5 Common Mossberg 9200 Problems And How To Fix Them

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I had the opportunity to test out the Mossberg 9200 in the field and let me tell you, it’s quite the piece of machinery. However, I’ve encountered a handful of issues while using this firearm. 

 I’ve encountered some common problems that seem to pop up often. These include failure to eject, feeding issues, reliability problems, jamming issues, and even a bolt going off the track. 

Yep, I’ve seen it all. But the good news is, I’ve also found some fixes for these problems. So, I will discuss these issues in detail and provide solid solutions to make your experience a whole lot smoother.

Overview of the Problems & their Solutions

Mossberg 9200 ProblemsSolutions
Failure to EjectReplace the extractor.
Feeding IssuePress the button under the ejection port to free up the lifter.
Reliability IssueSend firearm back to Mossberg for inspection.
Jamming ProblemClean and lubricate the barrel and action.
Bolt Off The TrackCheck receiver and track alignment or consult a gunsmith.

Top 5 Mossberg 9200 Problems & Solutions

1. Failure To Eject

So, let’s get into it. One of the first issues I encountered while in the field was the failure to eject. Picture me, all geared up and ready, only to pull the trigger and—bam! The shell sticks instead of ejecting like it’s supposed to. 

Trust me, it’s as frustrating as it sounds. This hitch disrupts the entire shooting process and is not just a one-time thing. 

I found it happening more than once, and if you’re into hunting or sports shooting, the last thing you want is this kind of snag.


Now, for the fix. I tried a couple of things, but replacing the extractor did the trick. Swap it out for a new one; chances are, you’re good to go. I did it myself, and the shells started ejecting smoothly again. 

If you’re not comfortable doing this yourself, a quick trip to a qualified gunsmith should set things straight. In either case, taking action solves the problem most of the time.

2. Feeding Issue

Ah, the feeding issue, another hurdle that got in my way while using the Mossberg 9200. So, what happened was I was trying to load a shell into the chamber, and this pesky magazine door right in front of the trigger guard wouldn’t let me. 

It kept catching on a piece of metal, essentially blocking me from inserting the shells. Annoying? You bet. 

Especially when you’re all set for some action, and your firearm decides to act up. It’s a disruption, to say the least, and makes for a less-than-stellar experience with the Mossberg 9200.


Now, let’s get to the solution. That annoying ‘mag door’ is actually called a lifter or carrier. Here’s the deal: the Mossberg has a button under the ejection port, right behind the forend. 

Pressing that button frees up the lifter, giving you unobstructed access to the magazine. Once I found this out and gave it a go, my shells slid right in with no fuss. 

So, if you’re struggling with the same problem, try pressing that button to free up the lifter. Trust me, it’s a game-changer.

3. Reliability Issue

Let’s talk about the reliability, or the lack thereof, that I found while testing the Mossberg 9200. Nothing is more frustrating than being out in the field and unable to count on your firearm. 

If you’re aiming to bag that elusive buck or engage in some recreational shooting, your firearm must be dependable, right? I had moments when the Mossberg 9200 wasn’t up to snuff.

It seemed like every other outing had some form of problem, whether it was the firearm not cycling properly or acting finicky. This raises some serious questions about its overall reliability.


In this case, the solution differs slightly from the DIY approach. If you’re encountering reliability issues that can’t be easily fixed, it’s time to contact Mossberg directly. 

I shipped my Mossberg 9200 back to them so their experts could thoroughly examine and make necessary adjustments. 

After getting it back, I found a significant improvement in the firearm’s performance. So, if you’re stuck with ongoing issues, don’t hesitate to send it back to Mossberg. The benefit? A more reliable firearm that’s less likely to give you headaches down the line.

4. Jamming Problem

Oh, the jamming problem! This one’s another doozy that I encountered with the Mossberg 9200. Imagine being out there, ready for the action, and then your firearm jams up. 

Not once, not twice, but repeatedly. And let’s not even talk about the timing; it always seems to happen when you least expect it, doesn’t it? 

Anyway, it’s a real setback that could mess up your entire shooting day, and quite frankly, it’s not something you want to deal with when you’re looking to enjoy your time out in the field.


So, what did I do to get around this issue? After dealing with it more than a few times, I realized the importance of a good cleaning routine. 

You’d be surprised how much of a difference a clean barrel and action can make. I went ahead and used some high-quality gun cleaner, followed by proper lubrication.

This seemed to help quite a bit. The jamming issue significantly reduced post-cleanup. Still, it’s crucial to note that routine maintenance should be your new best friend to avoid this problem in the future.

5. Bolt Off The Track

Now, here’s a rare but highly inconvenient one: the bolt going off the track. Yep, it happened to me too. It’s not a light matter when you’re all set for a day of shooting, and your firearm decides to throw you a curveball like this. 

When the bolt is off track, it basically freezes the whole firing process. You’re stuck with a firearm that won’t shoot, and there’s not much you can do at the moment except look at it in frustration. 

To be frank, it can ruin your outing and shake your confidence in the Mossberg 9200.


Alright, onto the solution. The first thing I did was check the receiver and track alignment. A bit of realignment and some tightening up did the trick for me. 

However, if you’re not savvy with this sort of thing, it might be better to consult a professional gunsmith. They can get that bolt back on track with precision.

 Once that was sorted, the firearm started behaving like it was supposed to. My advice? Don’t overlook the bolt and its track; give them regular checks to catch any misalignment before it catches you off guard.

Final Verdict

In wrapping up, let’s keep it real. The Mossberg 9200 has a lot to offer, from its durability to its ease of use. But like any piece of equipment, it’s not without its downsides. 

During my time in the field, I did encounter some challenges—failure to eject, feeding issues, reliability concerns, jamming, and even a bolt-off track. 

The good part? Each of these problems has a solution that can get you back in the game. Some fixes are straightforward, like swapping out the extractor, while others may require professional intervention, like sending the firearm back to Mossberg for a full inspection and tune-up. 

When all is said and done, the Mossberg 9200 is a solid choice for hunters and recreational shooters alike. My advice? Stay on top of maintenance, and don’t hesitate to seek professional help for those trickier issues.


Is the Mossberg 9200 gas or inertia? 

The Mossberg 9200 is a gas-operated, autoloading shotgun.

What is the capacity of the Mossberg 9200? 

The Mossberg 9200 has a 3-plus-1 round capacity.

Is Mossberg a good brand? 

Yes, Mossberg has been producing quality firearms for over a century.

What ammo is best for a Mossberg shotgun? 

Federal Premium and Remington offer a wide range of ammo options suitable for the Mossberg 9200.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

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