6 Common Ruger SR1911 Problems You Must Be Aware of

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I’ve been out in the field, putting the Ruger SR1911 through its paces. Let me tell you, it’s a fine piece of machinery that’s caught my eye for quite some time, but it’s not without some problems. Don’t get me wrong; it has its strong points. But, like anything, it’s not perfect.

I came across a handful of Ruger SR1911 Problems while using this bad boy. The list includes jamming, problems with the trigger, ejection issues, magazine issues, slide problems, and feeding issues. 

The aim of this article is to walk you through each problem I’ve found and provide easy-to-follow solutions. 

Overview of Ruger SR1911 Problems & their Solutions

JammingAdjust thumb placement and consider switching ammo.
Trigger IssueReplace the entire trigger assembly.
Ejection IssueReplace extractor, clean chamber, and use better ammo.
Magazine WoesGently insert until it clicks, then release the slide.
Slide ProblemsCheck slide stop pins and possibly consult a professional.
Feeding IssueSwap the magazine and consider polishing the feed ramp.

Top 6 Ruger SR1911 Problems & Solutions

1. Jamming Problem

Ah, the jamming issue; this one gave me a real headache. So, there I was at the range, and suddenly, my SR1911 wouldn’t fire; the trigger was stuck. 

The first thing that crossed my mind was: “Is it the safety?” Well, sort of. This problem mainly happened when I changed my grip. 

It’s a common issue, especially within the break-in period—usually the first 400-500 rounds. And guess what? The magazine lip distance and the type of ammo you’re using can also be culprits.


Alright, let’s fix this, shall we? First, mind your thumb placement. Make sure it’s not riding on the safety when you’re firing; that solved half my problem right there. Also, be cautious when changing grips. 

About the magazine lip, if it’s too narrow, try another mag before you go widening the gap; you don’t want to void that warranty.

Lastly, don’t be shy about switching ammo brands. These tweaks made a world of difference for me, and I bet they will for you, too.

2. Trigger Issue

So, let’s talk about that shaky trigger, shall we? When I first noticed it, I thought, “Okay, this can’t be right.” 

A bit of side-to-side play is fine, but when the trigger feels like it’s about to start a dance party, you’ve got a problem.

At first, I thought this was just the nature of the SR1911, but don’t be fooled. While it’s true that the trigger has a bit of natural, free play, excessive movement is a red flag. And trust me, it can be distracting, even if it doesn’t mess with your shot accuracy.


Now, for the fix. I was hesitant, but I went ahead and replaced the entire trigger assembly. You could still feel a smidge of movement, but nothing like before. The result? A smooth, crisp trigger pull that felt just right. 

No more second-guessing or distractions. But, before you do any of this, remember you might void your warranty if you tinker with the gun too much. 

So proceed with caution, or consult a professional if you’re unsure. It worked wonders for me, and I’m pretty sure it’ll do the same for you.

3. Ejection Issue

Oh man, the ejection issue had me really scratching my head. Picture this: you pull the trigger, and the round goes off, but then the spent casing doesn’t budge. You’re left there shaking your gun like a salt shaker, and it’s far from amusing.

 Turns out, I wasn’t alone; a lot of Ruger SR1911 users have faced this same issue. The common culprits? Extractor issues, a dirty chamber, crummy ammo, and wonky recoil springs. 

Each one can mess up the ejection process in its own way, leaving you frustrated and disappointed with your firearm.


Alright, let’s get down to business. First things first, I took a look at the extractor. A quick replacement, and bam, ejection got noticeably better. 

Next up, I gave the chamber a thorough cleaning, getting rid of all the gunk and debris. Improvement? You bet. For ammo, I switched to a higher-quality brand and instantly saw a difference. 

And finally, I tackled the recoil spring. Got myself one with the right weight for the SR1911, and it was like night and day. 

Now, the gun ejects casings like a pro. If you’re facing this issue, give these steps a try. It turned my experience around, and I’m pretty sure it’ll do the same for you.

4. Magazine Problem

Ah, yes, the notorious magazine issue. I noticed the SR1911 wasn’t going into battery, and you guessed it, feeding failure followed.

 Being used to other guns where slamming in the magazine sorts things out, I did the same here. Big mistake! That forceful insertion seemed to make the problem worse, not better. 

So, if you’re out there thinking you can go full “Rambo” on this one, think again.


So here’s the lowdown on what worked for me. Forget the forceful shoves; gently insert the magazine instead. Yeah, it felt a little counterintuitive at first, but trust me, gentleness works. 

Listen for the click sound to know it’s securely locked. After that, release the slide as you normally would. 

The mechanism took care of the rest, chambering a round automatically, and voila, problem solved! This simple adjustment in technique made all the difference, and I bet it’ll sort you out, too.

5. Slide Problem

Let’s chat about another headache: the slide malfunction. It’s not every day you expect the slide on your trusty SR1911 to go haywire, right? Yet, that’s exactly what happened during one of my range visits.

The issue? The slide stop pin had fallen out. Seriously, the stop pin, a tiny piece, can mess up your whole day, and it’s a common issue with this model.


So, how do we go about fixing this? It’s simple, but you’ll have to roll up your sleeves a bit. First, disassemble the necessary parts of the gun. 

You’re going to want to take a good look at the slide mechanism. Keep an eye out for the slide stop pins and see if they’re correctly engaging with the barrel toggle link. 

If it’s a simple fix, go ahead and correct it. If you’re not comfortable diving this deep into your firearm, get some professional help. I’d recommend reaching out to Ruger or a local gunsmith. They can sort this out for you, no fuss, no muss.

6. Feeding Issue

Ah, the dreaded feeding issue! It’s like a thorn in your side that just won’t go away. Trust me, I’ve been there. It’s a well-known issue with the Ruger SR1911, and you’ll probably face it at least once during your time with this firearm. 

I noticed mine was particularly fussy during its break-in period. Imagine being excited about your new gun, only for it to turn all temperamental on you. For me, the issue seemed to be the magazine, but sometimes it’s as complicated as a rough feed ramp or even the wrong type of ammo.


What’s the game plan here? Well, first off, be patient during that 400-500 round breaking-in period that Ruger talks about. Stick to the owner’s manual. 

If you’re still experiencing problems, try swapping out the magazine. When I did that, it was like night and day. If that doesn’t do the trick, check out the feed ramp. 

A quick polish might be all it needs. And please, do use the recommended bullets during this early stage. It makes a world of difference, believe me.


Let’s be real here. The Ruger SR1911 is an impressive firearm. From its sharp looks to its reliable performance, it’s a solid choice for anyone looking to invest in a 1911-style pistol. 

But perfection is hard to come by, and this gun has its own set of problems. Lucky for us, these problems are fixable. Whether it’s the jamming issue that makes you want to scream or the wobbly trigger that makes you second guess your shots, solutions are at hand. 

Swapping out the magazine, adjusting your grip, or even consulting a professional for more in-depth fixes can turn things around. 


Are Ruger SR1911 a good gun?

Yes, it’s a good handgun, verging on great, especially for its value.

Are Ruger 1911 cast or forged?

The frame of the SR1911 is cast stainless steel.

Does the Ruger SR1911 have a firing pin block?

No, it features a titanium firing pin and heavy firing pin spring instead.

Is Ruger SR1911 full size?

Yes, it weighs 39 oz.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

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