9 Common Springfield Saint Edge Problems You Must Be Aware of

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Don’t get me wrong, the Springfield Saint Edges is a decent piece of equipment, but it’s not without its issues.

Throughout my hands-on time with this firearm, we’ve stumbled upon a handful of common problems. From magazine issues to gas system troubles, we’ve experienced them all. But worry not; for every challenge, we’ve found a solution. 

I want to help you use your Springfield Saint Edge without a hitch, keeping your focus where it should be—on the target, not the tool. 

Overview of Springfield Saint Edge Problems

Magazine ProblemsInspect and replace damaged magazines, ensure proper seating, and clean the magazine well.
Stovepipe IssueInspect and replace the faulty recoil spring.
Light StrikesReplace the firing pin spring, clean and lubricate the firing pin channel, inspect and replace the firing pin if needed.
Issues with the Gas SystemInspect and adjust the gas system, ensure proper alignment and securement of the gas block, adjust gas system settings.
Accuracy ProblemsClean the barrel, use high-quality ammunition, adjust optics.
BCG MalfunctionClean the BCG, apply high-quality lubricant, and replace worn-out components.
Double FeedReplace weak extractor spring, lubricate the firearm, replace worn-out bolt assembly parts.
Problems with the Firing PinInspect and replace damaged firing pin, clean the firing pin channel, apply a light coat of lubricant.
Failure To LockReplace worn-out magazine followers, replace weak magazine springs, ensure proper magazine seating.

Top 9 Springfield Saint Edge Problems & Solutions

1. Magazine Problems

I loaded the Springfield Saint Edge only to face constant feeding issues. Magazine-related troubles can be a real pain, ruining an otherwise fun-filled day at the range.

I noticed the issues could range from a completely faulty magazine, a half-seated magazine, to even just some unwelcome gunk or debris in the magazine well.

 It’s always a mixture of annoyance and disappointment when your weapon acts up.


Oh, how I wish these issues didn’t exist, but the solutions seemed pretty straightforward once I found the cause. 

For a start, I closely inspected my magazines. It’s amazing how a bit of wear and tear or damage can lead to such havoc. 

Replacing damaged or worn-out magazines turned out to be a simple yet effective solution. It’s always good to have spares, right? I also made sure to seat the magazines properly. 

It’s a small step, but skipping it can lead to big issues. Lastly, cleaning the magazine well proved to be another game-changer. It’s amazing how some dirt or debris can spoil the show.

2. Stovepipe Issue

Oh boy, I still remember the frustrating episodes of the notorious stovepipe issue. 

While testing, for every 2nd to 5th round, casings would jut out of the ejection port like a lonely chimney pipe. 

It was maddening! Stovepipes are “failure to eject” faults and are not minor by any means. For us, it was an annoyance. 


But let’s not dwell on the problem too much; I found a solution. After enduring numerous stovepipes, I gave the recoil spring a good look. 

It didn’t take me long to figure out that the darn thing was the culprit. So, what did I do? I replaced it. And voila! Like that, my Saint Edge went from a jam factory to a sleek, smooth operator. Who would’ve thought that a single spring could make such a difference? 

3. Light Strikes

Light strikes are an unfortunate occurrence where the firing pin doesn’t quite meet the primer with enough force. It’s like a missed high-five that leaves you hanging. 

You pull the trigger, expecting the exhilarating recoil and resounding boom, but you’re all met with a disappointing click. That is exactly what happened to me while field testing the Saint Edge.


But don’t fret, as we’ve had my fair share of these awkward light strikes; we’ve also come out on top. After scratching my heads for a while, I got down to the nitty-gritty. The culprit? The firing pin and its surroundings.

First off, the firing pin spring. That little piece of metal can make or break your shooting experience. 

So I replaced it. Next, the firing pin channel needed a good cleaning and lubrication, a simple task but one that makes all the difference.

Lastly, inspecting the firing pin itself was crucial. Damage or wear? Time for a new one!

4. Issues with the Gas System

The gas system was next on my list of challenges with the Saint Edge. Now, we’ve all had days where things just don’t run smoothly, right? Well, let’s say my Springfield had one of those days.

Outgassing, under-gassing, or misaligned gas blocks lead to failures in cycling or extraction, making your shooting experience less than stellar.


Once we’d identified the problem, it was down to good old-fashioned troubleshooting. I started by inspecting the gas system.

A keen eye can spot signs of misalignment or damage that might be causing the trouble. There was A bit of adjustment and a replacement part, and I were making progress.

Next up is the gas block. Ensuring that it was properly aligned and secured was crucial. Finally, some adjustments to the gas system settings were needed. Tweaking the gas block or gas tube settings helped me achieve the proper cycling I were after.

5. Accuracy Problems

Oh, the frustration of accuracy issues! One moment, we’re enjoying the thrill of target practice; then, suddenly, my shots start going astray. The Springfield Saint Edge is known for its precision, but let’s face it, even the best of me can have off days.

Problems arose from barrel fouling, improper ammunition, and even optic-related hiccups. 


