Top 6 Common Smith and Wesson 460 XVR Problems And How To Fix Them

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I recently got my hands on the Smith and Wesson 460 XVR, and let me tell you, it’s quite the powerhouse. But you know what they say—no gun is perfect. While I was testing this firearm out in the field, a couple of issues did crop up. 

I encountered few Smith and Wesson 460 XVR Problems, accuracy inconsistencies, and other issues that can affect your shooting experience. 

But don’t worry, I’m not just here to point out the flaws; I’m going to dive into each of these issues and give you some solid solutions.

Smith and Wesson 460 XVR Problems & their Fix

Extraction ProblemClean regularly and use compatible ammo.
Accuracy ProblemAdjust recoil and choose appropriate ammo based on target distance.
Bullet Case StuckKeep cylinder clean and diversify ammo types.
Trigger IssueTest in single action mode and consider spring replacement.
Flame Cutting IssueUse A2400 powder to reduce extreme heat and pressure.
Cylinder ProblemRemove the cylinder and consult a gunsmith for a thorough check.

Top 6 Smith and Wesson 460 XVR Problems & Solutions

1. Extraction Problem

Man, did I have a time with extraction issues when I was out in the field! We’re talking about tough extraction; when you’re in a crunch, that’s the last thing you need. Trust me, it can throw you off. 

I know what you’re thinking; maybe it’s a one-time thing. But no, it happened a few times. After some investigating, I realized it could be due to not cleaning the revolver as often as I should. 

Another thing—using the wrong cartridges can also give you a real headache in this department.


Firstly, don’t skimp on cleaning and lubricating your gun. I made sure to bring a cleaning kit the next time I went hunting. It made a noticeable difference. 

Secondly, it’s all about the ammo. Try a few types, and choose the one that doesn’t make extraction a chore. I tested multiple rounds and found one that was just the right fit. 

Less pressure on the revolver and the extraction issues were a thing of the past. So keep that in mind and save yourself from future trouble.

2. Accuracy Problem

So, let’s talk about accuracy. You aim, you shoot, and then—oh boy—the bullet veers off course. What gives? I noticed something similar when I was trying out this revolver. 

The accuracy wasn’t quite what I expected. It turns out the recoil might be the culprit. This thing packs a punch; sometimes, that recoil can throw your aim off big time. 

Another factor I considered was the type of bullet I was using. Heavy bullets? They tend to have a slower velocity, and that complicates aiming and shooting more than you’d like.


The first thing I did was tweak the recoil. Making it less intense helped me hold the gun steadier, and you bet that improved my accuracy. 

Next up, the ammunition. If you’re shooting at close range, go for lighter bullets. Trust me, it’ll make your life easier. Now, the heavier ammunition didn’t give me any sight issues for long-range targets. 

So, adjust your ammo based on your shooting needs. After making these changes, my shots landed exactly where I wanted them to. These are simple fixes, but they make all the difference.

3. Bullet Case Stuck

Alright, here’s another issue I ran into—the bullet casing getting stuck inside the cylinder. Yeah, it’s as inconvenient as it sounds, especially if you’re in a tight spot and need your gun to function perfectly. 

Picture yourself trying to reload, and boom, you realize you’ve got a jammed cylinder. I noticed that this mainly happens near the cylinder’s forward portion. 

As it turns out, the root cause could be as simple as an unclean cylinder.


The main fix for this is straightforward: keep that cylinder clean, folks. I learned my lesson and took the time to give the revolver a good cleaning before heading out. Trust me, it makes a world of difference. 

Also, don’t get too attached to one type of ammunition. Mixing it up a bit can also help keep this problem at bay. I tried changing the ammo type, which seemed to do the trick. 

After taking these steps, I didn’t encounter the issue again, and you likely won’t either if you keep these tips in mind.

4. Trigger Issue

Okay, let’s chat about something annoying but fixable: the trigger stalling. I found this most apparent when using the gun in double-action mode. 

You’re ready to pull off the perfect shot one minute, and the next, you feel the trigger stall. Trust me, it’s frustrating. 

The root of the issue? It could be the trigger rebound spring or even, you guessed it, insufficient cleaning.


The first thing I did was check how the trigger performs in single-action mode. It worked fine. So, if you’re dealing with this, that’s a quick test you can run. However, if that doesn’t resolve the issue, don’t hesitate to contact a professional gunsmith. 

I also replaced the trigger rebound spring, which made a remarkable difference. 

Sometimes the solution might require some expertise, but taking these steps can get your revolver back in tip-top shape.

5. Flame Cutting Issue

Now, let’s get into something a bit more serious: flame cutting. Upon closer inspection, I was surprised to notice some damage that looked odd and realized it was flame cutting. 

This is no joke; it can do some real harm to your revolver. This issue typically occurs when high-velocity gases escape and affect the area right above the cylinder. 

That’s where you start seeing the wear and tear, and it’s not pretty.


First off, the moment you identify flame cutting, address it. Don’t let it slide; immediate action is crucial. If you’re a hand loader, there’s an easy switch you can make. Try using A2400 instead of H110 or W296. 

This change helped me reduce the extreme heat and pressure that contribute to flame cutting. Honestly, it was a relief to see that a serious problem had a relatively simple solution. 

Don’t wait; tackle it head-on as soon as you notice it, and keep your revolver in good health.

6. Cylinder Problem

Here’s a snag that can throw you off big time: the cylinder failing to rotate. Yep, happened to me in the middle of firing. 

And let me tell you, it’s not something you want to experience, especially if you’re trying to shoot with precision. 

Time is of the essence, and a non-rotating cylinder just ruins the flow. It’s a doubly challenging situation for beginners, almost like hitting a wall when you’re just getting the hang of things.


First thing first, you’re going to want to take that cylinder out. Now, if you’re not knowledgeable about this stuff, you better get expert help. 

That’s what I did. I’m no gunsmith, so consulting an expert was the smart move. 

They took care of it and gave the revolver a thorough check. So, when in doubt, don’t play around; just get someone who knows what they’re doing. It’s the safest and most efficient route to solve the issue.

Final Verdict

In wrapping things up, the Smith and Wesson 460 XVR is definitely a powerhouse of a revolver. 

Its capabilities shouldn’t be underestimated, nor should the challenges it presents. 

From extraction woes to trigger issues, I’ve run into a few roadblocks while testing this gun in the field. But the good news is that each of these problems has a practical solution. 

Whether it’s a matter of changing the type of ammo you’re using or simply ensuring the gun is clean and lubricated, these are challenges that can be readily addressed. 

You can get your 460 XVR back in fighting shape with a few quick fixes. In short, this revolver’s got a lot to offer as long as you’re willing to address a few bumps in the road.


What is the range of a 460 XVR?

The 460 XVR has a range of 0-250 yards with no holdover if sighted at 200 yards.

Is the 460 S&W discontinued?

No, the 460 S&W remains in current production.

How accurate is a 460 Smith & Wesson?

The .460 S&W Magnum can achieve MOA accuracy at 100 yards when used by a skilled shooter.

Which is more powerful, 460 or 500 S&W?

The 500 S&W is more powerful, having about a 50-foot-per-second advantage over the 460 when using comparable bullet weights.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

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