6 Common Ruger LCP 2 22LR Problems You Must Be Aware of

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I’ve had the chance to test out the Ruger LCP 2 22LR, and let me tell you, it’s a decent firearm. But, like anything in life, it could be better. 

We’re talking about everything from feeding problems to magazine issues. Yup, there’s a whole bunch of stuff to consider. But don’t worry; I’m not just here to point out the flaws. I’ve got some real-deal solutions for each of these problems so that you won’t be left in the dark. 

I’ve encountered feeding Ruger LCP 2 22LR Problems, takedown pin troubles, trigger issues, ejection problems, magazine-related challenges, and hitches during reassembly.

I want to comprehensively overview these issues and offer practical solutions to get your Ruger LCP 2 22LR running as smoothly as silk. Let’s get into it!

Overview of Ruger LCP 2 22LR Problems & their Solutions

ProblemsQuick-Fix Instructions
Feeding ProblemCheck grip, change ammo, and polish feed ramp.
Takedown PinSend it back to Ruger for repair.
Trigger IssueReplace return spring and clean the firearm.
Ejection IssueUse quality ammo and replace the extractor spring.
Magazine IssueAdjust grip and replace latch spring if needed.
Reassembly ProblemFix the positioning of the barrel.

Top 6 Ruger LCP 2 22LR Problems & Solutions

1. Feeding Problem

So, you’re out on the range, locked, loaded, and ready to go. But wait, what’s this? Your Ruger LCP 2 needs to feed the ammo properly. Man, that’s frustrating. 

Trust me, I’ve been there. The bullet doesn’t chamber like it should, and you’re left scratching your head. From my experience, it could be a few things. 

Sometimes it’s the ammo design; other times it’s a thing called limp wristing, which is more common for newbies. 


How did I tackle this? First, if you’re new to shooting, you’ll want to ensure you’re holding the gun firmly to avoid limp wristing. If you’re more seasoned, you probably need to do this again. 

Next up, try swapping out the ammo brand. I found that some bullets don’t play nice with the LCP 2’s specs. 

Then, I took apart the gun and gave the feed ramp a once-over. If you notice any sharp edges, clean it up and add some polish and a drop or two of lubricant. But hey, stay focused and remove any metal. A gentle polish should do the trick.

2. Problem with the Takedown Pin

Here’s another issue that might catch you off guard, the takedown pin. Imagine you’re ready for some action and suddenly notice that the takedown pin is loose or even popped out. Yep, it happened to me. 

This little annoyance could be due to a faulty spring that’s supposed to keep that pin snug, or the pin itself has seen better days. It’s unsettling to know that a small part like this can disrupt your whole session.


You might be tempted to fix this on your own, but don’t. I tried, and let me tell you, it’s not a walk in the park. The best route? Send it back to Ruger. I did that, and they sorted it out for me. They’ve got the expertise to replace the spring or the pin as needed. The whole process might take some time, but honestly, you’d rather want this done right than risk a faulty repair. Trust me, it’s worth the wait.

3. Trigger Issue

Ah, the trigger issue. Now, this is a serious one. I noticed that the trigger sometimes wouldn’t return to its normal position or get stuck. 

Yep, you heard me, stuck! It’s super frustrating when you’re trying to get some practice in. A faulty spring in the trigger system seemed to be the usual suspect. But don’t overlook things like a messed-up recoil spring or plain dirt and grime.


So what’s the fix here? I jumped online and found a handy video that walked me through installing a new trigger return spring. It’s not too complicated, but you’ve got to pay attention. 

While I was at it, I went ahead and swapped out all three springs in the kit. Two birds, one stone, right? Now, for the recoil spring, just go ahead and replace it. No shortcuts here. And let’s not forget, sometimes dirt is the culprit. 

A good cleaning session did wonders for me. So there you go, those are my tested solutions. It made a difference and’ll likely do the same for you.

4. Ejection Issue

Let’s talk about something that might ruin your day at the range: ejection issues. So you’re firing away, feeling good, and then suddenly a shell doesn’t eject. 

