6 Most Common Mossberg MC2C Problems And How To Fix Them

Last Update:

I recently had the chance to test out the Mossberg MC2C and let me tell you, it’s a fascinating piece of hardware. It feels great in the hand, but during my time with it, I stumbled across a few issues that some of you might relate to. 

From not returning to battery to ejection failure, I’ve experienced a handful of concerns that need addressing. Don’t worry; I will not just complain about these issues. I’m here to offer some practical solutions to help you get that pistol running smoothly.

I want to guide you through the problems I encountered and offer you solutions that work. Stick around, and by the end, you’ll have a handy guide to troubleshooting your Mossberg MC2C.

Overview of Mossberg MC2C Issues & Solutions

Mossberg MC2C ProblemsSolutions 
Not Returning To BatteryClean extractor and switch to quality ammo.
Feeding IssueReplace magazine spring and clean chamber.
Trigger ProblemUse Mcarbo spring kit and clean components.
Light Primer StrikesLubricate striker and try different ammo.
Firing Pin ProblemClean around firing pin and lubricate.
Ejection FailureReplace recoil spring and use quality ammo.

Top 6 Mossberg MC2C Problems & Solutions

1. Not Returning To Battery

Ah, the good ol’ failure to return to battery issue. So there I was, at the range, aiming down my sights. I pulled the trigger, and bam, nothing happened. 

It’s frustrating, to say the least. I looked at the slide, and it hadn’t returned to the battery position. Trust me, it can throw you off your game. 

For me, the main culprit appeared to be a stiff extractor spring. But it’s not just that; incorrect ammunition and a dirty extractor could also cause this issue. Even your grip matters here. Yeah, it’s a pain.


So, how did I tackle this headache? First things first, I took out the pin from the slide and gave it a good cleaning. It’s crucial to ensure no gunk is under the extractor or around the pin. And it did wonders for me. 

Also, switching to quality ammunition made a significant difference. Now, in case you find yourself stuck in the same spot and need a quick fix, just give the back of the slide a gentle bump. 

It will push the slide all the way forward, allowing you to fire that next round. It’s a temporary fix, but it’ll get the job done when you’re in a pinch.

2. Feeding Issue

So, another issue I ran into was the failure to feed. You’re shooting just fine one moment, and the next, you’re jammed up. The next round doesn’t make it into the chamber, or if it does, it doesn’t sit properly. 

Let’s be real; this is incredibly annoying. In my case, it seemed like the magazine springs were the weak link. But sometimes, it was more than that—like the extractor not grabbing the cartridge rim correctly.

Oh, and let’s not overlook limp wristing. Yes, your grip can also mess this up. Believe me, it’s not a situation you want to be in, especially if you need to rely on your firearm for safety.


Alright, so how do we fix this mess? For starters, I replaced the magazine spring, which made a difference. If you’re still facing the issue, having a qualified gunsmith check out your extractor might be worth. 

I did that, too. Cleaning was another key part. You’d be surprised how much dirt and grease can accumulate around the chamber. So I gave it a thorough clean, and guess what? It worked like a charm. Lastly, grip matters. 

So, practicing a firmer grip on the gun also helped eliminate the problem for me. Do these things, and chances are, you’ll turn this feeding fiasco around.

3. Trigger Problem

You know, when you’re on the range, the trigger is pretty much your best friend. So, imagine my frustration when the trigger on the Mossberg MC2C failed to reset. Yep, that’s right. I pulled it, and it wouldn’t go back into place, making it impossible to fire the next round. It felt like the transfer bar was sticking, and the disconnector was causing the trigger to feel weirdly rough. Oh, and don’t even get me started on the trigger pull weight. We’re talking 7 to 8 lbs. here. Plus, the plastic sear added a weird feel to it.


So, how did I get this sorted? First, I grabbed the Mcarbo trigger spring kit, which did wonders for reducing that insane trigger pull weight. But the trigger still felt a bit gritty, so I went in for a deeper clean. I flushed out the trigger and striker with some Kroil penetrating oil. 

As a final touch, I used 3K grit emery paper to smooth out any roughness on the firing pin safety bump and cruciform. 

Now the trigger feels much smoother, and the reset issue? Gone. So, if you’re facing the same problems, try these fixes. Trust me; you won’t regret it.

4. Light Primer Strikes

Ah, the infamous light primer strike. Let me tell you, this one had me scratching my head for a bit. I’d pull the trigger, expecting a bang, but all I got was a faint click. In this gun, light primer strikes can happen for a variety of reasons. 

It could be the firing pin failing to ignite the primer, or maybe the primer itself isn’t seated correctly. And don’t rule out a dirty chamber or a dud primer. 

