4 Common Remington 760 Gamemaster Problems And How To Fix Them

Last Update:

I’ve been out in the field with the Remington 760 Gamemaster, and let me tell you, it’s been quite a ride. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a solid gun with a lot of potential. But just like anything mechanical, it’s not without its issues.

So, what problems have I run into? You might relate if you’ve been pulling your hair out over a jamming issue. Oh, and let’s not overlook that loose barrel; it can really throw you off. And yes, firing and cartridge ejection issues have come up for me, too.

So, what’s the point of this article? Simple. We’re going to dig into these problems one by one, unpack them, and toss out some solutions that can get your Remington 760 Gamemaster back in tip-top shape. Stick around; this is gonna be enlightening!

Overview of Remington 760 Gamemaster Problems & their Solutions

Jamming IssueClean gun and check ammo quality.
Loose BarrelTighten screws and consider part replacement.
Firing IssueClean firing pin and replace worn-out spring.
Cartridge EjectionClean ejection port and replace worn parts.

Top 4 Remington 760 Gamemaster Problems & Solutions

1. Jamming Issue

Alright, first up is the jamming issue. This can be a drag when you’re out in the field, trust me. You’re there, everything’s all set up, and boom—or rather, no boom. 

The gun jams. It’s frustrating and can even be a bit concerning if you’re in a situation where you need your firearm to work. 

From my own experiences, I found that this often happens when you’re rapid-firing, but hey, it can catch you off guard at any time.


Okay, so how do we fix this? Well, the first thing you want to do is give your gun a good cleaning. A lot of the jamming issues come from accumulated grime and debris. 

Next up, check your ammo. Sometimes, the issue isn’t the gun but the ammo you’re using. I swapped mine out and noticed an immediate difference. Consider taking it to a professional for a thorough once-over if the problem persists. 

Doing these steps improved my experience significantly, and it’s likely to help you out, too.

2. Loose Barrel

So, let’s talk about that loose barrel. This problem bugged me big time when I was aiming for accuracy in the field. Just when you think you’ve got your target locked in, you realize something feels off, and the barrel’s not snug. 

It can make your shots go astray, and honestly, that’s not what you want when every shot counts. When you’re in the middle of nowhere, relying on your firearm, this issue can make or break your experience. 

In my case, it made me miss shots that I usually wouldn’t, and let’s just say that’s a downer for anyone who takes shooting seriously.


Now, onto the good stuff—solutions. If you’re dealing with a loose barrel, the first step is to check the screws and fittings. Make sure everything’s tight. 

For me, a simple tightening session with the right tools did wonders. But if you’re still having trouble, replacing some of the wear-and-tear parts, like the barrel band screws or the lock washer, might be a good idea. 

Of course, if all else fails, taking your firearm to a professional for a tune-up might be your best bet. I did all these steps, and my barrel issues became a thing of the past.

3. Firing Issue

Now, let’s get into the firing issues. Honestly, there’s nothing more disappointing than pulling the trigger and getting inconsistent shots or, even worse, no shots at all. 

I’ve had my fair share of this problem when out in the field, and it’s nothing short of annoying. You’re all set up, finger on the trigger, and then… nada. Or maybe the shot is way off from where you aimed. 

It takes you out of the moment, not to mention it’s just not safe. For me, this was a recurring issue that needed some urgent attention.


Alright, here’s how I tackled this one. First things first, give the firing pin and chamber a good, deep cleaning. The dirt there could be affecting your shot. 

Next, look at the firing pin spring. If it’s worn out, that could be the culprit. Replacing that part made a significant difference for me. And don’t rule out an issue with your ammo; make sure you’re using quality cartridges that fit the specs of your firearm. 

I tried all these, and the consistency of my shots improved drastically.

4. Cartridge Ejection Problem

Last but not least, let’s chat about cartridge ejection problems. Picture this: You fire a round and are ready for the next, but wait—the old cartridge hasn’t ejected. 

Talk about a momentum killer! I’ve had this problem on more than a couple of occasions, and it’s a real mood dampener. Each time the cartridge failed to eject, it felt like a wrench in the works of what could otherwise be a smooth shooting experience. 

You can’t really focus on your aim or timing when worrying about whether the spent cartridge will clear.


So, how do you solve this snag? First off, give that ejection port and the entire chamber area a solid clean-up. Dust and debris could be causing more friction than you’d like. 

Another thing that helped me was checking the ejector and the extractor for wear and tear. Replacing these parts isn’t too costly or complicated but can make a world of difference.

I did these simple fixes, and I saw an immediate improvement in how my cartridges were ejecting.

Final Verdict

The Remington 760 Gamemaster is a workhorse of a firearm, and it’s easy to see why it has its fan base. Its reliability and performance make it a choice pick for a range of shooting activities. 

That said, it has issues like jamming, a loose barrel, firing inconsistencies, and cartridge ejection problems. But hey, no piece of machinery is perfect, right? The good news is that these issues aren’t insurmountable. 

With some simple maintenance, part replacements, and maybe a visit to a professional for good measure, this firearm can go from good to great. It’s not a flawless gun, but with the right care, it can be a reliable partner out in the field.


How old is a Remington Gamemaster Model 760?

It was made from 1952 to 1981.

Is the Remington 760 accurate?

It’s generally accurate; some models perform exceptionally well.

What is the range of the Remington 760?

It’s accurate up to 200 yards.

Which is better: Remington 760 vs 7600?

Both are good; 7600 has a simplified lug system.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

2 thoughts on “4 Common Remington 760 Gamemaster Problems And How To Fix Them”

  1. I have had an issue with my Dad’s 30-06 Remington Gamemaster 760 pump I inheirited the last two hunting seasons. Shooting the rifle at the range, I have no issues. Out in the field, I load a shell into the chamber. Close the pump and then add the clip. I have the safety on. After sitting a few hours in my stand, I have an opportunity for a shot. The safety goes off but then the trigger will not pull. Switching the safety on and off again does not solve the problem. The only way I can get the gun to fire is to release the pump. Pull it back slightly and then reengage. Then the gun will fire. I thought this was a fluke last year and was unable to reproduce the issue. Again no issue with teh rifle at the range this year but the exactly the same issue occured in the field. Any suggestion as to what the issue may be? Have you ever heard of anyone with a similar issue? Thank you.

    • It sounds like your Remington 760’s trigger mechanism might be getting stuck. This could be due to alignment issues or a mechanical fault, especially since it works fine at the range but not in the field. I suggest a thorough cleaning of the firing mechanism and checking for wear. If the problem persists, a visit to a gunsmith would be your best bet. And yes, these types of issues aren’t uncommon with older models.


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