5 FN 502 Problems You Must Be Aware of

Last Update:

I’ve had the opportunity to test out the FN 502 extensively. After spending a lot of time with this model, I’ve encountered a few FN 502 Problems.

I’ve noted problems such as feeding issues, extraction difficulties, slide lock malfunctions, magazine problems, and grip issues. 

In this article, I’ll explain each problem and offer some tried-and-true solutions to help you navigate these challenges.

So, the aim here is to make your experience with the FN 502 as smooth as possible. I’ll explain what’s going wrong and how to do it. 

Overview of FN 502 Issues & Solutions

FN 502 issuesQuick Solutions
Feeding IssueClean feed ramp and lubricate moving parts.
Extraction ProblemClean extractor, replace its spring.
Slide Lock ProblemCheck slide lock lever and its spring, lubricate.
Magazine ProblemClean magazine, replace worn springs.
Grip ProblemApply grip tape or stipple for better texture.

Top 5 FN 502 Problems & Solutions

1. Feeding Issue

While out on the range, I noticed the FN 502 had some hiccups when it came to feeding ammo. The bullets weren’t smoothly sliding up from the magazine into the chamber. 

This isn’t something you want happening, especially when every shot counts. What typically happened was a sort of jam, where the bullet was halfway into the chamber but not fully seated. 

The gun would then stall, essentially making it non-operational until I manually cleared the jam. Needless to say, this is a serious issue that needs addressing.


After encountering this problem, I took it upon myself to find a fix. First, I ensured it wasn’t a magazine issue, which I’ll discuss later. 

What worked for me was cleaning the feed ramp thoroughly. Dirt and debris often accumulate here, affecting the smooth transition of bullets into the chamber. Then, I used a high-quality lubricant on the moving parts related to feeding. 

I took the gun back to the range, and, lo and behold, the feeding problem was significantly reduced. 

Another thing to consider is the type of ammo you’re using; make sure it’s compatible with your FN 502. After these adjustments, my experience was a lot smoother.

2. Extraction Problem

In my time using the FN 502, another issue that seemed to plague the experience was the extraction problem. After firing a round, the spent casing should be efficiently ejected to make room for the next one.

In this case, the gun seemed to have a mind of its own. The spent casing would either not eject fully or would get caught in the slide, causing what’s known as a “stovepipe.” This, of course, renders the firearm unusable until the jam is cleared. 

Doing this, especially in situations requiring quick response, is not ideal. Let’s get real; when you pull the trigger, you expect the gun to work as it should, and extraction issues can be a major hindrance.


So, after some tinkering, I came up with a couple of solutions that worked for me. First, I focused on cleaning the extractor and its surrounding area meticulously. Often, accumulated grime can affect its function. 

Secondly, I swapped out the extractor spring for a new one. These springs lose their tension over time, and that can contribute to extraction problems. 

The last thing I checked was the ejector; it needs to be in good shape to kick the spent casing out properly. After implementing these fixes, the gun performed much better during my subsequent tests. 

3. Slide Lock Problem

During my field tests with the FN 502, I encountered yet another challenge: the slide lock issue. This one’s a real pain, I’ve got to tell you. 

You fire off a round, and instead of locking back after the last shot, the slide just goes home, leaving you bewildered. You’re left wondering if there’s another round in the chamber or not. It’s a safety issue, and it’s definitely something that can mess with your focus and timing. 

I know the last thing anyone wants is to be unsure about the status of their weapon, especially in high-pressure situations.


After some time at the workbench, I think I’ve nailed down a solution that works pretty well. First, ensure that the slide lock lever is not damaged or excessively worn. 

If it is, replacing it is a must. Also, ensure that it’s properly lubricated. Lack of lubrication can lead to friction, making it difficult for the slide lock to engage. Additionally, inspect the slide lock spring.

