7 Common SIG 716i Tread Problems You Must Be Aware of

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I’ve been out in the field, using the SIG 716i Tread, and After going through the hoops, the ups and downs, I’ve experienced first-hand what this firearm’s all about and I ran into a few common problems that seem to plague this firearm. 

Talking about the failure to feed, issues with the extractor and chamber, and even a few troubles with the charging handle. Then there’s the matter of the trigger and hammer. And don’t get us started on the reliability and gas system issues.

I want to shed light on these issues and share a few practical solutions I’ve stumbled upon. So, buckle up; It’s going to be an enlightening ride.

Overview of Sig 716i Tread Problems

Failure To FeedCheck magazine seating, spring and follower cleanliness, and ammo load. Consult a gunsmith if required.
Extractor & Chamber IssuesAdjust extractor tension, perform mortaring, inspect fired cases.
Charging Handle IssuesPurchase an ambi charging handle from Sig’s official website.
Trigger ProblemsSwitch to a Geissele SSA-E or a Geissele S3G trigger.
Hammer ProblemsReplace a weak or broken firing pin spring, clean and lubricate, replace worn-out parts.
Reliability IssuesUnderstand the design limitations before purchasing.
Gas System IssuesMove to an adjustable system with professional assistance.

Top 7 SIG 716i Tread Problem & Solutions

1. Failure To Feed

Ah, the ‘failure to feed’ problem. I’ve all been there, haven’t we? You are out on the range, aiming for that perfect shot, and BAM! Nothing happens. No bang, no recoil, just silence. 

Frustrating, right? You see, the SIG 716i Tread can sometimes be a bit of a diva. It throws an unexpected twist, like refusing to feed ammunition properly. It’s like a cantankerous old car refusing to start on a cold morning.


No problem is insurmountable, right? After encountering this issue one too many times, I discovered a few easy fixes. 

First, check if your magazine is correctly seated. It’s like checking if your car door is properly shut. Next, ensure that the spring and follower are clean and debris-free. 

Lastly, the ammo. Make sure it’s not overcharged. Lighter loads might just do the trick. If none of these work, well, it’s time to bring in the big guns, or rather, the gunsmith. 

2. Problems With Extractor & Chamber

Let’s move on to something that made us scratch our heads – the extractor and chamber issues. After a round of shooting, around the 20th round, things started to get a little wonky. 

Try as I might, I couldn’t slide the charging handle back because of a stubborn cartridge. Extractor pin removal and reinstallation became equivalent to solving a jigsaw puzzle.


There’s always a solution, though, isn’t there? And I found ours after a bit of tinkering. Sometimes, it was as simple as a gentle push due to an extractor tension or claw issue. 

In other instances, I had to address the chamber. When the cartridge jammed, I gave mortaring a go. Used a wood dowel to nudge out the obstinate cartridge. Checking for marks on fired cases also proved helpful, signaling a rough or tight chamber.

3. Charging Handle Issues

Next up on our troubleshooting agenda was the charging handle. Let’s not mince words here; the stock charging handle on the SIG 716i was subpar. Tried a Radian Raptor LT replacement? 

Yeah, us too, but it was a no-go. Installation was about as easy as threading a needle with boxing gloves on. The bolt cam pin alignment was all over the place, making it impossible to dislodge the bolt assembly from the chamber.


But, as with all things, I found our workaround. Sig offers an Ambi charging handle for the 716i on their website.

A word of caution, though, aftermarket parts aren’t exactly Sig’s cup of tea regarding customer support. And an ambidextrous charging handle like a Griffin Armament SN-ACH or a Raptor? Not effective here. 

4. Trigger Problems

Oh, the trigger! That stock trigger was very stiff and just as tough to manage. 

Every pull felt like a battle, a real grit-your-teeth-and-bear-it kind of situation. Honestly, it felt more like I were doing an intense arm workout rather than focusing on our aim.


Here’s the good news, though. I found some nifty ways to deal with the trigger tension. Sandbags? Yep, they helped. And let us tell you, AR Gold triggers aren’t the way to go here. 

Instead, I switched to a Geissele SSA-E. Oh, what a difference! Smooth, lightweight, and a real game-changer. Want to try a single-stage option? Go for a Geissele S3G. 

I got our hands on the 3.5 and 4.5 lb springs for the SG3, which was like night and day compared to the original trigger. Try it; you’ll thank us later!

5. Hammer Problems

Well, it wasn’t all smooth sailing. Next on our list of bugbears was the hammer. For all the might of the Sig Sauer 716i, a faulty hammer can turn it into a ticking time bomb of frustration.


But, of course, I had our fix-it hats on. When the hammer was acting up, it was often a tell-tale sign of a weak or broken firing pin spring. What did I do? I replaced it, getting the new spring from a reputable supplier. 

Also, I found that a bit of spring cleaning never hurt. Checking for dirt or debris build-up and cleaning as needed with a gentle solvent and lubricant did the trick. 

For some issues, simply replacing worn-out parts like springs and pins made a world of difference. A functioning hammer was back in business, and so were we.

6. Reliability Issues

With the Sig Sauer 716i, it’s not all rainbows and unicorns; let’s be clear. I came across some reliability issues that made us scratch our heads. 

The gun seemed to overgas quite a bit just to function properly. A bigger problem was the scarcity of interchangeable parts. 

The receiver being imprinted on meant many unique parts, which were tough to find, especially if you needed a part in an instant or during a shortage.


I really had to pull up our socks for this one, but here’s the deal: these aren’t issues that can be fixed with a simple change of parts. They’re design flaws, pure and simple. But hey, don’t write off the Sig Sauer 716i just yet! While it’s not the top dog in the pack, it’s definitely not the runt. 

These rifles have their merits, and while they’re not a ‘must-have,’ they’re certainly a ‘nice-to-have.’ Just be aware of these little snags before you take the plunge.

7. Gas System Issues

Here’s the rub with the Sig Sauer 716i – the gas system. While it’s all well and good for unrestricted fire, slap on a suppressor, and you’re in for a wild ride. I found ourselves grappling with brass catch-ups three times over! 


So how did I tame this beast? The natural instinct is to switch to an adjustable system but brace yourselves because it’s a bit like doing a tightrope walk. 

You’ve got to remove them and ensure the ports match up as the factory one is pinned. It’s a job that needs precision, like performing surgery. 

You want to keep your gas tube’s measurements handy and involve a professional to help. Trust us; you don’t want to do this without some expert assistance.


Our hands-on experience with the SIG 716i Tread vividly depicts this firearm’s performance. 

Yes, there are snags, and yes, they can be frustrating. I’ve faced them all, from feeding issues to extractor complications, reliability concerns to gas system hiccups. 

But what’s key to remember here is that no tool is perfect, and every issue comes with a solution. I’ve worked around each problem, finding ways to keep this firearm functioning optimally. The SIG 716i, in our book, isn’t a firearm to overlook.


Is the SIG 716i worth it? 

Yes, the 716i is an excellent AR-10, and I would definitely recommend this semi-auto .308/AR-10 to anyone seeking a good rifle at a great price.

Is the SIG 716i discontinued? 

No, the SIG 716i, chambered in 7.62x51mm NATO, remains in production.

What is the difference between Sig Sauer 716i and 716i? 

The main difference lies in their actions. While the 716iG2 is a short-stroke gas piston action, the 716i uses direct-impingement, similar to most AR-15s and AR-10s.

Is the SIG 716i accurate? 

Indeed, the SIG 716i Tread has demonstrated excellent accuracy. In our tests, SIG’s 168-grain open-tip match load performed best, with an average extreme spread of only 1.39″.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

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