Enough of the problem; let’s dive into the solutions that worked for us. Firstly, I cleaned the barrel thoroughly, ensuring that no fouling was left to spoil my next shot. It’s amazing how such a simple task can yield a significant improvement.

Next, I scrutinized my ammunition choice. A good firearm deserves quality ammunition, so I ensured I were using properly sized, high-quality rounds.

Lastly, I checked my optics. Zeroing errors or mounting problems can really throw your accuracy off. Some careful adjustments later, I were back on track.

6. BCG Malfunction

Nothing can take the wind out of your shooting session faster than a BCG that just won’t cooperate. I encountered this firsthand with the Springfield Saint Edge. 

The Bolt Carrier Group (BCG) experienced binding issues, leading to cycling problems and failures to extract.

The fault can be traced back to improper lubrication, carbon buildup, or even worn-out components. Each of these issues seemed to silently creep up, disrupting the firearm’s usual smooth operation.


Facing a problem is one thing, but finding a solution? That’s where things get interesting. I started by thoroughly cleaning the BCG, removing any carbon buildup that had accumulated over time.

Then, a generous application of a high-quality firearm lubricant ensured that the BCG could slide smoothly. It’s like oiling a squeaky hinge – the difference can be felt almost immediately.

Lastly, I inspected the BCG components closely, paying special attention to parts like the gas rings. 

Replacing worn-out parts gave my Saint Edge a new lease on life, restoring the smooth, reliable cycling I were used to. 

7. Double Feed

I need to discuss the next problem I encountered while shooting – bolt override or double feeds. If the bolt doesn’t fully cycle or if a spent casing gets trapped during feeding.

These double-feeding issues can be caused by a weak extractor spring, improper lubrication, or even worn-out parts. That’s a handful, isn’t it?


So how did I deal with it? It was time to roll up my sleeves and get down to work. First, I replaced the extractor spring when I noticed it was weak. 

Next, I ensured that the firearm was well lubricated, focusing especially on the bolt and carrier group. Finally, I went through the bolt assembly and replaced any worn-out parts, like the extractor or ejector. 

With these simple steps, I managed to make double feeds a thing of the past. Isn’t that something?

8. Problems with the Firing Pin

Oh boy, firing pin problems. They can sneak up on you, causing misfires or light primer strikes in the Springfield Saint Edge. In my field tests, I grappled with these issues more than once. 

Trust me; it’s not fun when you pull the trigger, and all you get is a dull ‘click.’

At the root of these problems, I found a variety of culprits – a broken firing pin, carbon buildup, or improper lubrication. It was like playing a game of ‘whack-a-mole.’ Just when you think you’ve solved the issue, another one crops up!


So, how did I tackle this issue? I started with a thorough inspection of the firing pin, looking for any signs of damage or wear. No amount of wishful thinking will fix it if it’s damaged – a replacement is necessary.

Then, I moved on to the firing pin channel. A deep clean removed the carbon buildup that had set up camp. It’s amazing how much grime can accumulate in such a tiny space!

Last but not least, I applied a light coat of lubricant to the firing pin. It was the final touch in ensuring a smooth, dependable operation. With these steps, I turned a stubborn problem into a satisfying victory over technical troubles.

9. Failure To Lock

Here’s a problem that threw me for a loop – the Springfield Saint Edge failing to lock back the bolt when the magazine was empty. 

Talk about frustrating! Not to mention, it was a major speed bump during reloads. In my experience, I discovered that the issue could be caused by worn-out magazine followers, weak magazine springs, or even improper magazine seating. Yikes!


Now, what did I do to tackle this challenge? First up was replacing the magazine followers. I opted for high-quality replacements designed to guarantee a reliable bolt hold open. 

Next, I did a check for weak magazine springs. If they can’t provide enough force to engage the bolt catch, they must go!

Finally, I made sure that the magazine was correctly seated and locked in place during use. After all, the little details can make or break your shooting experience.


After thorough testing and reviewing, the Springfield Saint Edge has proven to be a formidable firearm with its fair share of challenges.

While magazine problems, stovepipe issues, light strikes, gas system troubles, accuracy problems, BCG malfunctions, double feeds, firing pin problems, and failure to lock may crop up, the solutions we’ve found are simple yet effective.

We’ve transformed the Springfield Saint Edge into a reliable performer through careful maintenance, inspection, and necessary replacements. 


Are Springfield Saints good?

The Springfield Saint is a reliable and capable AR-15 rifle, offering good performance for its price.

What is the difference between Springfield Armory St. Victor and St. Edge?

The St. Victor carbine has a muzzle brake, while the St. Edge has a flash hider. Both are chambered for 5.56 ammunition.

How accurate is a Springfield Saint AR-15?

The Springfield Saint AR-15 is capable of achieving 1.5-2 MOA accuracy out of the box with its improved trigger. Further improvements can be made with aftermarket triggers.

Where is Springfield Saint made?

The Springfield Saint is manufactured and assembled in Geneseo, Illinois.

What makes Springfield Saint special?

The Springfield Saint’s special feature is its upgraded nickel boron-coated G.I. single-stage trigger, which operates smoothly and provides a clean, grit-free pull.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

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