5 Canik TP9DA Problems You Must Be Aware of

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Let me tell you, after spending a significant amount of time testing the Canik TP9DA in the field, I’ve gotten quite familiar with this firearm. 

At first glance, everything seemed to be going well, but as I continued to put this handgun through its paces, I discovered a handful of Canik TP9DA Problems that seemed to be more common than I had anticipated. 

While using the Canik TP9DA, I encountered several common problems, including jamming issues, feeding problems, recoil spring concerns, slide locking glitches, and trigger difficulties. 

However, don’t worry! In this article, I’m going to discuss these issues in depth and provide practical solutions to help you overcome them.

Overview of Canik TP9DA Problems & their Solutions

Jamming IssueClean and lubricate, replace worn recoil spring.
Feeding ProblemClean magazines, replace if damaged.
Recoil Spring IssueApply lubricant, regular inspection, and maintenance.
Slide Locking ProblemReplace worn spring, adjust tension, replace damaged parts.
Trigger Issues Disassemble, clean, lubricate, reassemble, and test-fire.

Top 5 Canik TP9DA Problems & Solutions

1. Jamming Issue

IT PERFORMED WELL when I first took the Canik TP9DA out to the range. But soon, I began to notice jamming issues that just wouldn’t go away. The gun would often get stuck, refusing to cycle properly. 

I was puzzled and a bit frustrated, to be honest. I noticed that two factors were causing these jamming problems: first, there was insufficient lubrication, and second, the recoil spring was showing signs of wear. 

These things affected the gun’s performance, and I knew I had to find a solution.


So, I cleaned the gun and applied proper lubrication to the moving parts. It’s amazing how a little grease can make things run so much smoother! The gun began to perform better, but the worn recoil spring was still an issue. 

So I inspected it, found it worn out, and replaced it with a new one. Regular maintenance seemed to be key here, and after following these simple steps, the jamming issues were resolved. 

The Canik TP9DA was back to performing as it should, and I was relieved to have found an easy fix to these common problems.

2. Feeding Problem

During my time with the Canik TP9DA, I stumbled upon an unexpected issue that caught me off guard – Failure to Feed (FTF). I found that the gun was struggling to properly load ammunition, and it was clear that this was affecting the firearm’s overall functionality. 

I soon realized that magazine issues were the primary culprit. The magazines looked fine at a glance, but upon closer inspection, I saw that they were hiding some serious problems.


I knew I had to dive deep to address the FTF issues. I began by inspecting the magazines, checking for any dirt, debris, or bent lips. 

Sure enough, cleaning the magazines and ensuring that the springs were functioning properly made a huge difference. A replacement was the only option for one particularly troublesome magazine with cracked lips. 

These small adjustments proved the perfect solution for the FTF issues, and the gun was back in action. It’s incredible how something as simple as regular inspection and maintenance can significantly impact.

3. Recoil Spring Issue

While using the Canik TP9DA in various field tests, I was often perplexed by certain malfunctions like failures to cycle, feed, and eject properly. It wasn’t until I delved into the firearm’s mechanics that I realized the recoil spring was the culprit. 

The wear and tear it had suffered were beyond what I’d expected, and this weakened spring seriously affected the firearm’s performance. 


The solution was quite straightforward. Once I identified the recoil spring’s wear and tear, I knew proper lubrication was key. 

Applying a light coat of firearm-specific lubricant to the guide rod and the rails on the slide and frame made a significant difference. It’s a small step, but it transformed the gun’s performance. 

Regular maintenance like this is essential, and I can’t stress enough how important it is to keep an eye on those parts that are prone to wear. 

The Canik TP9DA was back to its best, and I was back to enjoying my time at the range.

4. Slide Locking Problem 

While using the Canik TP9DA, I encountered an issue that puzzled me – the slide just wouldn’t lock back. The failure of the slide to lock back after firing a round was troubling. 

I found several possible causes, including a worn firing pin safety plunger spring, an overly tight extractor claw tension screw, and potential wear or damage to the recoil spring assembly. 

These seemingly small issues had quite an impact on the overall functionality of the gun.


