix it. After some trial and error, I found that regular cleaning of the firing pin and chamber played a significant role in reducing these firing failures. 

Dirt and residue can accumulate pretty quickly, affecting the firing mechanism. Here’s my tested solution: Give the firing pin and chamber a thorough cleaning with a good-quality solvent and a brush after every use. 

And don’t forget the light coating of oil before reassembly. This has considerably cut down on the instances of firing failure in my subsequent uses. 

Trust me, a little maintenance goes a long way in keeping things smooth.

2. Issue with the Trigger

Ah, the trigger. One of the most essential parts of any firearm, right? So when it’s acting up, it’s a big deal. In my experience with the Remington 522 Viper, I had instances where the trigger felt unusually stiff or even somewhat unpredictable. 

Now, this isn’t something you want to deal with when you’re aiming for precision. 

The irregularity in the trigger’s resistance and pull disrupted my focus and really threw off my shots. I’ve got to say, it was quite the annoyance.


So what’s the fix? After taking the firearm apart to inspect the trigger assembly, I discovered that good cleaning and lubrication helped to some extent. 

Take the trigger assembly out and clean it using a proper gun cleaner. Make sure to scrub away any grime or residue that may have built up over time. After that, apply a thin layer of gun-specific lubricant to the moving parts. 

Not too much—just enough to smoothen the action. In my case, this simple cleaning routine made a noticeable difference. The trigger action became more consistent, helping me shoot more confidently.

3. Problem with Cycling the Shells

Moving on to another pesky issue: cycling the shells. When I was out in the field with the Remington 522 Viper, I realized that cycling shells was a problem. 

You shoot, and the next round doesn’t load up as it should, or it does, but way too slowly. It’s a real headache, especially when you’re in a situation where timing is crucial. 

At first, I thought it was just a one-off thing, but then it kept happening. The inconsistency made it hard to enjoy my time shooting, and I found myself becoming wary of this gun’s reliability.


Now, let’s get to solving this. I went back to basics and looked into the feed mechanism and magazine. The first step in solving this issue was ensuring that the magazine was in tip-top shape. 

A bent or damaged magazine can throw off the entire shell cycling process. Next, I cleaned and lubricated the chamber and feed ramp. A little grime in either part can significantly slow the cycling process. 

After these tweaks, the problem started to fade away. Just these simple maintenance steps helped the shells cycle more reliably, restoring some of my faith in this firearm.

4. Extraction Failure

Alright, let’s talk about extraction failure. This one’s a real mood-killer. You pull the trigger, and the gun fires, but the spent shell casing doesn’t eject as it should. 

Instead, it stays put, mocking you. This happened to me more than a couple of times when I was out using the Remington 522 Viper. To say it’s irritating would be an understatement. 

It disrupts the entire shooting process, forcing you to manually remove the spent casing before you can proceed. Plus, it’s not something you want to deal with when aiming for a smooth and enjoyable shooting experience.


Here’s what worked for me. I started with a detailed inspection of the extractor and ejector. Sometimes, a weakened spring or an obstructed ejector channel is the culprit. 

So make sure you check these out. I replaced the extractor spring and gave the entire assembly a good cleaning. After that, I lubed the necessary parts to make sure everything moved freely. 

These steps made a world of difference. My extraction problems became less frequent, letting me enjoy my time at the range with fewer interruptions. It’s a little bit of work, but the payoff is well worth it.

5. Jamming Issue

Finally, let’s address the jamming issue. Picture this—you’re lined up for the perfect shot, you pull the trigger, and then… ugh, a jam. 

This happened to me a handful of times, and each was as frustrating as the last. It’s not only inconvenient but also really breaks the flow of your shooting session. 

When you’re out in the field, the last thing you want is to deal with a jammed firearm. It’s a setback that makes you question the reliability of the Remington 522 Viper as a whole.


Alright, so what’s the fix? After going through this hassle, I decided to take matters into my own hands. I found that cleaning the feed ramp and ensuring the magazine was perfectly aligned helped significantly. 

If the feed ramp is dirty or the magazine is even slightly misaligned, it increases the chances of a jam. So, my tested solution involved giving the feed ramp a good scrub and double-checking that the magazine clicks into place securely. 

This simple routine reduced my jamming issues considerably. It might not be a magic cure, but it’s a start to regaining trust in the reliability of this firearm.

Final Verdict

So there you have it, folks. The Remington 522 Viper is a mixed bag. It’s got some great qualities—it feels good in the hand, is easy to carry, and initially impresses with its design. 

However, it also comes with its fair share of issues—firing failure, trigger inconsistency, cycling shell problems, extraction failures, and jamming issues. Yet, none of these are insurmountable. Most of them can be fixed with regular maintenance and DIY troubleshooting. 

If you’re willing to invest the time in upkeep, the Remington 522 Viper can be a reliable piece for hunting or target practice. 

With proper care, this firearm can serve you well, but if you’re looking for something that’s hassle-free from the get-go, you might want to consider other options.


How far is .22 accurate?

It is Considered accurate at 50 yards if it posts a sub-one-inch group.

How far can a 22 barrel shoot?

A .22 LR bullet can travel more than 1 mile (1.6 km).

How long is the barrel on a Remington 522 Viper?

Its barrel length is 20 inches (510 mm).

What ammo does a Remington 522 Viper use?

It is Chambered for the .22 Long Rifle cartridge.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

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