3 Common Ruger SP101 Problems You Must Be Aware of

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I’m here to talk to you about the Ruger SP101, a popular revolver I’ve had the chance to test out extensively. However, I found a few common Ruger SP101 Problems while using it, and I’m sure I’m not alone.

So, what issues am I talking about? Well, first off, the trigger can sometimes get stuck, which, let me tell you, is pretty frustrating when you’re out at the range. Next up, there’s the cylinder problem. And last but not least, jamming. 

Alright, enough about the problems. You’re here for solutions, and that’s exactly what I aim to give you. Stick around as we dive into each issue, figure out what’s going wrong, and most importantly, how to fix it. 

Overview of Ruger SP101 Problems & their Solutions

Trigger getting stuckUnload, disassemble and clean the trigger assembly, then lubricate.
Cylinder issuesClean and lubricate the cylinder pin and moving parts after ensuring it’s unloaded.
JammingEnsure unloaded, clean chambers, and switch to high-quality ammo.

Top 3 Ruger SP101 Problems Problems & Solutions

1. Trigger Stuck Issue

Oh boy, let’s talk about the trigger getting stuck. So there I was, at the range, feeling all set to enjoy a day of shooting. 

I took aim and squeezed the trigger, but guess what? The darn thing wouldn’t budge. It felt like the trigger had glued itself in place. 

Frustrating, right? And you don’t want to be in a situation where you need to defend yourself and the trigger decides to go on a mini-vacation. It’s a buzzkill and a potential safety issue too.


So how did I fix this? First off, I made sure the revolver was unloaded. Safety first, folks. Then, I got into the nitty-gritty, disassembling the trigger assembly.

I noticed that the problem was usually due to built-up grime and dirt. A thorough cleaning did the trick. 

A little bit of lubrication on the trigger components, and it was like I had a brand-new revolver in my hands. 

Now, I make it a habit to clean and lubricate the trigger assembly after every shooting session. Problem solved!

2. Cylinder Problem

Ah, the cylinder issue. Now, this was a head-scratcher. Picture me, at the range, excited to send some rounds downrange.

I go to rotate the cylinder, and it’s acting all wonky. Sometimes it would rotate smoothly; other times, it felt like it was grinding or sticking. 

Let me tell you, when you’re looking to get in some quality target practice or, heaven forbid, in a situation where you have to defend yourself, a cylinder that’s not playing nice is the last thing you want to deal with. It’s annoying, to say the least.


After experiencing this issue, I took action. First, of course, made sure the revolver was unloaded. Safety’s the name of the game. 

Then, I opened the cylinder and gave it a thorough cleaning. Turns out, a lot of revolver can accumulate over time, affecting the rotation. After cleaning, I applied a light coating of revolver-specific lubricant on the cylinder pin and other moving parts. 

The difference was night and day. That cylinder was back to spinning like a top. My advice? Regular maintenance is key. 

Make sure you clean and lubricate the cylinder and its components after each use. Trust me, it’ll save you a lot of hassle.

3. Jamming Issue

Last but certainly not least, let’s dive into the jamming issue. This one caught me off guard more than once. Picture this: you’re at the range, you’ve loaded your Ruger SP101, and you pull the trigger.

Instead of that satisfying bang, you’re met with…nothing. A jammed revolver. Yikes. This can be super frustrating and, in a self-defense situation, downright dangerous. 

Nobody wants to be left fumbling with a jammed firearm when it really counts.


Alright, onto the solution. The first thing I did was, you guessed it, ensure the revolver was unloaded. I checked the barrel and the chambers to pinpoint where the jam happened. 

Often, it was due to dirty chambers or a problematic round. A quick cleaning usually solved the issue. After cleaning, I also inspected my ammo. 

Sometimes, the wrong type of ammo can cause jams. I switched to a higher-quality round and the jamming issue vanished. 

So, lesson learned: always use good-quality ammo and keep your firearm clean. It might seem like basic advice, but it works wonders.


Okay, folks, let’s sum this up. The Ruger SP101 is a reliable firearm that many people swear by. However, no piece of machinery is perfect, and this one’s no exception. 

With the issues I’ve pointed out – the trigger getting stuck, the cylinder acting up, and occasional jamming – you could easily start doubting this revolver. 

But wait a minute! Each of these problems comes with a solution that’s both simple and effective. Cleaning, lubricating, and using quality ammo can turn this into the reliable piece of equipment it was meant to be. 

My time at the range made it clear that maintenance is the key to keeping this revolver functioning smoothly. So, do the upkeep and the Ruger SP101 will serve you well.


How long will a Ruger SP101 last?

With proper maintenance, it can last for over 10,000 rounds.

What is the difference between a Ruger SP101 and a Ruger GP100?

The GP100 is generally bigger and heavier, with a weight difference of about 9 ounces.

What ammo can be used in a Ruger SP101?

It holds five rounds of either .357 Magnum or .38 Special.

What calibers does the Ruger SP101 come in?

Options include .38 Special, .357 Magnum, 9mm Parabellum, .327 Federal Magnum, .32 H&R Magnum, and .22 Long Rifle.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

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