I systematically approached this problem, inspecting each potential cause in turn. First, I replaced the worn spring, which helped somewhat. Then I adjusted the extractor claw tension screw, making sure it wasn’t too tight. 

This made a noticeable difference. Finally, I examined the recoil spring assembly for any signs of wear or damage, replacing it as needed. 

The combination of these actions resolved the problem completely, and the slide was locked back as it should. Simple maintenance and a keen eye can go a long way in ensuring a firearm operates at its best.

5. Trigger Issues

I recall a rather perplexing issue with the Canik TP9DA’s trigger. A sensation that I could only describe as a “slap” to my finger while shooting. 

I couldn’t ignore the discomfort and its effect on my accuracy. I later learned this phenomenon is known as “trigger slap.” 

Beyond that, I detected some grittiness and over-travel in the trigger mechanism, which left me worried about the gun’s reliability in a critical moment.


To address the trigger slap, I followed the owner’s manual to safely disassemble the pistol. I paid special attention to the trigger and trigger bar, cleaning them thoroughly to remove any dirt or grime that might have been the culprit. 

Then, I generously lubricated the trigger mechanism with gun-specific lubricant. Once I reassembled the pistol and test-fired it, the slap was gone.

I was relieved and impressed at how a simple cleaning and lubrication process could resolve what felt like a major issue. It’s proof that regular maintenance and attention to detail can keep a firearm functioning smoothly.


The Canik TP9DA is undoubtedly a compelling firearm with its advantages and challenges. Through thorough field testing, I’ve grown to appreciate its unique design and performance capabilities. 

Yet, it clearly has its fair share of common problems, such as jamming, feeding issues, and trigger slap. However, this firearm stands out because each problem is solvable with proper care, maintenance, and attention to detail. 

The overall experience provides a balanced view, showcasing a firearm that might require some attention but ultimately delivers a satisfying performance.


What is the difference between Canik TP9DA and TP9SA?

Both have a 4″ barrel, but the TP9DA and V2 have two 18 round magazines, while the TP9SA has a 4.5″ barrel and is a single action striker.

Is the Canik TP9 a good gun?

Yes, the Canik TP9 Elite is a reliable and accurate gun for its reasonable price.

What country is Canik TP9 from?

Canik pistols, including the TP9, are manufactured in Turkey.

Are Canik guns reliable?

Yes, Canik guns, such as the TP9SF Elite, are reliable and accurate, although they might be heavier than other options for concealed carry.

How many rounds will a Canik last?

The Canik TP9SFx, a long slide competition-centric model, comes with an 18 round flush fit magazine capacity.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

5 thoughts on “5 Canik TP9DA Problems You Must Be Aware of”

  1. i have a canik tp9da, i like the gun have probly shot 400 rounds thru it, i just encountered 2 issues with it, 1 the recoil spring stuck to the recoil guide outside of the slide, so it actually went thru the little hole directly under the barrel . i took it apart and lubed the snot out of the spring, do you think i should replace the recoil spring? secondly the slide locks on the side would not release the slide to take apart the weopan. i had to cock and decock several time until it would actually release the slide,, do you think that is a lubrication issue? i did enjoy your artical

    • About the recoil spring wandering out of its place – that’s quite a situation! Good call on lubing it up, but considering it popped out like that, replacing it might not be a bad idea. Springs can wear out over time, especially after a few hundred rounds, and it’s always better to be on the safe side. A fresh recoil spring could make a world of difference and give you that extra peace of mind.

      Now, onto the slide lock issue. It’s a bit tricky, Sometimes, it’s just a matter of lubrication, as you suspected. If you’ve already given it a good lube job and it’s still being stubborn, there might be a bit more to it. It could be worth checking if there’s any wear or damage to the slide lock or its spring. If everything looks okay, keep an eye on it. If it keeps acting up, you might want to get it checked by a pro.

      • I just received the new recoil spring from canik, I compared the end of the old one to the end of the new one, the new one was noticeably larger, I am sure that fixed the problem, the turn around time from order to delivery from canik was approxamently 2 weeks. will go to the range this weekend to make sure. thank you for your advice.

        • Great to hear you got the new recoil spring from Canik. It sounds like that’ll solve the issue. Looking forward to hearing how it performs at the range this weekend.


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