A weakened or faulty spring can fail to push the lever into the correct position. After taking these corrective measures, I went back out for more field tests. Guess what? The slide locked back after the last shot, just as it should. 

So, if you’re experiencing this issue, try these solutions. They worked for me, and chances are, they’ll work for you too.

4. Magazine Problem

Ah, the magazine problem—another issue I faced while using the FN 502. When it comes to feeding issues, it’s easy to point fingers at the gun itself, but sometimes, the magazine is the culprit. 

I noticed that rounds would occasionally nose-dive in the magazine instead of aligning properly. This obviously disrupted the feeding process, making for a less-than-smooth shooting experience. 

Also, the magazine would sometimes fail to lock into place, dropping out unexpectedly. Honestly, there’s nothing more jarring than having your magazine fall out mid-session.


I’ve tested a couple of fixes that have worked wonders. First, I made sure to clean the magazine inside and out. Dust and debris can cause friction that disrupts the rounds’ alignment. Then, I examined the magazine springs. 

Over time, these springs can lose their tension, affecting the feed rate. Replacing them was an easy fix. For the issue of the magazine not locking in, I found that the magazine catch was worn. A quick replacement took care of that. 

After making these adjustments, the magazine locked into place reliably, and the rounds fed like a charm. So before you blame the gun for feeding issues, give your magazine a good once-over. It could save you a lot of headaches.

5. Grip Problem

Let’s talk about grip issues, a subtle yet significant problem I faced while testing the FN 502. 

A proper grip is essential for accurate shooting, and, unfortunately, the factory grip didn’t cut it for me. It felt too slick, even with dry hands, and that’s not a feeling you want when handling a firearm. 

I could sense the gun shifting slightly in my hands during rapid fire. No good! A poor grip can result in reduced accuracy and may even be a safety hazard in the worst-case scenario.


After struggling with the grip, I decided to make some adjustments myself. Firstly, I tried adding grip tape to the handle. 

This adhesive-backed sandpaper-textured tape offers a much more tactile surface for your hand to cling to. What a difference that made! For a more permanent solution, stippling is another option. 

This involves creating small indentations in the grip surface for improved texture. I also tested different aftermarket grips designed for the FN 502; some provided excellent stability. 

After these modifications, the gun felt rock-solid in my hands, improving both my comfort and accuracy. If you’re experiencing grip issues, these are some solid fixes to consider.

Final Verdict

The FN 502 is a solid piece of craftsmanship with some enticing features, but like any piece of machinery, it has its downsides. 

In my testing, I encountered various issues, from feeding and extraction problems to grip difficulties. Yet each issue was not a dead end but a point for optimization. I’ve managed to iron out the problems, making the gun function better in the process. 

Cleaning, lubrication, and part replacements were often enough to solve the issues at hand. So, while the FN 502 may not be perfect out of the box, with a little attention and care, it can turn into a reliable and efficient tool for any firearm enthusiast.


How accurate is the FN 502?

The FN 502 is highly accurate; groups fired from 25 yards had three to four bullet holes touching out of five.

What is the difference between FN 502 and 509?

The main difference is that the FN 502 is a .22 caliber, hammer-fired pistol, while the FN 509 is a striker-fired 9mm.

Is the FN 502 the same size as the FN 509?

The FN 502 isn’t exactly the same size as the FN 509, but it’s close enough to fit into many existing 509 holsters.

Is the 502 worth it?

The FN 502 provides an enjoyable shooting experience ideal for newcomers and is cost-effective for range practice.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

2 thoughts on “5 FN 502 Problems You Must Be Aware of”

  1. Good write up. Were these problems out of the box ? You mentioned extensively testing the FN 502. Roughly how many rounds down range before the problems started showing up? Kicking around the idea of picking up one. Thanks

    • Most of the issues I mentioned with the FN 502 started cropping up after a decent amount of use. We’re talking about several hundred rounds down range. It wasn’t straight out of the box, but more like a gradual thing as I kept using it.


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