Top 6 Smith and Wesson 340PD Problems And How To Fix Them

Last Update:

Recently, I took the Smith and Wesson 340PD for a spin, and let me tell you, it’s a piece of work—in both good and not-so-good ways. 

This lightweight revolver seems like a dream for concealed carry, but after putting it through its paces, I’ve encountered a handful of Smith and Wesson 340PD Problems that could use troubleshooting.

Specifically, I’ve dealt with chamber issues, jamming cylinder problems, grip issues, cylinder erosion, extraction issues, and even rear sight problems. 

The good news is that I’ve also found ways to solve or work around these issues. So, you’re in good hands.

Overview of the Problems & their Solutions

ProblemsQuick Fixes
Chamber IssueKeep chambers clean to prevent ammo sticking.
Jamming CylinderTighten ejector rod to prevent jams.
Grip IssueSwap out for ergonomic grips.
Cylinder ErosionUse specific ammo and powder to reduce wear.
Issue with ExtractionCheck extractor’s central pin and yoke screw.
Problem with Rear SightSend it back to Smith and Wesson for alignment.

Problems & Solutions of Smith and Wesson 340PD

1. Chamber Issue

Alright, so let’s dive into the first issue: ammo getting stuck in the chambers. Picture this: you’ve just fired off some 357 Magnum rounds and feel good. But then, you try to get those casings out, and they just won’t budge. 

Yep, been there, done that. This is annoying because of fouling in the chamber, especially when using those high-power 357 Magnum cartridges. If your chambers are dirty, this problem pops up like clockwork. 

And let me tell you, it’s not fun dealing with this, especially when you’re in the middle of a session.


Here’s how to fix it, based on my own sweaty, frustrating experiences. The issue usually goes back to cleanliness or lack thereof. So, keep that gun clean! I can’t emphasize this enough. A dirty gun will accumulate gunpowder and lead residue, and that’s a no-go. 

Before and after every shooting session, give those chambers a good scrub. Use the right cleaning tools and lubricants designed for firearms. 

By doing this regularly, I found that the issue with ammo getting stuck became less frequent. This simple cleaning routine works wonders, believe me.

2. Jamming Cylinder Problem

Ah, the dreaded cylinder jam. It’s another issue that I ran into while firing those 357 Magnums. 

Picture yourself at the range; you’ve just shot a few rounds and are feeling confident. But then, you try to swing out the cylinder, and it’s stuck. 

Yep, it’s as frustrating as it sounds. What usually happens is the cylinder locks up in the slot, and no amount of gentle persuasion seems to help. You might find yourself applying some elbow grease just to get it to budge. 

The culprit here? A loose ejector rod. When it’s not tightened properly, this problem occurs more often than you’d like.


So here’s the fix I came up with. Inspect that ejector rod and make sure it’s snug as a bug. Open the cylinder to get a good look. 

If it’s loose, tighten it up. Now, if you’re not comfortable doing this on your own, there’s no shame in taking your gun to a professional gunsmith.

In my experience, the jamming issues decreased significantly once the ejector rod was tightened. It’s a simple fix, but one that can make your day at the range a whole lot smoother. Trust me on this one.

3. Grip Issue

Oh boy, let’s talk about the grips. After a few rounds with the Smith and Wesson 340PD, I noticed my hand was not a happy camper. 

The grip design, honestly, was a letdown. For a firearm that’s supposed to be versatile and user-friendly, the grips are quite uncomfortable.

 I’ve even heard of folks getting blisters after extended use. Now, if you’re new to shooting, this might be particularly disappointing. Your hands are going to feel it, and not in a good way.


Alright, so what’s the quick fix? Change those grips! Don’t wait for your hands to throw a protest. I swapped out the original grips for something more ergonomically pleasing. Suddenly, shooting became a much more comfortable experience. 

If you find that the standard grips are hurting your hands, don’t hesitate to replace them with something that actually feels good to hold. Trust me, your hands will thank you.

4. Cylinder Erosion

Next on the list is something a bit concerning—cylinder erosion. The Smith and Wesson 340PD comes with a titanium cylinder, and while that may sound fancy, it has its drawbacks. 

I learned the hard way that using the wrong type of bullets can wear down the cylinder over time. We’re talking light bullets here, specifically those less than 120 grain. 

The problem stems from the length of these bullets, which can cause erosion when you use them. 


So, what did I do to tackle this? First up, I shifted to a different kind of powder. Never go faster than Unique; it seems to keep things in check. I settled on a good, Unique load of 140-grain Silvertips and noticed that it did help in reducing wear. 

Another trick is to switch to shorter bullets. These exit the case mouth earlier, reducing the risk of erosion when pressures and temps are peaking. 

One last point: if you do notice any degradation in your cylinder, don’t shoot the gun.

5. Issue with the Extraction

Another snag I ran into with the Smith and Wesson 340PD was extraction. It wasn’t a one-time thing; it was consistent enough to be worrying. Sometimes, the brass inside the cylinder would even crack during a strong extraction. 

No, that’s not normal. A couple of reasons could be behind this: the cylinder not hitting the frame just right or an issue with the yoke retention screw. 

Either way, it’s a serious problem that makes shooting unreliable and, frankly, less enjoyable.


To get past this headache, I had a closer look at the extractor’s central pin. Was it where it was supposed to be? Yep, checking this is a must. While I was at it, I examined the yoke retention pin too. If it’s damaged, it’s better to replace it pronto. 

If you’re not comfortable tinkering with these parts, don’t mess around. Call in a professional or send the gun back to the manufacturer. 

When safety’s on the line, it’s always better to be cautious than sorry.

6. Problem with the Rear Sight

Let me be real: Nothing irks a shooter more than aiming issues. The Smith and Wesson 340PD didn’t disappoint here either, presenting a factory fault with the rear sight. Specifically, the top strap on one side is shorter than the other. 

That doesn’t sound too serious until you’re aiming and realize the groove is off-center. If you’re shooting, even a slight misalignment can throw off your aim. It’s not a minor inconvenience; it’s a flat-out problem, and it needs fixing.


Unfortunately, the top strap of the rear sight isn’t adjustable horizontally, so DIY solutions are out the window. So what to do? The most straightforward course of action is to send the gun back to Smith and Wesson. 

They’ll either send you a brand-new gun or replace the faulty part. While it may be inconvenient to send it back, trust me, this is a problem you want fixed by professionals. 

And once it’s fixed, you can get back to shooting with confidence.

Final Verdict

So, there you have it—a complete rundown of the Smith and Wesson 340PD’s ups and downs. If you’re looking for a feather-light carry pistol, this gun has some serious merits. It’s not exactly a range king, but it does its primary job of self-defense quite well. 

Yet, it comes with its own set of speed bumps, like the chamber issues, grip discomfort, and those pesky sight alignment troubles. 

But hey, with the right care, adjustments, and sometimes even a visit back to the manufacturer, most of these problems are solvable. 

Ultimately, the 340PD is a solid piece, but you’ve got to be prepared for some hands-on maintenance and tune-ups.


Is the S&W 340 PD any good? 

Yes, Its excellent for close-range self-defense but not ideal for range fun.

How durable is the S&W 340PD? 

Very durable, thanks to its scandium and titanium construction.

How much does a 340PD weight loaded? 

It remains under 1 pound when loaded.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

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