7 Common Beretta PX4 Storm Problems And Solutions

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I have spent significant time in the field testing various weapons, including the Beretta PX4 Storm Subcompact. 

It’s through my hands-on approach that I’ve uncovered some common PX4 Storm Subcompact Problems. These aren’t just theoretical concerns; I’ve faced them Myself and understand what users might go through.

Some problems like magazine issues and failure to eject are quite bothersome. Others, like slide problems and accuracy concerns, can be equally frustrating. 

In this article, I’m not just pointing out the problems; I’ll discuss them in detail and provide tried-and-tested solutions.

Overview of the Problems & their Solutions

Magazine IssuesManually move the slide back a bit and hit eject, or polish the catching part, or replace the magazine.
Failure To EjectCheck the magazine spring and slide stop lever, clean the chamber, or visit a certified gunsmith.
Slide ProblemsRefit or replace the takedown pin, clean and lubricate the slide.
Failure To FeedEliminate limp wrists, break in the gun, clean and lubricate the feed ramp and chamber.
Accuracy ProblemsAdjust aftermarket sights, choose the right ammo.
Issues with JammingClean components, polish irregularities, try different ammo, adjust aftermarket parts.
Not Returning To BatteryInspect for debris, replace the recoil spring, ensure proper ammo selection.

Top 7 Beretta PX4 Storm Problems & Solutions

1. Magazine Issues

You know that annoying feeling when something’s not quite right, and you can’t figure out why? That’s what I felt during my field testing of the Beretta PX4 Storm Subcompact’s magazine. 

The issue I ran into was that the magazine would often get stuck after the last round was fired. Talk about an unwelcome surprise! 

The slide catch lever simply refused to cooperate when the mag got stuck. It’s like trying to unlock a door with the wrong key; you know it should work, but it doesn’t.


After some trial and error, I found a workaround. By manually moving the slide back just a bit and holding it there, I could slap the mag in and hit the eject button. 

It worked like a charm! But I didn’t stop there; I took a closer look at the magazine and noticed a bit of wear on the part that was catching. 

A bit of polishing with fine sandpaper, and It was good as new. If the issue still persists, though, don’t fret. 

Opting for a replacement magazine from Beretta is a simple solution, and it brings things back to smooth sailing. It’s like finding the right key to that stubborn lock.

2. Failure To Eject

During my hands-on time with the Beretta PX4 Storm Subcompact, I faced a troubling issue: failure to eject. 

Imagine being in the midst of firing and suddenly realizing that the spent cartridge isn’t ejecting. Frustrating, right? This isn’t just a minor annoyance but can seriously impact the firearm’s performance.


First, I examined the magazine spring, ensuring it was in tip-top shape. Then, I looked closely at the hook on one end of the spring, ensuring it was secured properly. 

Simple enough, right? But there’s more. I checked the slide stop lever, ensuring it was snug and correctly attached. Think of it like tightening loose screws on a wobbly chair. 

Lastly, I gave the entire chamber a good clean, getting rid of any buildup that might interfere with the ammunition’s path. 

If all else fails, a trip to the certified gunsmith will help you for sure. Together, these steps helped me get the Beretta back on track, smooth and efficient, just like pouring syrup on a hot pancake!

3. Slide Problems

While testing the Beretta PX4 Storm Subcompact, I ran into something quite alarming. The takedown pin seemed to be loose, which caused the slide to potentially come off entirely during shooting. 

I also noticed an issue with the slide getting stuck.


The culprit behind the loose takedown pin was wear and tear. What I needed to do was refit the pin or replace it altogether. It’s not complicated, but you have to get it right!

For the slide-sticking issue, I figured it was due to dirt, debris, or fouling.

Starting with a gun cleaning solvent and soft brush, I scrubbed the affected areas, then wiped them clean, and finally applied a thin layer of gun lubricant. And there you go, the slide was working smoothly again, all set for another round of action in the field. It’s amazing how a little care can solve even the trickiest problems.

4. Failure To Feed

During my testing phase with the Beretta PX4 Storm Subcompact, I stumbled upon another issue that got my attention: the failure to feed. 

The pistol was failing to chamber a round from the magazine properly. Sometimes, it would get caught, and other times, it just wouldn’t go through. It was a problem that needed attention, especially considering that such an issue in a critical moment could be more than inconvenient.


I rolled up my sleeves and got to work. Firstly, I looked into eliminating limp wrists. The force from the recoil must be directed to make the gun function properly, not absorbed. 

