6 Common Ruger SR40C Problems You Must Be Aware of

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I’ve been out, and about testing the Ruger SR40C, and through extensive use, I’ve identified some recurring issues that could put a damper on your shooting experience. 

The common Ruger SR40C Problems I’ve bumped into include jamming problems, barrel issues, feeding issues, 

firing pin complications, trigger issues, and magazine troubles. 

This article aims to help you understand these issues and give you the how-to on fixing them. 

Overview of Ruger SR40C Problems

JammingSwitch ammo and clean the firearm.
Barrel ChipInspect before buying; use recommended ammo.
Feeding IssueClean and lubricate the gun.
Firing PinSend it to Ruger for replacement.
MagazineExperiment with ammo; double-check mag release.
Trigger ResetSend to Ruger or a skilled gunsmith.

Top 6 Ruger SR40C Problems & Solutions

1. Jamming Problem

Alright, let’s dive right in. The jamming issue on the Ruger SR40C is no joke; it can ruin your day quickly. So, I took this bad boy to the range and started firing away. 

It’s smooth for a couple of rounds, and then, bam! A jam! It happened more than once, and trust me, it’s frustrating as heck. I looked closer and saw the slide was stuck halfway, and the round wasn’t fully chambered. 

At first I wondered if it was my fault, but after repeating the same drill multiple times, I concluded it was not just me; the firearm had jamming issues.


Okay, so here’s how I tackled it. First off, switch up the ammo; sometimes, cheaper ammunition can mess things up. Also, make sure to keep your firearm squeaky clean. 

I found that sludgy buildup can really make things sticky. So, I cleaned the Ruger thoroughly and used some quality lube. I also tried different magazines. If none of this works for you, reach out to the manufacturer. 

It might be a deeper issue. After I did all this, the jamming problem reduced significantly. 

2. Barrel Problem 

On my Ruger SR40C, I noticed a small chip on the barrel after a few visits to the range. 

Yep, a chip! A barrel chip might seem trivial, but it can seriously mess up your shooting accuracy. 

At first, I thought maybe I got a lemon, but then I heard others had the same issue. It got me thinking: maybe it’s a quality control issue, or perhaps it’s the type of ammo I’m using. 

Whatever it is, it’s an issue that can’t be ignored.


So, what did I do? First things first, inspect the barrel before buying. Look it over closely because it could save you a headache later. 

Also, I stuck to the manufacturer-recommended ammunition; no more experimenting for me. If you already have a chipped barrel, sending it back to Ruger is the best course of action. 

I did that, and they sorted it out pretty quickly. Using the right ammo and a pre-purchase inspection really helped to avoid this problem going forward.

3. Feeding Issue

Alright, next on the list is the pesky feeding issue. This is one that made me scratch my head. Imagine pulling the trigger and—nothing. 

The round didn’t feed into the chamber. Talk about a buzzkill. During my time at the range with the Ruger SR40C, this failure-to-feed issue happened several times. 

At that point, it’s more than just an isolated event, right? It messes with the shooting rhythm and takes some joy out of the experience, let me tell you.


So, what’s the remedy? It’s pretty straightforward, folks. Clean and lube, clean and lube. I took my Ruger apart and gave it a thorough cleaning. 

After that, a little lube on the essential parts, and voila! The feeding issue lessened to the point it was almost non-existent. It turns out proper maintenance goes a long way. 

So don’t skimp on the cleaning; it makes a world of difference.

4. Firing Pin Issue

Alright, let’s move on to the firing pin, shall we? Here’s a snag that genuinely surprised me. So I’m firing, doing my usual thing, and notice that the ejection isn’t as clean as it should be. 

Something felt off. I checked the firing pin, and, you guessed it, it wasn’t fully retracting. A sticky firing pin isn’t just annoying; it’s a safety concern. 

Excessive protrusion or a flawed firing pin can potentially blow hot gas right back at you.


When it comes to the firing pin issue, there’s not a lot of DIY that can help. What did I do? Sent it back to Ruger, simple as that. 

If you’re comfortable with a gunsmith, that’s another option. They’ll most likely have to replace the pin. 

Ensure the replacement is up to manufacturer standards, and you should be ready.

5. Magazine Problem

Now, let’s discuss a less common but equally frustrating issue—the magazine. So here I am, magazine in hand, ready to load up, and guess what? The darn thing won’t feed properly. 

And that’s not all. Once, while pressing the mag release, both the Magazine Latch Spring and Magazine Latch Catch fell out. I couldn’t believe it. 

If your magazine isn’t working right, your whole shooting session could go sideways. It’s not just about the inability to feed; a faulty magazine could lead to all sorts of malfunctions.


Alright, so what did I do to fix this mess? First up, experiment with different ammo. Not all ammunition works well with every firearm; it’s just how it is. 

Make sure you’re chosen to carry ammo loads fully and cleanly. If you still have issues, don’t jump to conclusions. 

Double-check the mag release from both sides before inserting the magazine again. If all else fails, maybe consider getting a higher-quality aftermarket magazine.

6. Trigger Problem

After firing a shot, the trigger should reset, allowing you to fire again. But that’s not always the case here. It could be the trigger spring, the sear, or any internal component messing up the reset. 

Triggers are complex systems; even a small hiccup inside could throw the whole process off. You’re pretty much left with a gun that won’t shoot when the reset fails. Frustrating, right?


Okay, let’s cut to the chase. What did I do to sort this out? Honestly, this isn’t something to DIY unless you’re an expert.

I sent it straight to Ruger for a professional look-see. If you’re not a gunsmith, and most of us aren’t, don’t try to take this apart yourself; you’ll likely make it worse. 

But if you’re in a rush, a professional gunsmith could do the trick. Whatever route you choose, get it looked at and fixed ASAP. Safety comes first, always.

Final Verdict

The Ruger SR40C is a mixed bag, but don’t let that deter you. Like most firearms, it’s got its own set of issues that can get under your skin. I’ve dealt with jamming, barrel chipping, feeding hiccups, and trigger reset problems. 

But the good news? Almost every problem has a solution, many manageable without needing to be an armory wizard. After thorough cleaning, lubrication, and sometimes reaching out to Ruger or a qualified gunsmith, the SR40C behaves much better. 

It’s a reliable piece that performs admirably with proper upkeep. 


Is the Ruger SR40c reliable?

Yes, with proper maintenance.

Is the Ruger SR40 discontinued?

Yes, it was discontinued in 2017.

Does Ruger still make a 40 cal?

Yes, they introduced the SR40c as a compact version.

Are Ruger pistols good quality?

Yes, they are known for their durability and reliability.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

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