6 Common Ruger P95 Problems You Must Be Aware of

Last Update:

I got my hands on a Ruger P95 for some extensive field testing. Let me tell you, it’s a fascinating piece of machinery. I was out and about, putting this gun through its paces and noticing some Ruger P95 Problems. 

Don’t get me wrong; the Ruger P95 has its merits, but it’s far from perfect.

While testing, I stumbled upon some frequent snags that could annoy users. I’ve seen them all, from extractor issues to safety problems and even the dreaded jamming issue. I even ran into the magazine, reassembly problems, and feeding issues.

I want to delve into each problem and offer you straightforward solutions. 

Overview of Ruger P95 Problems & their Solutions

Problem with the ExtractorCheck and adjust the extractor arm; clean area.
Safety ProblemStop using, call Ruger customer service.
Jamming IssueReplace latch and spring; try different magazine.
Magazine IssueImprove grip; consider replacing extractor.
Problem with the ReassemblyRelease the ejector; consult a pro if needed.
Feeding ProblemLubricate well; try different magazines; adjust slide stop.

Top 6 Ruger P95 Problems & Solutions

1. Problem with the Extractor

Oh man, let me tell you about this one. So, I’m out in the field, right? Firing off some rounds, feeling the power, and then—bam! The bullet casing doesn’t eject. It’s stuck in there. 

Now, this is a crucial thing. We all know that the bullet casing should be leaving the chamber after each shot, but it just wouldn’t. I realized pretty quickly that something wasn’t right with the extractor.


Alright, it’s time for some DIY action. Following Ruger’s advice, I got into the guts of the gun and checked the extractor arm. 

Turns out, it was off-kilter. So, I bent it back into its proper position. Oh, and don’t forget to clean out the muck near the arm and slide area and the hook; you’ll be surprised what you’ll find in there. 

Worked like a charm for me after that. If you’re still out of luck, swapping out the extractor is your next step.

2. Safety Problem

I’ve got to tell you, this one is no small deal. So, there I am, safety on, and I decide to pull the trigger to double-check everything’s working as it should. 

But what’s this? The slider moves up, and the hammer is raring to go. Yeah, you read that right. With the safety switch on, the gun acted like it was ready to fire. 

That’s a huge red flag, my friends. It looks like some manufacturing slip-up where the safety switch isn’t doing its job.


So here’s the deal—this one’s not something you can fix on your own. If you run into this issue, stop using the gun, like right now. 

I called up Ruger customer service pronto. They were helpful and guided me on how to return the pistol to them for repairs. When it’s a design issue like this, it’s out of your hands. Better let the experts take care of it.

3. Jamming Issue

Jamming. Yeah, not the kind you do to music, but the kind that has you cursing under your breath. I’ve been there, my Ruger P95 locking up like a vault. Super frustrating. 

What makes it worse is it’s hard to nail down why. It could be dirt, could be a mechanical failure, or something else entirely. 

Two things kept popping up for me: wrist limping and that pesky faulty extractor. If your grip is weak or not stiff enough, that’s what they call “limp wristing,” and it can cause the gun to jam when it cycles.


First things first, I focused on my grip and form. Remember, your upper body needs to be solid, not just your hands and wrists.

 But let’s say you’ve got your grip game strong, and it still jams. Well, at that point, it’s back to that tricky extractor. 

You might need to replace it. In that case, it’s not a DIY fix; take it to someone who knows what they’re doing.

4. Magazine Issue

So, you’re all set to load up, and what happens? The darn magazine won’t go in. Trust me, I’ve been there, staring at this gun like it owes me money. And it wasn’t just a one-off thing, either. 

The magazine release button jammed each time I pressed it in with some force. To make things worse, bits like the Magazine Latch Spring and Magazine Latch Catch literally fell out. You’ve got to be kidding me, right? Inserting the magazine turned into a task I wouldn’t wish on anyone.


The latch and the spring are your likely culprits. If you know your way around guns, replacing these might be a weekend project for you. 

But let’s be real; if you’re not a gunsmith, don’t play one. Take it to a professional. And don’t rush off just yet. 

Give a different magazine a try first. Sometimes, it’s not the gun; it’s a faulty magazine causing the headaches. And there you have it, the issue tackled.

5. Problem with the Reassembly 

You’d think that taking a gun apart and putting it back together should be a cinch, right? Wrong. With the Ruger P95, reassembling it felt like solving a 3D puzzle. 

A frustrating one. And the slide? If you get that thing wrong, you’re in for a world of hurt. I’m talking about a slide that’s locked up and a slide stop pin that won’t go back in. 

You’re basically staring at a disassembled gun that refuses to be whole again.


So what’s the fix? First, try releasing the ejector. It’s not rocket science, but it needs a bit of patience.

Once you manage to get that ejector down, the slide should free up. Then, you can breathe easily and start again. 

But hey, if you’re breaking a sweat just thinking about it, maybe it’s best to hand it over to a pro. A gunsmith will get you sorted out with zero fuss. Trust me, it’s a lot less headache.

6. Feeding Problem

So, let’s get into it. The Ruger P19 has an issue that’s far from rare: it doesn’t like to feed sometimes. You know what I mean— you’re at the range, all setup, and then nothing. 

The round just won’t chamber. Frustrating, isn’t it? I’ve seen this more than once, and it’s not just me complaining. It could be the extractor, the recoil spring, or even the feed ramp acting up. 

And don’t even get me started on the stock magazines; they’re often the usual suspects.


Alright, so how do you tackle this annoying issue? First things first: lubricate that bad boy properly. No skimping here. And keep that wrist firm, folks! Also, try a different magazine if you haven’t already. 

That alone can make a world of difference. If you’re still stuck, here’s a pro tip: close the slide, slam in a fully stocked magazine, and push down on the slide stop while also pushing up on the mag.

If the first round chambers, it might be time to ditch the stock magazine and go aftermarket. Simple as that.


Alright, let’s wrap this up. The Ruger P95 is an intriguing firearm. It’s got some strong suits, but it’s not without its fair share of hiccups. While problems like extractor issues and safety concerns can give you pause, there are ways around most of them. 

I’ve put this gun through the wringer, and trust me, it’s pretty resilient when you give it the right care. My testing gave me firsthand insight into how to tackle common issues with the gun.

 If you’re willing to spend a little time and elbow grease, you’ll find that this gun can be a reliable sidearm. 


Is the Ruger P95 reliable?

Yes, it’s reliable enough for MIL and LE work.

When was my Ruger P95 made?

It was produced from 1996 until 2013.

Is Ruger P95 double action only?

No, it’s a DA/SA semi-automatic pistol.

What is the difference between Ruger P95 and P97?

P95 uses a fiberglass-reinforced polyurethane frame, while P85 through P944 use an investment-cast aluminum frame.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

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