5 Most Common Mossberg 935 Problems And How To Fix Them

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Hey there, I want to share some insights about the Mossberg 935. I’ve spent quality time with this shotgun, put it through its paces, and even taken it out in the field. 

However, I did stumble upon some Mossberg 935 Problems during my time with the Mossberg 935; I faced some jamming issues, feeding complications, problems with cycling, ejection woes, and shot barrel concerns.

This article aims to guide you through these common hitches so you can make the most of your Mossberg 935 experience. Let’s dive in and tackle these problems one by one.

Overview of Mossberg 935 Problems & their Solutions

Mossberg 935 ProblemsSolutions
Jamming IssueRealign seal ring, clean and lightly oil the gas chamber and magazine.
Feeding ProblemClean and adjust magazine follower and shell latch.
Cycling IssueReplace worn or improperly seated gas ring.
Ejection ProblemReplace or clean the extractor.
Shot Barrel ProblemDrill and tap an extra gas port for light loads.

Top 5 Mossberg 935 Problems & Solutions

1. Jamming Problem

Ah, jamming. It’s the hiccup you never want, especially when you’re out in the field. I remember my Mossberg 935 would often jam on low brass shells. 

I was puzzled because this is a Mossberg we’re talking about! I decided to delve into the gun’s internals to ensure I wasn’t overlooking something. 

Guess what I found? The seal ring was misplaced behind the strong spring and that screwed cap. It’s a classic assembly line error that can really mess with your shooting experience.


Here’s what I did. First, I cleaned the gas chamber and magazine thoroughly. Then, I correctly positioned the seal ring in front of the gas piston, with the beveled edge facing inwards, just as it should be. 

Cleaned the spring and chamber, lightly oiled them, and wiped off any excess. Now, the spring cap is tricky to reinstall, but it’s doable with a C-clamp and some patience. I also cleaned the magazine well, followed by a light oiling and a dry wipe.

So, I got on the phone with Mossberg, and they confirmed that the seal ring shouldn’t be where the spring is. After these adjustments, I took my shotgun out for a spin and fired about a box of shells. 

Let me tell you, the Mossberg 935 has never worked so well. So, if you’re dealing with jamming issues, consider giving your firearm a good cleaning and double-checking that assembly.

2. Feeding Issue

Alright, let’s talk about another issue that’s a real head-scratcher: the feeding problem. Picture me out there, trying to enjoy my day, only to realize my Mossberg 935 is giving me grief with the shells. 

You load them in, thinking you’re good to go, and the next thing you know, they’re not feeding properly into the chamber. It’s frustrating, to say the least. 

The shells just wouldn’t align as they should, and that’s the last thing you need when you’re focused on your target.


After experiencing this headache more times than I’d like to admit, I decided enough was enough. First, I examined the magazine follower to see if it was creating the issue; sometimes, a worn-out or dirty follower can mess things up. 

After cleaning and inspecting it, I moved on to the shell latch. Here’s the kicker: the latch wasn’t doing its job correctly.

So, I gave the whole system—follower, shell latch, and magazine tube—a comprehensive cleaning. I took care to remove all dirt and debris that could be causing the hang-up.

After putting it all back together, I made sure to give it a light oiling. The feeding issue was resolved. No more frustrations and the shells now move smoothly into the chamber, just like they should.

3. Problem with the Cycling

Now, let’s chat about another obstacle that’s pretty hard to ignore: the cycling problem. There I was, out in the field, expecting a smooth operation, but instead, I encountered issues with cycling the rounds. 

Every once in a while, the gun just wouldn’t cycle the next shell, and it threw off my whole rhythm. 

I couldn’t help but wonder, could this be a gas ring issue? Because it sure wasn’t making my shooting any easier.


Well, I rolled up my sleeves and went back to the drawing board. Opened up the gun and went straight to check the gas ring. Bingo! The gas ring wasn’t seated properly, and upon closer inspection, it looked a bit worn, almost like it could break at any moment.

So, what’s the fix? Replacing that gas ring, my friends. Once I installed a new one and made sure it was in the right position, I went back out for another shooting session. And wouldn’t you know it, the cycling issue vanished. 

My Mossberg 935 cycled like a champ, and I could finally focus on my shooting instead of troubleshooting. If you’re facing cycling issues, give that gas ring a good, long look. You might find that it’s the root of your problem.

4. Ejection Problem

Alright, let’s get down to another matter that can really get under your skin: the ejection problem. You might know the drill; you’re out in the field, pull the trigger, and the shell just doesn’t eject. 

Now, this isn’t a once-in-a-blue-moon kind of thing; it happened to me more often than I’d like. You’d expect that when you fire, the shell should clear out easily, making way for the next one. 

But nope, that wasn’t happening for me. Instead, I had to manually remove the shell, which was neither fun nor efficient.


So, what’s a person to do in a situation like this? I did some digging and found a potential culprit: the extractor. This tiny piece can cause big problems if it’s not doing its job right. I took out the extractor, gave it a good clean, and also checked for any wear or damage.

It looked alright, but I decided to replace it anyway, just to be on the safe side.

Once the new extractor was in place, I went back to the field. 

And guess what? The ejection issue was gone just like that. So, if you’re struggling with ejection problems, don’t overlook the extractor; it might just be the weak link in the chain.

5. Shot Barrel Issue

Last but not least, let’s address a nagging issue I encountered with the shot barrel. I was out in the field, excited to get some shots in, but something felt off.

Every time I pulled the trigger, the shots were just not as accurate as I expected. They seemed to scatter more than they should, especially with light bulk target loads. 

It became painfully clear that this was a barrel issue, affecting my shot patterns and, thus, my overall performance.


So, what did I do to get past this hurdle? After a little research and some trial and error, I took a bold step: I drilled and short-tapped an extra gas port specifically for light loads. 

Now, I know this sounds a bit technical, but it’s a game-changer. The extra gas port helped me manage the lighter loads far better, and the accuracy of my shots improved notably.

After implementing this fix, I was back in the field, eager to see the results. I wasn’t 


My shots were now on point, and the gun performed like a dream with light loads. If you’re having issues with your shot barrel, particularly with light loads, consider adding an extra gas port. It worked wonders for me.

Final Verdict

There you have it, folks! The Mossberg 935 is indeed a remarkable shotgun, loaded with features that make it a go-to choice for many. 

From its robust build to its functional versatility, this firearm mostly delivers what it promises. 

However, as with any mechanical device, it’s not without its issues. Jamming, feeding, cycling, ejection, and shot barrel problems can potentially throw a wrench in your shooting experience. 

The good news is that these issues are solvable with some elbow grease and a bit of know-how. I’ve tested these solutions in the field, and I can confidently say they work. 

So, if you find yourself facing any of these glitches, don’t despair. A little fine-tuning is all you need to get your Mossberg 935 back in tip-top shape.


Is Mossberg 935 gas or inertia?

The Mossberg 935 operates on a dual-vent gas system.

What is the range of the Mossberg 935?

The effective range is 15 to 40 yards with the Classic Short Range tube.

Is a Mossberg 935 a good turkey gun?

Yes, the 935 delivers excellent performance for turkey hunting, thanks to its overbored barrel.

How many rounds does a Mossberg 935 hold?

The Mossberg 935 has a capacity of 4+1 rounds.

Can I shoot buckshot out of a Mossberg 935?

Yes, you can, but using an “Improved Cylinder” choke tube is recommended for better accuracy.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

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