These issues can bring your shooting experience to a screeching halt, making it super frustrating when you’re trying to enjoy some quality time on the range.


So, what’s the game plan to fix this? First, I took out the striker from the slide and applied some lubrication to the surfaces that showed signs of friction. 

I followed it up with some test firing, using different brands of ammo. Improvement? You bet! But if you still find yourself in light primer strike territory, it might be time to contact Mossberg directly. 

I didn’t need to, but replacing the factory striker spring could be your next move. If you find yourself in a similar situation, try these steps. They’ve worked for me, and they’ll probably work for you too.

5. Firing Pin Problem

You wouldn’t believe the snag I hit with the firing pin on my Mossberg MC2C. Seriously, it’s like the heart of the gun, right? When it acts up, you’ve got issues. 

So, yeah, I had instances where the firing pin got stuck. Sometimes, the gun misfired; other times, it didn’t fire at all. Talk about frustrating! A stuck firing pin can happen for various reasons. 

Debris and fouling are usual suspects. But you can’t rule out wear and tear or even something wrong with the gun’s firing mechanism.


Now, onto the fixes. First, I made sure to check for any obstructions or debris around the firing pin. A quick cleaning often solves the problem. 

But sometimes, you’ve got to go deep. I disassembled the gun and cleaned out the firing pin mechanism. For good measure, I also made sure to properly lubricate the parts. If you’re still in a jam after trying these steps, then it’s time to go pro.

A visit to a qualified gunsmith can identify and sort out any deeper issues. It worked for me, and it can likely work for you too.

6. Ejection Failure

Out in the field, there’s not much more aggravating than having a casing get stuck in the barrel. Yep, that’s a failure to eject, and I’ve been there with my Mossberg MC2C.

Imagine pulling the trigger, hearing the bang, and then nothing; the casing is stuck. Now you’re wrestling with the slide to try and kick that stubborn casing out. It’s a real inconvenience. 

The causes? It could be a number of things like weakened recoil springs, dodgy extractors, or even the wrong type of ammo. Oh, and if you didn’t cycle the slide fully after firing, you’re asking for trouble.


So, how did I deal with it? First off, I looked into the recoil spring. If that spring is weak, you’re setting yourself up for failure. I replaced mine and noticed a difference right away. Next, the extractor needed a once-over. 

Any grime or damage there can foul things up. Clean it or replace it, simple as that. Finally, the ammo; don’t cut corners here. 

I switched to high-quality, full-power ammunition and made sure to fully cycle the slide after each shot. It’s like night and day, really. Give these solutions a go, and you’re likely back in business.

Final Verdict

Alright, let’s wrap this up. Look, the Mossberg MC2C is a compelling firearm that ticks a lot of boxes for gun enthusiasts.

But it’s not without its flaws—something that isn’t too surprising for any piece of machinery. From failing to return to battery to light primer strikes, it gave me some headaches. However, here’s the thing: all of these issues were solvable, either with a simple cleaning routine or by upgrading a few parts. 

A little hands-on work made this gun perform much better, bringing it close to the reliable companion a shooter needs. 

So, is the Mossberg MC2C worth it? Given its strengths and the manageable nature of its weaknesses, I’d say it absolutely is, as long as you’re willing to invest the time to make it run smoothly.


Is Mossberg MC2c optic ready?

Yes, the MC2c has an optics-ready slide for easy mounting of Micro Dot optics.

Where is the Mossberg MC2c made?

The MC2c is made in America and features stainless-steel construction.

What is the pull weight of the MC2c trigger?

The MC2c has an approximate 5.5-pound trigger pull weight.

What is the difference between Mossberg MC2c and SC?

The MC2c is a compact-sized pistol with double-stack magazines, whereas the MC1sc is a subcompact version with single-stack magazines.

How many rounds does a Mossberg MC2c hold?

The MC2c has a magazine capacity of 13+1 with the smaller magazine and 15+1 with the extended magazine.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

2 thoughts on “6 Most Common Mossberg MC2C Problems And How To Fix Them”

  1. I actually have the striker issue. What i found today was the hole the striker comes through was filthy. I have to use a long q-tip to clean the striker hole from the back side. I also used a pick from the front and shipped away a bit of carbon that was lodged on the inside. I will do some test firing this weekend to see if this additional cleaning helped and report back.

    • Thanks so much for sharing your experience with the striker issue. It’s amazing how a little bit of cleaning can make a big difference, isn’t it? Using a long Q-tip and a pick to get rid of that pesky carbon buildup sounds like a smart move.

      I’m really looking forward to hearing how your test firing goes this weekend. Fingers crossed that the additional cleaning does the trick! Keep us posted, and happy shooting.


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