Secondly, I found that breaking in the gun might help. Leaving the slide open for a prolonged period allowed the stiff springs to loosen up.

Lastly, the feed ramp and chamber needed care. I cleaned and lubricated them, almost like taking care of an old, rusty key to make it turn smoothly in the lock again. Professional polishing could do the trick if all else failed, but that was my last resort. The failure to feed issue was no longer a headache with these steps. It felt good to have it working like new!

5. Accuracy Problems

Accuracy is a fundamental aspect of any firearm, and it’s frustrating when it doesn’t hit the mark. 

I noticed some accuracy issues during my time with the Beretta PX4 Storm Subcompact. 

The shots were either going low, to the left, or both. It was like trying to hit a bullseye with a wobbly dart. Imagine the disappointment of a missed shot when you’re confident in your aim!


To deal with this, I had to think creatively and systematically. First, I looked into aftermarket 

adjustable sights, adjusting them like fine-tuning a musical instrument. The right sight adjustment can make all the difference.

Ammo selection was another area of focus. Choosing the right bullets was like finding the perfect ingredients for a dish. I paid attention to velocity ratings and bullet designs, trying different types to find what worked best.

6. Issues with the Jamming

Ah, jamming! I’ve all been there. Picture a critical moment, you pull the trigger, and nothing happens. 

That was my experience when testing the Bersa PX4 Storm Subcompact. The gun would jam up like a traffic jam during rush hour, and the frustration it caused was real. 

Different factors came into play here, from misshaped feed ramps to worn magazines. 


Addressing this issue needed a step-by-step approach. It’s more complex than just hitting a button. 

First, I had to inspect every part of the gun. From cleaning the components to polishing away irregularities, it was like giving the gun a makeover.

Next, I had to play around with the ammo, trying different types until I found one. Lastly, I tweaked the aftermarket parts, like adjusting the volume on a stereo. The minor adjustments made all the difference.

7. Not Returning To Battery

The issue of not returning to the battery caught me by surprise during my hands-on testing with the Bersa PX4 Storm Subcompact. Think of it like a sliding door that refuses to close completely. 

This little glitch was enough to cause considerable frustration, whether it was the recoil spring acting like a tired runner or a dirty extractor playing hard to get.


First, I inspected for any debris that might be acting like a doorstop, blocking the firing mechanism. A thorough cleaning was in order.

Next, I replaced the recoil spring. I then ensured that the ammo was like the right key to the lock, without any excessive friction.

And the Bersa PX4 Storm Subcompact was back in action, returning to battery as smoothly as a well-oiled machine. 


My hands-on experience with the Beretta PX4 Storm Subcompact has been a fascinating journey uncovering both the weaknesses and strengths of this firearm. 

Like any complex piece of machinery, it has had its share of issues, but what truly sets it apart is how these problems can be overcome. Whether it was the failure to return to battery or the gun jamming, each issue I faced had a practical solution. 

A bit of hands-on care and attention to detail can transform the PX4 Storm into a smooth-operating and reliable firearm. 


Is the Beretta PX4 Storm reliable? 

Yes, the Beretta PX4 Storm is considered reliable, offering the tried-and-true Beretta DA/SA operating system.

Is the Beretta PX4 Storm compact 9mm reliable? 

The Beretta PX4 Storm Compact 9mm has been stress-tested to 150,000 rounds without failure, indicating its reliability.

Why is my PX4 Storm jamming? 

Jamming in the PX4 Storm can often be attributed to the use of low-quality or low-pressure ammunition and lack of proper lubrication.

Is the PX4 Storm durable? 

Yes, the PX4 Storm is engineered to be ultra-durable and is capable of shooting well over 100,000 rounds without any part breakage, making it impressively resilient.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

3 thoughts on “7 Common Beretta PX4 Storm Problems And Solutions”

  1. Hello! I just purchased a full size PX4 Storm pistol. It won’t even chamber a round without jamming. To say I’m frustrated is an understatement. I have cleaned and lubed this weapon. What type of ammo worked the best in this pistol? Any help is appreciated.

    • It’s great that you’ve already cleaned and lubed the weapon. That’s always the first step in troubleshooting. As for ammo, the PX4 Storm tends to be a bit particular. I’ve found that it usually performs best with high-quality, factory-loaded ammunition. Avoid using reloaded, remanufactured, or handloaded ammunition, as they can vary in quality and might cause more jamming issues.


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