3 Canik TP9SF Problems You Must Be Aware of

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Having spent ample time in the field, I can tell you that my hands-on experience with the TP9SF has been enlightening. 

During the testing phase, I pushed the firearm to its limits, and in the process, I was able to pinpoint some very real concerns that other users may also face. 

The common Canik TP9SF Problems I’ve encountered while using this firearm are worrisome. You might think it’s all smooth sailing when you first pick it up, but let me tell you, it’s not. The issues ranged from failure to eject, to trigger complications, and even shooting problems. 

But don’t you worry; I’ve delved into these concerns, and in this article, I’ll share the problems and solutions that I have come up with to address them.

Overview of Canik TP9SF Problems & their Solutions

Failure To EjectReplace the factory recoil spring with an aftermarket spring.
Trigger Issue Strike or gently twist the trigger bar; contact Century Arms if needed.
Shooting Higher than AimFile off the rear sight or consider a taller front sight.

Problems & Solutions for the Canik TP9SF

1. Failure To Eject

During my time on the range, one problem that reared its head more than once was the failure to eject (FTE), especially with lighter-weight bullets like 115 grain or less. It’s not just a random occurrence; it happened quite a bit. 

You fire your shot, and instead of a smooth ejection, the old cartridge shell gets stuck right there in the gun. Talk about a headache! The slide won’t close, and the gun gets jammed. 

This could be catastrophic if you’re in a competition or, heaven forbid, a life-and-death situation. 

This jamming is also known as stovepipe, so if you’ve heard that term before, we’re talking about the same problem.


Now, on to the solution. I played around with this issue quite a bit, and guess what? I found a way to fix it. 

The answer was replacing the factory recoil spring with a new aftermarket spring. Simple, right? I used a captured recoil spring and a stainless steel rod, and voila! No more ejection problems. 

It’s a straightforward fix that anyone can do, and it made a world of difference in the performance of the firearm. Give it a try, and you’ll see what I mean. It worked for me, and it’ll work for you, too!

2. Trigger Issue

Let me tell you about the trigger on the TP99SF. While testing this firearm, the trigger gave me a run for my money. It felt “spongy,” and the amount of travel was just too much. Shooting accurately? That became a challenge. 

The trigger reset issue caught me off guard a few times. I was ready to fire the next round; the indicator showed it was good to go, but nothing happened when I pulled the trigger. 

This kind of inconsistency doesn’t just mess with your aim; it shakes your confidence in the gun. The trigger bar moving to the left and getting off the reset ramp was the culprit.


The good news? There’s a way to tackle this problem. First, I noticed a gap in the assembly to the trigger bar, so I grabbed a small brass hammer and struck the trigger bar. 

Another time, I gently twisted the bar to the right and even bent it a bit. Sounds like a lot, but trust me, it worked. 

If you’re still struggling, don’t hesitate to contact Century Arms. 

Their customer service is top-notch, and they’ll help you out. It’s nice to know that even though there’s a problem, there’s also a practical solution, right?

3. Shooting Problem

Here’s something that surprised me while testing the TP9sfx: the gun was shooting higher than where I aimed. It’s not something you’d expect, right? But there I was, lining up my shots and watching them land above the target. 

I could see how this would be frustrating for anyone, especially if you’re counting on precision. I knew there had to be a reason, and my thoughts went to the red dot sight mounted on the Canik tp9sfx.


Getting down to business, I considered buying a new, taller front sight, but then I thought, “Why spend money if there’s another way?” So I took a closer look and decided to file off the rear sight. 

Carefully steadily, I filed it down, then took a few test rounds. It was still shooting high. So, back to the filing, I went. A little more off, a few more test rounds, and bingo! The shots were on target.


The Canik TP9SF has been an eye-opening experience. Through rigorous testing in the field, I was able to uncover some notable problems, but I also found solutions that worked for me. 

Despite the challenges with ejection, the trigger, and shooting accuracy, it’s clear that these can be rectified with some minor adjustments and understanding. 

The TP9SF offers a platform suitable for various users, from competitive shooters to law enforcement. While it might not be a perfect firearm out of the box, the issues are manageable, and the potential for this handgun to excel in performance is definitely there. 

It’s an affordable option with room for customization and improvement, and that makes it a viable choice for many.


Is the Canik TP9SF a good gun? 

Yes, with proper adjustments, it’s a versatile and reliable firearm.

Is the Canik TP9SF a clone? 

Yes, the TP9 is a clone of the Walther P99, sharing similar features and design.

How many rounds will a Canik last? 

The Canik TP9SFx, with its 5.2-inch barrel, can last over 60,000 rounds.

What kind of gun is a TP9SF? 

The TP9SF is a handgun designed for Law Enforcement, Military, and Civilian use, with the title of the world’s superior handgun after 60,000 rounds.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

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