6 Mossberg Silver Reserve Problems And How To Fix Them

Last Update:

I’ve had my time with the Mossberg Silver Reserve, and let me tell ya, it’s not all sunshine and roses. I took it out into the field, put it through its paces, and guess what? Some issues popped up that we need to talk about.

We’re talking about a safety lever issue, a stiff neck, and even problems with the firing pin. Oh, and let’s not forget the occasional firing failure and barrel alignment issues.

So, what’s the aim of this article? Simple. I want to give you the lowdown on these issues and how to fix them. Stay with me; you won’t regret it.

Overview of Mossberg Silver Reserve Issues & Solutions

Mossberg Silver Reserve ProblemsSolutions
Safety Lever ProblemDisassemble, lubricate, and properly tension the safety lever pin.
Stiff Neck ProblemClean and lubricate the neck thoroughly.
Gun Popping ProblemReplace the worn-out lever through a qualified gunsmith.
Firing Pin ProblemRemove broken pin, create a custom punch or consult a professional for replacement.
Firing FailureClear debris and check trigger; if problem persists, consult Mossberg for professional fix.
Barrel AlignmentDo not attempt DIY; consult a qualified gunsmith for professional barrel realignment.

Top 6 Mossberg Silver Reserve Problems & Solutions

1. Safety Lever Problem

Alright, first on the list is the safety lever issue. Man, let me tell you, this one’s a doozy. So, I’m out in the field and notice the safety lever feels wobbly. 

Guess what happens next? The darn thing just pops out of position. Yeah, you heard that right. This is no small issue, folks. The safety lever is what keeps the trigger locked in the safe position. If that goes haywire, we’re talking about a risky situation. 

Imagine going for a hunt and finding out your safety mechanism isn’t all that “safe.” Yikes!


So, here’s how I tackled it. Grab a screwdriver and disassemble the Mossberg. Use an eight-millimeter socket, with extensions, to take the shotgun apart. You’ll notice a piece on the safety lock that slips off pretty easily. 

Just lube it up, put the lever back, and then tension the pin properly. After doing this, I noticed the lever was way more secure. 

Trust me, it made a world of difference. It’s not rocket science, but you’ve got to pay attention while doing it. And voila, safety is restored!

2. Stiff Neck Problem

Next up, let’s talk about the stiff neck issue. Boy, was this one annoying? Whether it’s a new gun or one that you’ve put some miles on, the neck can get really stubborn. 

It’s like it just doesn’t want to budge. There I was, out in the field, and I had to actually rest the gun on my leg to open it up. 

That’s not ideal, especially if you’re in the middle of an active hunting scenario. You’ve got to use some serious muscle to load and unload this bad boy, and that’s not something you want to be dealing with, trust me.


Alright, so how did I tackle this head-scratcher? First things first, I gave it a good cleaning. 

Seems basic, but you’d be surprised how many people overlook this step. 

Then, I got some quality lubricant and oiled up all the moving parts. And not just a quick spray; I really got in there. If this happens while you’re at the range, just pack it up for the day. 

Head home and clean out any debris, then oil up that neck to eliminate any friction. Simple, right? Yet, it makes a huge difference.

3. Gun Popping Problem

Here’s another issue that made me raise my eyebrows: the gun popped open right after the shooting. No joke, this happened and is as dangerous as it sounds. 

So there I am, feeling confident with my shot, and bam! The gun just pops open. The lever on top had shifted to the center or a bit left, and that was the culprit. 

Now, this can be downright hazardous if you’re out hunting or at the range. The last thing you want is for your shotgun to betray you right when you need it the most. Let’s just say it throws you off balance and shakes your confidence.


Alright, time to get down to fixing it. First off, the lever needs replacing. It’s worn out; it’s had its day. Give it a gentle push and see if it locks in. No luck? Time to head to a gunsmith and swap out that locking bolt. 

Don’t mess around with this; get it done by a professional. That’s what I did. After the replacement, the gun stayed shut when it was supposed to, and I was back to shooting with peace of mind. Trust me, this fix is a game-changer.

4. Problem with the Firing Pin

Here’s an issue that can turn a good day bad real quick: a broken firing pin. This happened to me, and let me tell you, it’s frustrating. 

So, what’s going on? The pin gets stuck in the action slot and doesn’t retract as it should. Picture this: you’re ready to take your shot, you pull the trigger, and nothing. 