Nothing kills the mood faster, believe me. This issue is common and can mess up your whole firing sequence. From my observations, it’s either the ammo’s fault or a weak extractor spring causing this headache.


So, how did I get around this snag? First off, I realized I couldn’t skimp on ammo. Yep, quality matters. Invest in better bullets from a well-known brand it made a big difference for me. 

But sometimes, the issue keeps hanging around like a bad smell. In that case, I had to take a closer look at the extractor spring. 

If you’re not comfortable doing this yourself, get a gunsmith involved. It’s a simple yet effective fix that should have you back in action in no time.

5. Magazine Issue

Here’s a problem that threw me for a loop: the magazine releasing itself while I was shooting. Talk about a mood breaker, right? At first, I thought maybe it was me. Perhaps I was gripping the firearm too tightly or just holding it incorrectly. 

But then, it hit me: left-handers like me often find working with a right-handed gun tricky. And, of course, let’s not forget the good old magazine latch and spring that can go faulty over time.


So, how did I tackle this one? First, I had to reassess my grip. Placing my left hand a smidgen lower than the mag release button did wonders for me. 

Yeah, it took some time to get used to, but no more accidental releases! Next, I inspected the latch spring. If you notice it’s weak, just go ahead and replace it. 

It’s a pretty straightforward process, but if you’re uncomfortable doing it, get professional help. Trust me, these changes are small, but they’re game changers.

6. Issue with the Reassembly 

If you’ve ever found yourself wrestling with getting that slide back on during the reassembly, you’re not alone. Let me tell you, I’ve had my fair share of moments struggling with this one. 

The problem seems more prevalent among those new to the game, but trust me, we’ve all been there. It’s not just about inexperience, though. Not knowing the step-by-step process of disassembly and assembly can have you pulling your hair out.


Slide the barrel into its place, run the guide rod through the spring, and position it right on top of the barrel. It’s got to sit in that little notch, so don’t be shy to use a bit of muscle. 

And then, let the slide glide back in smoothly. And hey, if there’s still a hiccup, inspect for worn-out or broken parts. Replace what needs replacing, and you’re golden.

Final Verdict

Alright, let’s wrap this up. The Ruger LCP 2 22LR isn’t without its issues, but no gun is perfect. The LCP 22 does have its share of feeding, takedown pin, trigger, ejection, and magazine challenges, not to mention the dreaded reassembly woes. 

But here’s the thing: each of these issues has a practical, fixable solution. After spending considerable time on the field with this pistol, I can confidently say that most of these problems are minor and can be tackled with some know-how and patience. 

So, is it worth it? Absolutely. With little effort, the Ruger LCP 2 22LR is a reliable, easy-to-use firearm that balances performance and portability. Just remember, perfection comes with practice and a willingness to troubleshoot.


Is the LCP 2 22LR reliable?

Yes, it’s reliable with the right ammo.

Is the Ruger LCP II reliable?

Yes, it’s a popular choice for pocket carry due to its reliability.

Can you dry fire a LCP 2 22?

Yes, as long as the magazine is inserted and both are unloaded.

Is it safe to carry a Ruger LCP with a round in the chamber?

Yes, the heavy double-action trigger pull acts as a safety.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

2 thoughts on “6 Common Ruger LCP 2 22LR Problems You Must Be Aware of”

  1. Thanks for the info! I’m debating on getting a Rugar lcp II 22 LR. I have a Ruger lcp II 380 max. I’m old and not as strong as use to be. The 380 has no manual safety and I’m nervous about carrying with a round in the chamber without a safety!! Do you have a recommendation for me?? Thanks

    • Totally understand your concerns about the Ruger LCP II 22LR and safety. This model doesn’t have a manual safety, but its heavy trigger pull adds a layer of security. If you’re looking for something with less recoil and easier handling, the 22LR is a good choice.

      Still, comfort is key. If you prefer a firearm with a manual safety, there are plenty of other models to consider. Remember, practicing regularly, even with dry firing, can boost your confidence and handling.

      Stay safe and choose what feels right for you!


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