6 Most Common Sig P250 Problems And How To Fix Them

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I’ve logged hours with the SIG P250, firing round after round to assess its performance. Through this hands-on experience, I’ve encountered a handful of persistent issues.

The list is quite particular: first-generation gun problems, slide and ejector issues, and occasional trigger malfunctions. Then there’s the real nail-biter, failure to feed. 

Rest easy, though; I won’t leave you hanging. I’m about to delve into these common Sig P250 Problems and serve up some field-tested solutions, guiding you through each problem, understanding its root, and finally overcoming it with the most effective solution. So, buckle up, and let’s tackle these gun troubles together!

Overview of the Problems & their Solutions

Problems Solutions
Issues with the First Generation ModelEnsure your gun has a true Picatinny rail, not a rounded Sig style rail.
Slide ProblemsUse a rubber mallet to gently tap the base of the magazine well, or switch to a metal frame.
Issues with the EjectorUse high-quality ammo such as Speer Lawman 147gr FMJ or 147gr Win Defend (JHP).
Failure to FeedSwitch to Winchester ammo and polish the rails.
Problems with the DisassemblyRotate the takedown lever 90 degrees and aim the rifle upward during disassembly.
Trigger IssueNo universal fix available. It’s a matter of personal preference.

Top 6 SIG P250 Problems & Solutions

1. Issues with the First-Generation Model

The first-generation P250 compact had me confused! It was a bit of a doozy from jamming to complete model breaking. 

Ever faced an FTF (Failure to Feed) with your firearm? It’s enough to drive you batty, trust me. These issues fall into an unenviable category I call ‘first-gen frustrations.’ 

This model was defined by its distinctive rounded rail – a feature that seemed to be at the heart of My trials and tribulations.


After much testing and grumbling, I figured out a neat fix. All you’ve got to ensure is that your gun has a true Picatinny rail, not a rounded Sig-style rail. 

A simple eyeball check at the muzzle end can confirm this. The guiding rod should be a complete circle, which seemed to be causing the troubles in my case. 

It might sound simple, but sometimes that’s all it takes to turn the tables! And don’t worry; the second-gen models are a breath of fresh air after the fussy first-gen.

2. Slide Problems

Okay, here’s the lowdown. While in the field, I ran into a rather peculiar issue. I noticed when I inserted a mag with a bit of force; the slide would unexpectedly leap forward and chamber the first round. 

Odd, right? On the other hand, if I gingerly placed the mag, the slide behaved and remained in the rear position.


After a lot of head-scratching, I pieced together the puzzle. 

The full-sized slide on the smaller frame was the source of the unusual behavior. With most firearms, inserting a fully loaded magazine can displace the slide lock, allowing the slide to move forward. 

This effect is reduced in firearms with heavier metal frames. If you’re willing to try it, a gentle tap to the base of the magazine, well with a rubber mallet, can also help keep things in line. However, remember, moderation is key!

3. Issues with the Ejector

I’ve all been there, right? One moment you’re in the zone, enjoying your time at the range, the next – ouch! – a shell ricochets off your forehead. 

Who knew a simple ejection could cause such mayhem? This was an issue I kept running into while field testing. A little bit of investigation pointed me in the direction of the ammo and not the firearm itself.


It turns out skimping on the ammo was not such a bright idea. I quickly found that quality matters here – cheap ammo tends to cause ejection problems. 

When I switched to some of the more reliable brands like Speer Lawman 147gr FMJ and 147gr Win Defend (JHP), voila! The forehead smacking ceased. 

4. Failure to Feed 

Ever heard of the term “Failure to Feed” or FTF? It’s a real buzzkill when you’re out on the range. I noticed this especially with the second-gen P250s, regardless of whether it was full-size, compact, or sub-model. 

The .40sc was a particular repeat offender. The darn thing just wouldn’t chamber the ammo properly, and it’s not much of a gun if it’s not feeding the rounds, now is it?


I didn’t let this problem get me down, though. A little trial and error led me to a simple solution – swapping out the ammo. 

Our usual brands, Magtech and Fiocchi, were a no-go. When I made the switch to Winchester ammo, however, the feeding issues seemed to disappear. As an added measure, I also polished the rails.

5. Problems with the Disassembly 

If there’s one thing that’s bound to test your patience, it’s a gun that’s a pain to disassemble. With the P250, I found myself often wrestling with the slide. 

It was as if something kept getting stuck, and the slide would occasionally separate – not the smooth process I was hoping for. 

Field maintenance turned into a test of my problem-solving skills!


But you know me, I don’t back down from a challenge. A bit of tinkering led me to a surprising solution. I discovered that the slide became more manageable by rotating the takedown lever 90 degrees and aiming the rifle upward. 

The barrel and guide rod/spring shifted slightly backward when the gun was oriented this way, just enough to get that pesky takedown lever to cooperate. 

It’s all about finding that sweet spot. It takes a bit of practice, but trust me, it’s worth it!

6. Trigger Issue

There’s no two ways about it – I had my qualms with the trigger. It’s longer than I’d like, and it’s just not my cup of tea. 

That’s not to say it’s objectively bad; it’s just a bit out of my comfort zone. I found myself bracing for the recoil far too early, which can definitely throw a wrench into your shooting rhythm. 

It’s safe to say this was a bit of a sticking point during my field tests.


Here’s the rub – when it comes to the trigger, there’s no magical fix. It really boils down to personal preference. Some of you might like it, while others, like me, may not like it. 

If it’s not your thing, I get it. But, hey, if it is, more power to you! This just goes to show not all firearm characteristics are one-size-fits-all.


After putting the SIG P250 through its paces, I’ve come to know its weaknesses. 

Many of the problems I encountered had simple, straightforward solutions. From the trigger length to the slide issues, the P250’s quirks only underscore the importance of personal preference when it comes to firearms. 

So, while the P250 may not be everyone’s cup of tea, it still holds a place of respect in my arsenal, demonstrating that even with a few bumps along the way, it’s a firearm that can hold its own.


Why was the SIG P250 discontinued?

The SIG P250 was discontinued due to a decrease in confidence in its quality and the manufacturer’s ability to uphold it, posing safety risks to police officers.

Is the P250 good?

Yes, the P250 is a well-regarded firearm, providing excellent accuracy and reliability. However, it has a chunky grip and an okay trigger, which might not suit all users.

What is the problem with the Sig P320?

The primary issue with the Sig P320 is it’s always-cocked state without external safeties, leaving it susceptible to unintentional discharges.

What replaced the P250?

The P250 was replaced by the P320, which utilizes a striker system in contrast to the P250’s hammer system.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

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