The pin is stuck, and it’s under tons of pressure because it’s not moving. What’s worse? When you try to open up the shotgun, that’s when it breaks. 


So, how do you fix this mess? First, the Mossberg Silver Reserve has a retaining firing pin, meaning you must remove it manually if it’s stuck and broken. Forget using a straight punch; it’s not as easy as it sounds. 

I had to get a little creative and made a custom pin punch out of some old wire, bending it just so. But if that’s not your style, definitely get some professional help. Once you get that broken pin out, replace it with a new one, and you’re golden. 

This might seem like a pain, but trust me, it’s well worth it to get your firearm back in tip-top shape.

5. Firing Failure

Alright, folks, here’s another one that threw me for a loop: failure to fire. Imagine, you’re all set, 

you pull the trigger, and…nothing. 

In my case, the trigger just couldn’t grasp the hammer release. It’s the kind of issue that makes you scratch your head.

The likely culprit? A bit of debris or some kind of foreign material jammed in the firing mechanism under the chrome piece. One moment, you’re all systems go, and the next, your shotgun decides to take a little break.


Okay, now let’s talk solutions. First off, open up that shotgun and eyeball the trigger and hammer release. Is there some gunk in there? Get it out. Next, check if the trigger sits flat. It’s vital. 

Did you take these steps but still have issues? Well, it’s time to send your shotgun off to Mossberg for a professional fix. I did exactly that, and let’s just say the problem’s now history. 

No more holding my breath every time I pull the trigger. So if you find yourself in this predicament, don’t hesitate—get it sorted.

6. Barrel Alignment Problem

So here’s a bit of a curveball: barrel alignment problems. Trust me, this one’s as tricky as they come. At first glance, everything seems fine, but take it out for a few rounds, and you notice something’s off. 

Your shots aren’t landing where they should. It’s as if your aim’s gone haywire, but it’s not you; it’s the gun. It turns out that the barrels can be misaligned right from the factory, which messes with your accuracy big time. 

It’s like the gun’s throwing you a curve, and not in a good way.


Now, what do you do? First things first, don’t try fixing this yourself; you’ll just dig yourself into a deeper hole. The real solution is to get a qualified gunsmith involved. 

These pros will disassemble the shotgun, line up those barrels just right, and put it all back together. I went through the process myself, and it’s like I’ve got a new gun. 

My accuracy is back on point, and I couldn’t be happier. So if you’re dealing with this issue, don’t put it off; get it sorted by a professional.

Final Thoughts

So, there you have it. The Mossberg Silver Reserve is a mixed bag. On one hand, this shotgun boasts solid build quality and some really nice features that make it appealing. However, my time in the field has shown me it’s not without its problems. 

We’re talking about safety lever issues, stiff necks, firing pin complications, firing failures, and barrel alignment glitches. But here’s the kicker: none of these issues are insurmountable.

While it might feel like you’ve got a lemon at first, most of these problems can be solved either through DIY fixes or with the help of a qualified gunsmith. 

Once you’ve ironed out these bumps, the Mossberg Silver Reserve becomes the reliable, functional firearm it was meant to be. Would I recommend it? If you’re okay with a bit of tinkering and don’t mind making a trip to the gunsmith, then yes, it can be a great option. 


Is the Mossberg Silver Reserve II a good gun? 

Yes, the Mossberg Silver Reserve II is a decent firearm but may require some fixes.

Who makes Mossberg Silver Reserve II? 

Mossberg’s International division imports the Silver Reserve II from Kahn in Istanbul, Turkey.

What is the difference between Mossberg Gold and Silver Reserve? 

Silver Reserve guns offer more gauge options and are more basic, while the Gold Series guns are more aesthetically pleasing.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

2 thoughts on “6 Mossberg Silver Reserve Problems And How To Fix Them”

  1. Thanks for the heads up, Michael. I’m looking at the Turkey version of this gun. I’m switching from a Browning Citori, which I found to be an open field gun not a run & gun type of weapon that I won’t be worrying if I scratch it up a bit. I’ll probably miss the ejectors but not the weight.

    • Glad you found it helpful! Switching to the Mossberg for a more rugged, worry-free experience sounds like a good move. You might miss the Citori’s ejectors, but the trade-off could be worth it. Let me know how it goes.


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