Top 6 Most Common Walther P22 Problems + How To Fix

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I’m here to share my insights on the Walther P22, a firearm that I’ve tested extensively out in the field. 

Don’t get me wrong, it’s got its strong points: it’s compact, lightweight, and user-friendly. But while putting it through its paces, I ran into a handful of issues that you should be aware of if you consider this your next purchase.

During my time, I faced six main Walther P22 Problems: issue with the magazine, ejection, feeding, the firing pin, the hammer getting stuck, and cycling. 

But don’t worry; I’m here to help you understand these issues and give you practical solutions to fix them. So, if you own a Walther P22 or plan to get one, stick around. We will break down these problems and get you on the right track to a better shooting experience.

Overview of Walther P22 Problems & their Solutions

Problem with the MagazineDisassemble the gun, tighten the barrel nut.
Ejection ProblemClean the chamber and switch to high-quality ammo.
Feeding ProblemTighten the barrel nut and experiment with ammo.
Firing Pin ProblemClean and lubricate the firing pin, use quality ammo.
Hammer Getting StuckRemove slide, push down on silver bar to release hammer.
Problem with the CyclingInspect recoil spring, replace if necessary.

Top 6 Walther P22 Problems & Solutions

1. Problem with the Magazine

Ah, the magazine issue. Trust me, this one had me scratching my head for a bit. You’ll find that sometimes the magazine wants to sit differently than it should. It’s like it’s being rebellious, refusing to seat fully. 

You might even notice that the magazine’s safety feature can get in the way. A couple of causes crossed my mind: overuse of the gun slide, a loose barrel nut, or issues with other parts like the threaded barrel or trigger bar ears. To really get to the bottom of it, there’s no choice but to take the whole thing apart.


So, what did I do? I took it apart. It doesn’t sound very safe, but it’s a must. Once you get everything disassembled, you need to inspect each part closely. In my case, it was actually the barrel nut that had gotten loose. 

I tightened it up, and voila, the magazine seated properly afterward. If you find a part that’s causing the issue, you might need to repair or replace it. 

So, while disassembling might feel like a chore, it’s the surefire way to solve this issue.

2. Ejection Problem

Let’s talk about the Failure to Eject issue, or FTE, as it’s commonly known. When I was out testing the Walther P22, I used both Winchester ammo and CCI Mini mags. The FTEs were pretty annoying. 

About half of the rounds wouldn’t eject with Winchester ammo, and about 10-20% wouldn’t eject with CCI Mini mags. 

Even worse, I noticed that spent casings got stuck in place. There are a couple of likely culprits here—either the gun needs a deep clean, or the ammo isn’t up to snuff.


So, how did I tackle this? First up, I grabbed a brass brush and gave the chamber a good scrub. If the casing is sticking, this can really help. While I was at it, I inspected the cases for scratches. I did find some, so I replaced them. And for the ammo? I switched it out to see if the issue persisted. In my case, it was actually the Winchester ammo causing the issue. When none of these things work, feel free to contact your dealer for some professional troubleshooting. Trust me, it’s better to sort this out sooner rather than later.

3. Feeding Problem

Ah, the feeding failure, another glitch in the matrix. While I was out testing the Walther P22, I noticed that the gun would sometimes feed differently than it should. 

Specifically, the issue crops up mostly in the second or sometimes even the third round. The brass would eject just fine, but the next round wouldn’t feed into the chamber. 

You may be wondering why. Well, it could be loose barrel nuts or the type of ammo you’re using.


First things first, check that barrel nut. Is it loose? If yes, tighten it up. That was actually the issue for me; a loose barrel nut was messing up the feeding. 

Once I tightened it, the problem went away. But let’s say the barrel nut is not the culprit. What then? It’s time to experiment with different ammo types. I did this, too, and I found that certain types of ammo worked better than others. 

So don’t hesitate to switch it up. And if all else fails, don’t sit there scratching your head; get in touch with a professional to help you out.

4. Firing Pin Problem

So let’s talk firing pins, shall we? I’ve found that this can be a sore spot for some Walther P22 users. When I was out in the field, I had issues with the firing pin getting stuck or not hitting hard enough. And yes, it’s frustrating as all get out. 

