Top 4 Smith and Wesson 22A-1 Problems And How To Fix

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I’ve spent some quality time with the Smith and Wesson 22A-1, testing it out in various conditions. But after using it extensively, I started noticing some common Smith and Wesson 22A-1 Problems that could also pop up for you.

The problems I encountered ranged from minor feeding issues to occasional misfires. Maybe you’ve faced similar challenges, or maybe you’re about to. Either way, I’ve rolled up my sleeves to dig into these issues. 

So, I’m going to help you understand these common issues with the Smith and Wesson 22A-1 and show you how to troubleshoot them. That way, you’ll get the most out of your firearm safely and efficiently. 

Overview of the Problems & their Solutions

Magazine IssueAdjust grip and tighten screws. For persistent issues, consult Smith & Wesson.
Feeding IssueClean firearm and use compatible ammo. Replace magazine spring if necessary.
Problem with the EjectionSwitch to compatible ammo and lubricate properly.
Failure to FireChange ammunition, tighten leaf spring strain screw, or replace leaf spring for stronger hammer.

Top 4 Problems & Solutions for the Smith and Wesson 22A-1

1. Magazine Issue

Ah, the infamous magazine issue. I’ve been there too. While I was enjoying some target practice, the magazine popped out unexpectedly while I was at the range. 

Right in the middle of a session! Talk about a mood killer. It seemed to happen more often than it should, and it started to get frustrating. 

The magazine can sometimes pop out due to recoil or even the way you’re gripping the gun. Seriously, it’s enough to make you scratch your head.


Here’s what I did to tackle this pesky issue. First, I took a close look at my grip. A grip that’s too tight or awkward can sometimes hit the magazine release. 

I adjusted my hold, making sure I wasn’t accidentally pressing anything I shouldn’t be. Then, I checked all the screws to make sure they were tightly in place. 

Guess what? The issue became less frequent. If you’ve tried these things and still face problems, inspect the magazine release button. 

Don’t hesitate to send the firearm to Smith & Wesson if all else fails. Sometimes, the professionals need to step in to set things straight.

2. Feeding Issue

Alright, let’s talk about another frustrating issue: the feeding problem. When you’re excited to fire off some rounds, the last thing you want is for the ammo to get stuck. 

I’ve been in this situation, folks. I fully loaded my magazine, took aim, and guess what? The last few rounds tipped down or got jammed in the chamber. Kind of kills the vibe, right? I started wondering if it was me or the gun. 

Turns out, this is a common issue, and it can happen due to a variety of factors like dirty internals or incompatible ammo.


Now, let’s get to the fix. First up, I cleaned the firearm thoroughly. Dust and grime can interfere with smooth feeding, so out came the cleaning kit. I also switched to ammo that I knew was compatible with the 22A-1.

If you try these steps and still have issues, take a look at the magazine’s spring. You might need to replace it, as it’s what helps the bullets load into the chamber correctly. A simple spring replacement could make a world of difference. Trust me, it’s worth the effort.

3. Problem with the Ejection 

Ah, the dreaded failure to eject. I’ve been down this road, and let me tell you, it’s a real mood dampener. There you are, focused on your target, you pull the trigger, and then—nothing. 

The empty case doesn’t leave the chamber. It’s one of those moments when you wish your firearm could talk so it could tell you what’s wrong. This issue isn’t unique to me; it’s something a lot of 22A-1 users have experienced. 

The culprits could be the wrong ammo, poor lubrication, or even neglect in maintenance.


Alright, how do you fix this? First off, say goodbye to incompatible ammo. In my case, 

Remington Viper bullets were a no-go. Switching to something more compatible made a noticeable difference. Another lifesaver? Proper lubrication. 

After doing these things, I saw a significant reduction in ejecting issues. So, folks, the lesson here is simple: use the right ammo and keep your firearm well-oiled. 

4. Failure To Fire 

Do you know what can really ruin a day at the range? When your gun decides not to fire. Yep, I’ve been there. 

Light primer strikes or just outright failure to fire—whatever you call it, it’s a downer. The problem can stem from incompatible ammunition, a finicky firing pin, or even just an accumulation of dirt. 


So, how did I tackle this annoyance? First off, I changed my ammunition. Believe it or not, the type of ammo you use can make a huge difference. If that doesn’t do the trick, look into the leaf spring strain screw. 

A loosened strain screw can result in light strikes by the firing pin. Tightening it up can sometimes solve the issue. 

Still no luck? Consider replacing the leaf spring entirely. A new spring will have more force, helping the hammer strike with greater impact. These are simple fixes, but they can turn a frustrating day into a successful one.

Final Verdict

Alright, let’s sum it up. The Smith and Wesson 22A-1 is a solid choice, especially for those new to the shooting game.

 But no gun is without its challenges. Magazine issues, feeding problems, ejection glitches, and the annoying failure to fire can crop up. 

But here’s the good news—none of these are deal-breakers. With some fine-tuning and proper maintenance, these problems are solvable. 

It’s about getting to know your firearm better and taking the time to make those minor adjustments. So, is the 22A-1 perfect? Nope. But is it a good firearm that can be made better with a little love? Absolutely.


What caliber was the Smith & Wesson Model 1?

The caliber is .22, rimfire.

How long is the barrel on a Smith & Wesson Model 1?

The Barrel of Model 1 is 2.75 inches.

When was the Smith and Wesson Model 1 made?

It was made in 1857.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

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