5 Common Remington Model 10 Problems And How To Fix Them

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I’ve had the chance to take the Remington Model 10 for a spin, and I’ve got to say, it’s a classic shotgun many of us admire. But you know what they say—no gun is without its issues. 

I’ve spent considerable time using this firearm out in the field, and I can’t help but notice it’s got a few bumps along the way. 

I came across a handful of common Remington Model 10 Problems that I think you all should know about. We’re talking about issues ranging from barrel problems to ejection issues, failure to feed, slam fire, and even issues with engaging the trigger. 

This article aims to help you get the best out of your Remington Model 10. So, in the coming sections, I’ll dig deep into each problem and, more importantly, offer solutions that could make a real difference for you. 

Overview of the Problems & their Solutions

Failure to FeedAdjust or replace carrier latch spring.
Ejection FailureClean ejector and chamber or replace spring.
Slam FireUse less sensitive primers and keep gun clean.
Trigger Won’t EngageReplace broken parts or consult a gunsmith.

Top 5 Remington Model 10 Problems & Solutions

1. Barrel Problem

Ah, the loose barrel—this one really got my attention while I was out on the range. It’s like everything seems fine, and then you notice the adjustable sleeve isn’t doing its job anymore. 

Honestly, the last thing you want when you’re handling a firearm is an unstable barrel. It’s not just frustrating; it could also be a safety issue. 

And let me tell you, it can totally throw off your aim. I remember trying to get a tight pattern during target practice, and something just felt off. That’s when I spotted it—the loose barrel was the culprit.


So, what did I do? I dived into fixing it myself. The first thing to know is that if the barrel guides aren’t the issue, you’re in luck. You can actually do this on your own. 

You’ll need to turn that threaded adjustable sleeve to tighten the fit between the barrel and the receiver. A simple adjustment can go a long way, and after I made those tweaks, voila! The barrel was back to being snug and secure. 

And you better believe that tightened up my shooting. So, if you’re in the same boat, don’t sweat it; a few small adjustments could solve the problem.

2. Ejection Issue

Alright, so let’s talk about another pain point: ejection failure. I was out testing the Remington Model 10, and bam; the spent shell just didn’t want to leave its cozy home in the ejection area. 

Super annoying, right? So there I was a new shell trying to nudge its way in, and then spent one just lounging around like it owned the place. 

Not the situation you want to find yourself in. This can happen for a couple of reasons: a worn-out ejector or a gunked-up chamber.


Now, on to the fix. First, open that action and look at the long ejector spring sitting at the top of the receiver. 

It could be the carrier’s main troublemaker here. Next, try ejecting an empty shell on its own, with no new shell coming in. If it’s not happening smoothly, it’s probably that darn ejector or a dirty chamber. 

So what’s the next step? Swap out the spring, or give that chamber a good clean. When I did this, it was like a breath of fresh air for my Remington Model 10. 

If you’re facing the same issue, give it a try; it could very well solve your problem.

3. Failure To Feed 

Alright, let’s dive into another hiccup—oh, I mean issue—that I bumped into: failure to feed. So there I was, ready to fire off some rounds, but the darn thing wouldn’t chamber properly. 

If you’ve ever felt that sinking feeling when you pull the trigger, and nothing much happens, you know exactly what I’m talking about. The expended shell just lingered, like a guest who overstayed their welcome and messed up the bolt closing. 

Let’s not even get started on that carrier release button, which sometimes just decides to take the day off. It’s frustrating and breaks the flow, especially if you’re in the middle of some action.


Onto the fix. The trick I used was keeping the bolt slightly open. It might sound counterintuitive, but it works like a charm. 

Doing so lets you load two shells into the magazine and one into the chamber, bypassing that stubborn shell stop from the inside. 

Once you fire off that shell, the gun’s good to go. For a more long-term fix, you might want to consider either getting a new carrier or straightening out the old one. And don’t forget to upgrade that carrier latch spring. 

Trust me, a simple spring swap can make a world of difference for the Remington 10. So there you have it—problem solved.

4. Slam Fire 

Okay, this one is a biggie—slam fire. Trust me, this isn’t a term you want to get familiar with, 

especially while you’re out in the field. 

I had this happen to me once, and it was a wake-up call. What happens is you pull the trigger, and before you know it, the cartridge goes off even before settling into the chamber. It’s like the gun just can’t wait to shoot, but it’s far from amusing. 

This kind of unpredictability can be downright dangerous, and I can’t stress enough how crucial it is to address this issue.


Now, let’s get into fixing this. First off, keep that gun clean. A dirty firing pin can contribute to this issue. The next thing to consider is your choice of ammo. 

Military cartridges with less sensitive primers could be a safer bet here. I tried these, and it was definitely a game-changer. A tougher primer needs a solid hammer impact to ignite, reducing the chances of a slam fire. 

Another option is to install a firing pin spring to slow down the bolt as it moves forward. This extra resistance ensures the firing pin won’t hit the primer hard due to inertia. 

In my experience, these tweaks made a significant difference, adding an extra layer of safety to the firearm.

5. Problem with Engaging the Trigger

Alright, let’s talk about something that made me do a double-take: the trigger not engaging. So there I was, lined up and ready to fire, and nothing happened. 

Yep, you heard me, nothing. I pull the trigger, and it’s like the gun decided to go on a vacation. The Remington 10 has this long hook mechanism that’s supposed to engage the bolt.

But guess what? Sometimes it just doesn’t. It’s both puzzling and concerning because a gun that won’t fire when you need it to is more of a paperweight than a tool for self-defense or sport.


Time for solutions, folks. First, if you find that the cartridge guide is broken, you must replace it. Simple as that. I got a new one, and it did the trick. 

But if the long hook that engages the bolt is the culprit, you don’t want to mess around with this. I strongly recommend going to a gunsmith or reaching out to Remington. After I took mine in for repair, it worked like a charm. 

So, don’t hesitate to seek professional help when it comes to something as critical as the trigger mechanism. Safety comes first, always.

Final Verdict

After spending considerable time with the Remington 10, I have to say it’s a mixed bag. On one 

hand, the firearm has proven itself in the field and in some tricky situations, but on the other hand, it’s got its fair share of challenges. 

From ejection issues to the trigger not engaging, these hiccups make you realize the importance of regular maintenance. The fixes I’ve discussed aren’t super complicated but require attention to detail and sometimes a professional’s touch. 

 Overall, if you’re willing to invest the time and maybe some money for upkeep, the Remington 10 can be a reliable tool. 

But never forget: no tool is better than the person wielding it. Safety should be your top priority, always and forever.


How old is a Remington Model 10?

The Remington Model 10 was designed in 1908, and an updated version, the Model 29, was introduced in 1930.

Are Remington shotguns reliable?

Yes, Remington shotguns, especially the 870, have earned a reputation for reliability in various conditions and settings.

What is the history of the Remington Model 10 shotgun?

The Remington Model 10 saw service in both World War 1 and World War 2 with American military forces.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

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