The thing is, it’s usually down to one of two culprits. First up, poor maintenance. You’re asking for trouble if you don’t keep that firing pin clean and well-lubricated. 

The second issue is low-quality ammo. Trust me, you don’t want to skimp here; it can lead to excessive wear and tear on the firing pin over time.


Alright, onto the solutions. My first move was to give the firing pin area a good cleaning. Get all that dirt and debris out of there. 

Next, lubrication. It’s essential, so don’t overlook it. Then, I turned my attention to the ammo. I switched to a higher-quality option, and like magic, the issues started to clear up. 

And if you’re still facing problems? Well, you might have to consider replacing the firing pin altogether or go a step further and consult a professional gunsmith. 

It’s worth the time and money to get this sorted.

5. Hammer Getting Stuck

Let me dive right into one particularly vexing issue. I noticed that sometimes the Walther P22 just locks up, and the hammer gets stuck in the cocked position. Yep, it’s as bad as it sounds. No trigger action, no key, no nothing. 

You’re essentially left holding a piece of metal that won’t do its job. And let’s get this straight: this usually happens when the trigger lock is left on the “On” position, and someone slides the slide back. In short, a complete mess.


Okay, let’s roll up those sleeves and fix this. First things first, remove the gun slide. Trust me, it’s easier than it sounds. 

Then, look for a tiny silver bar on the hammer’s right side. Give it a gentle push downward, and voila, your hammer will release and move forward. Feeling better? I thought so. Lastly, use your gun key to unlock that pesky trigger lock.

Don’t forget to put the slide back on and give it a test. Worked for me and should work for you, too.

6. Problem with the Cycling

So here’s another hiccup that might catch you off guard: the cycling issue. 

I’m talking about that moment when the slide refuses to go forward after you’ve cleaned your gun and are trying to put it all back together. Infuriating, right? Even the release feels super tight. 

You’re pressing it multiple times, and nothing happens. From my observation, this often happens with new users 

and can be tied back to messing up the recoil spring. Oh, and weak ammo can make it worse.


Now, let’s tackle this. Take a deep breath and inspect your recoil spring. If that’s where the trouble lies, you’ve got two choices. 

First, you can just replace the recoil spring. Second, you could skip installing the guide bar and the recoil spring during reassembly. Both methods worked for me. If neither works, maybe it’s time to consult a professional. 

But let’s not jump the gun here. If the recoil spring isn’t the problem, cleaning and re-lubing your Walther P22 might just do the trick. Just follow the manual while reassembling, and you should be good to go.

Final Verdict

The Walther P22 is a firearm that has a lot going for it. It’s compact, lightweight, and pretty easy to handle—great for new shooters. 

But just like any piece of machinery, it’s got its issues. I ran into problems with the magazine, ejection, feeding, firing pin, hammer, and cycling. Thankfully, after some hands-on tinkering, research, and field tests, I found practical solutions to each problem. 

So, is the Walther P22 a lemon? Absolutely not. It just requires a bit more attention to detail in some areas. Once you’re aware of its limitations and know how to deal with them, it can offer a reliable shooting experience.


Is the Walther P22 a reliable gun?

Yes, it is reliable, especially when well-maintained and used with quality ammo.

Why buy Walther P22?

The Walther P22 offers premium features and versatility, making it a top choice for various shooting needs.

Is Walther P22 drop safe?

Yes, its safety features include a firing pin block and a magazine disconnect.

What is the difference between P22 and P22Q?

The main difference lies in the trigger action; P22Q has a single action trigger.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

2 thoughts on “Top 6 Most Common Walther P22 Problems + How To Fix”

  1. Thankx Mike, haven’t got to shoot my p22 yet. I will use good ammo and hope for the best. Your article will be a big help if I have problems. All 22’s seems to shoot better if u don’t clean them much. P22 seems like it will be opposite. Thankx again Mike

    • Thanks for the kind words! Great choice starting with good ammo; it’ll definitely set you up for success with your P22. You’re right, unlike other .22s, the P22 does prefer to be clean and well-maintained for the best performance. If any issues pop up, feel free to revisit the tips.


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