5 Common Remington 1911 R1 Problems And How To Fix Them

Last Update:

I’ve spent much time with the Remington 1911 R1 out on the shooting range and in various conditions. While this is a robust and generally reliable firearm, I noticed it wasn’t without its challenges.

I encountered a few issues that I feel need attention. The Remington 1911 R1 Problems ranged from failures to fire and feeding issues to grip discomfort, ejection issues, and jamming. Trust me, I’ve seen it all with this one.

I want to help you avoid or fix these problems if you plan to use a Remington 1911 R1. 

In this article, I’ll break down each problem and offer practical solutions. Stick with me; this will be a helpful read.

Overview of the Problems & their Solutions 

Failure To FireCheck and clean the firing pin; inspect ammo.
Feeding ProblemEnsure clean, compatible ammo; inspect rounds.
Issue with the GripConsider aftermarket grip panels; replace worn grips.
Ejection IssueClean chamber; adjust or replace the extractor.
Jamming ProblemClean thoroughly; check the extractor and improve grip.

Top 5 Remington 1911 R1 Problems & Solutions

1. Failure To Fire

Let’s dive into a problem that really gave me pause: Failure To Fire, or FTF for short. During my time with the Remington 1911 R1, this issue popped up more than I’d have liked. 

You’re aiming, you pull the trigger, and instead of a bang, you’re greeted by a pretty disappointing “click.” It’s frustrating and could be dangerous if you rely on this firearm for self-defense. This isn’t a problem to take lightly.


Now, on to solutions. If you’ve found yourself in this situation, the first thing to do is keep your cool. Panic won’t help. I started by checking the firing pin, making sure it wasn’t broken or dirty. If it’s broken, you’ll need to replace it. 

No two ways about it. It was a bit fouled up, so I cleaned it using a toothbrush and solvent. That did the trick for me. It’s also wise to consider other common factors like ammunition issues or a worn-out mainspring. 

In short, proper maintenance and pre-shooting checks can go a long way in avoiding this issue. Trust me, a bit of prep work can save you from a lot of headaches down the line.

2. Feeding Problem

Let’s talk about another sticky situation: Failure to Feed (FTF). Now, this isn’t just a 

Remington 1911 R1 problem; it’s something you can run into with many firearms. 

In my time with the Remington, it happened a couple of times. I’d be in the middle of a shooting session, and boom—or rather, no boom. 

The gun just wouldn’t load the next round. Definitely makes you lose your groove, you know?


Here’s the good news: there are ways around this. First off, the ammo could be the culprit. I found that using dirty or old ammunition really messed things up. 

So, the first order of business? Inspect your ammo. Make sure it’s clean, fresh, and fits your gun’s specs. If you’re dealing with full metal jackets, ensure they’re of the right caliber and not too short. 

I took the time to inspect and clean my ammo, and let me tell you, it made a world of difference. Afterward, no more feeding issues. So, just a bit of care here really goes a long way.

3. Issue with the Grip 

So, let’s chat about something that’s equally vital but often overlooked: the grip. Don’t expect pinpoint accuracy if you’re not holding your Remington 1911 R1 right. 

I’ve noticed that this firearm’s grip texture can be a bit smooth. It’s not terrible, but you might start to feel that slip when you’re shooting rounds back to back. It’s a minor yet impactful detail, especially in a situation where you need precision. 

Another thing I bumped into was wear and tear on the grip panels. Over time, small cracks and chips started to appear, making the hold uncomfortable and less secure.


Alright, so how do we tackle these grip issues? Well, for starters, if you’re finding the texture too smooth, aftermarket grip panels with a rougher texture can be your friend. I tried them, and I couldn’t believe the immediate difference it made. 

No more slippage and my shots were noticeably more accurate. Now, when it comes to wear and tear on the original grip panels, your best bet is to replace them before they cause further issues. It’s a straightforward swap, and you’ll feel the comfort right away. 

Trust me, it’s worth the time and effort to get this right.

4. Ejection Issue

Let’s talk about another annoying issue: Failure To Eject. This is when the spent casing sticks around like a bad habit instead of exiting the gun.

I noticed this while I was testing the Remington 1911 R1, and let me tell you, it threw me off. 

It’s not just about the jam; it impacts your shooting rhythm and can reduce accuracy. The causes are dirty chambers, tension issues with the extractor, and sometimes even weak springs.


So, what to do? First up, I made it a point to clean the chamber thoroughly. Trust me, even minor dirt accumulation can wreak havoc. 

Next, I inspected the extractor for proper tension and alignment. In my case, a little adjustment got it back in working order. 

If the spring seems weak, don’t hesitate to replace it. Just these basic checks and balances can drastically reduce the risk of failure to eject. Don’t underestimate the power of good maintenance.

5. Jamming Problem

Now, let’s dive into one of the most aggravating problems you could face while shooting: the dreaded jamming. 

When I took the Remington 1911 R1 out for a spin, guess what? It jammed on me more than once. So frustrating! The gun wouldn’t cycle the next round, or the spent casing got stuck. 

Now, many things can cause this: a dirty gun, extractor issues, or even something as simple as an improper grip.


First things first, cleaning. Seriously, don’t underestimate the importance of a clean firearm. I disassembled the gun and got to work, focusing on the chamber, barrel, and trigger mechanism. What a difference that made! 

Also, I took a close look at the extractor, and it was a little off. Replacing it sorted out a big part of the jamming issue. Lastly, don’t ignore your grip and shooting technique. 

I realized that a slight adjustment to my stance and grip did wonders. So, there you go: clean meticulously, scrutinize that extractor, and keep your grip solid. Simple fixes can save you a lot of headaches down the line.

Final Verdict

Alright, here’s the deal. The Remington 1911 R1 is no pushover. It’s a sturdy, reliable firearm that packs a good punch, and you can feel that the moment you get your hands on it. However, it’s not without its fair share of issues. 

From failures to fire and feed to grip discomfort and ejection issues, there are a few hurdles that you might come across. I don’t want to alarm you; these problems aren’t insurmountable. 

In fact, with the right upkeep and a few tweaks, you can transform this piece into a seamless shooting machine. Just keep up with regular cleaning, inspect your ammo, and pay attention to your grip and shooting stance. 

Do these, and you’ll dodge most of the issues I came across. So overall, while not perfect, the Remington 1911 R1 is still a strong contender in its category.


What is the 1911 R1 used for? 

The 1911 R1 is primarily used as a target pistol and is easy to control due to its heavier design.

Is the Remington R1 1911 a good gun? 

Yes, the Remington R1 1911 offers solid performance at a modest price, making it a good choice for many.

Does Remington still make the R1 pistol? 

Yes, it’s currently offered in 5-inch Government and 4¼-inch Commander models.

What is the standard Remington 1911 R1? 

The standard model has an 8½-inch length, 5-inch barrel, and weighs 38½ oz empty.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

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