5 Most Common Beretta 96A1 Problems And How To Fix Them

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In my extensive field testing of the Beretta 96A1, I have encountered several issues that must be addressed. 

During my time with the Beretta 96A1, I encountered five main problems. These include issues with the locking block, shooting problems, difficulties with the takedown lever, jamming issues, and slide problems. 

In the following sections, I’ll delve into these problems in more detail and provide practical solutions to make handling this firearm a smoother experience.

Overview of the Problems & their Solutions

Problem with the Locking BlockReplace with Beretta 96A1 Locking Block Kit Without Recoil Spring.
Shooting ProblemsAdjust the dovetail front sight or replace with the Beretta Fiber Optic Front Sight Kit for 96A1.
Issues with the Takedown LeverRack the slide back at different speeds and insert an empty magazine, or hard rack the slide.
Jamming IssuesClean the gun to remove excessive factory oils, refit the extractor, or polish the chamber.
Slide ProblemsEnsure safety is OFF, hammer down, magazine removed; try a gentle palm slap, pulling the slide forward, or investigate and properly place the guide rod if displaced.

Top 5 Beretta 96A1 Problems & Solutions

1. Problem with the Locking Block 

In my field testing of the Beretta 96A1, the locking block was one of the first problems that caught my attention. Frankly, it’s quite frustrating. 

The component is prone to breaking, and I found it to be brittle in my hands. During disassembly, the locking blocks would fall out easily. You don’t realize how annoying this can be until you’re in the midst of handling the firearm, and suddenly you’re searching for a tiny piece that’s gone astray. 

It’s a real inconvenience, especially when time is of the essence.


Luckily, the solution I discovered is as straightforward as the problem is vexing. I found that the Beretta 96A1 Locking Block Kit Without Recoil Spring was readily available online. 

I ordered it, and replacing the broken or lost locking block turned out to be a breeze. The process of replacing it was smooth and didn’t require any specialized tools or skills. 

What’s more, the replacement part seemed sturdier than the original. It’s a relief to know that fixing it will be no big deal if this happens again. In the end, I’ve turned a bothersome issue into a manageable one with a simple, effective solution.

2. Shooting Problems

During my hands-on experience with the Beretta 96A1, another issue that surfaced was the gun consistently shooting low. This might seem like a minor inconvenience at first, but it can grow into a source of frustration, especially if accuracy is crucial. 

For us, it was puzzling and certainly took some of the joy out of using the firearm. It didn’t matter if I were veteran shooters or new to the game; that low shooting tendency seemed persistent.


The solution, fortunately, was within reach. I realized that the dovetail front sight on the Beretta 96A1 was adjustable. 

So I took the time to tweak it to my personal preferences. It made a noticeable difference, and the problem of shooting low was solved for the most part. 

For those who still weren’t satisfied, I found another way out. The Beretta Fiber Optic Front Sight Kit for 96A1, available on the official Beretta website, allowed me to replace the factory sights with adjustable aftermarket ones. 

This further customization did the trick, putting an end to the shooting low problem. The adjustment process was smooth, and I were back to enjoying the firearm with renewed confidence.

3. Issues with the Takedown Lever

While working with the Beretta 96A1, I encountered a recurring issue during the reassembly process. 

The takedown lever simply wouldn’t auto-relock. It was like the gun was throwing a small tantrum every time I tried to clean, lubricate, or perform other maintenance tasks on it. This takedown lever problem was a constant source of frustration. 

I found ourselves fumbling with it more often than I’d have liked, especially with the newer guns in my testing batch.


The solutions I found were actually rather straightforward. The first approach was to rack the slide back at different speeds and insert an empty magazine before racking the gun. 

This prevented the slide from slamming forward with the takedown lever out of position. It sounds simple, and it was! If that didn’t do the trick, I would resort to hard-racking the slide. 

It took a bit more force, but it worked. I found that the more I used the gun, the less the issue occurred. It’s almost like the firearm needed a little time to get used to us, and after breaking it in, the problem seemed to disappear altogether.

4. Jamming Issues

Among the various issues I encountered while testing the Beretta 96A1, frequent jams were a common frustration. The bullets would catch on the bottom of the barrel feed, and the gun might not return to battery. 

Trust us, nothing more disheartening than being ready to shoot and having the gun jam on you. 

I would chamber the bullets with the slide back using the side release but not with the gun recoil or by releasing the slide by hand. It’s an issue that needed a remedy and fast.


The first thing I did was to ensure the gun was clean, especially if it was new. New guns tend to have excessive factory oils left over from assembly.

 A simple cleaning seemed to help in some cases. When that didn’t do the trick, I found that refitting the extractor often solved the problem. 

It was as if it had moved out of place, and putting it back corrected the jamming. If all else failed, polishing the chamber also worked wonders. It was a bit more work but delivered satisfactory results. 

Through these methods, I overcame the jamming issues and restored the gun’s performance.

5. Slide Problems

While field stripping the Beretta 96A1, I encountered a particularly stubborn issue where the slide would lock up. 

It became quite a nuisance. It would stick out about a quarter of an inch from being back, and at the same time, it might slide about a quarter of an inch back and forth. 

But the slide refused to cooperate and go back. Imagine the frustration, the slide, so close yet far from its intended position. I knew I had to figure this one out.


I tackled this problem methodically. First, I ensured the safety was OFF, the hammer was down, and the magazine was removed.

 Next, I tried a gentle palm slap on the back of the gun, followed by gripping the slide and pulling it forward. 

I cocked the hammer to see if it would release the slide and tried easing it forward with the trigger depressed. 

When those didn’t work, I investigated the guide rod. If it was simply displaced, properly placing it in the gun fixed the issue. It was a multi-step process, but the solution was there, and I found it.


The Beretta 96A1 is a firearm that has proven its worth in many ways, but like all machines, it comes with its share of problems. 

I experienced some of these issues first-hand during my extensive testing, but I also found practical solutions for each of them. From locking block challenges to shooting inaccuracies and jamming issues, I faced them all and came out with useful resolutions. 

Its weaknesses can be overcome with a bit of patience, know-how, and perhaps some new parts. 


Is the Beretta 96 reliable?

Reliability: Beretta is known for producing firearms that are incredibly reliable, and the 96 is no exception. It has been tested in extreme conditions and has proven to be very reliable.

Where is the Beretta 96A1 made?

The Beretta 96A1 is part of a series of semi-automatic pistols designed and manufactured by Beretta of Italy.

How reliable is the Beretta?

The Beretta 92, including variations like the 96, is considered one of the most reliable and rugged handgun platforms out there, despite some over-hyped anomalies from the past.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

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