6 Most Common Beretta 84 Problems And How To Fix Them

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I recently took the opportunity to field-test the Beretta 84 problems. My collective hands-on experience with this firearm gave me a unique insight into its workings. 

The more I interacted with it, the more I noticed certain inconsistencies and issues that might bother a regular user. 

During my time with the Beretta 84, I’ve encountered several problems, such as slide issues, jamming, disassembly, feeding issues, problems with safety, and slide lock problems. 

These weren’t just minor issues; they could seriously affect the performance and reliability of the firearm. I’ll break down these common problems and offer solutions based on my observations and hands-on experience.

Overview of the Problems & their Solutions

Slide IssuesManually cock the hammer before racking the slide to make the process smoother.
Jamming IssueChange the recoil rod to eliminate jamming during take-down.
Issues with the DisassemblySmooth edges of the slot with sandpaper or use a slide lock method; consult a gunsmith if needed.
Feeding ProblemsAcquire a new appropriate magazine directly from Beretta to remedy feeding issues.
Problems with the SafetyClean and lubricate the spot where the safety spike meets the post; use a screwdriver if needed.
Slide Lock ProblemsCheck the follower for wear and assess the spring’s strength; replace the spring or examine the follower if needed.

Top 6 Beretta 84 Problems & Solutions

1. Slide Issues

During my field testing of the Beretta 84, I couldn’t help but notice some slide issues. These problems weren’t mere inconveniences; they could significantly hinder the overall performance of the firearm. 

Some of me found the slide pretty hard to rack. It became especially evident when preparing the gun for firing, and the issue seemed more pronounced for those lacking physical strength. 

The sensation was stiffness, almost like wrestling with the gun, rather than smoothly preparing it for use.


I discovered a method that worked for me in dealing with this slide issue. By manually cocking the hammer before racking the slide, the process became noticeably smoother. 

I tested this several times and found it to be a consistent remedy. However, changing the spring was something other than what I considered, as it could interfere with the gun’s internal balance and operation. 

The manual cocking solution was a tangible and practical approach to this common problem.

2. Jamming Issue

During my time with the Beretta 84, one issue that repeatedly caught my attention was jamming when attempting to take down the firearm. 

I found that the slide, barrel, recoil guide, and spring wouldn’t slide forward and off the frame as they should. 

The process was far from smooth, and the recoil guide rod habitually did not stay in its proper under-barrel notch. 

It was a baffling problem, leaving me feeling frustrated and puzzled. I needed to find a way to fix it, as it hindered the proper function of the firearm.


After some hands-on testing and examination, I found that changing the recoil rod provided a complete solution to this jamming issue. 

The take-down process became smooth once I made this change, and the problematic jamming was eliminated. 

Seeing that what initially seemed like a complex issue had such a straightforward and effective solution was a relief. The Beretta 84’s function was dramatically improved by addressing this one component.

3. Issues with the Disassembly

The disassembly procedure of the Beretta 84 became a topic of concern for me as I spent more time with the firearm. 

The problem lay in my attempts to remove the slide/barrel assembly. I noticed that the guide rod would interfere with the frame slot of the gun, hindering smooth removal. 

Over time, the frame’s metal seemed to get damaged by the slide. This was clearly a structural issue, and it led to growing frustration among my team. 


Our hands-on testing led me to two practical solutions. First, I found that smoothing the edges of the slot with sandpaper helped alleviate the issue. 

Second, a method involving locking the slide open, taking the magazine out, releasing the take-down lever, and letting the slide slam shut also proved effective. 

However, it’s worth mentioning that getting the frame looked at by a gunsmith and properly polished and deburred if needed is a highly recommended step. 

These solutions significantly impacted my ability to disassemble the Beretta 84, making the process smoother and more reliable.

4. Feeding Problems

As I continued my rigorous testing of the Beretta 84, I couldn’t help but encounter the dreaded “failure to feed” problems that have been widely discussed online. 

The issue manifested as the slide getting stuck, not on the ejecting round but on the next round that was meant to be chambered. 

It was an alarming problem that clearly needed to be addressed. I knew this wasn’t an isolated incident but something that many Beretta 84 owners had experienced, and it was time for me to find a solution.


Our hands-on examination showed me that the problem primarily lay with the magazine. Whether it was a bad feed on the last round or a faulty follower or spring, the magazine seemed to be at fault. 

Our solution was to acquire a new appropriate magazine directly from Beretta. This move effectively remedied the issue, restoring the firearm’s reliability and putting an end to the feeding problems that had troubled us. 

This simple change made a noticeable difference in the gun’s performance.

5. Problems with the Safety

In my continued testing of the Beretta 84, I stumbled upon a rather concerning issue with ambidextrous safety. I found that the safety would often refuse to disengage, getting stuck in the locked position and locking the slide entirely. 

This wasn’t just a minor inconvenience; it’s a significant safety concern that demanded my attention. The issue seemed to stem from the gun being dirty or lacking proper lubrication. 

I needed to find a solution quickly, as this problem could lead to potential hazards if left unaddressed.


Our investigation led me to a straightforward solution: cleaning and lubricating the gun, specifically targeting the spot where the safety spike meets the post. By applying oil and letting it work inside the gun, I managed to disengage the safety. 

Manually pushing the spike using a small screwdriver helped in more stubborn cases. Following these simple steps restored the safety function of the Beretta 84, providing peace of mind and confidence in the firearm once again.

6. Slide Lock Problems

In my examination of the Beretta 84, I repeatedly ran into something quite bothersome. The slide was supposed to lock back after shooting the last round or on an empty magazine, but it was misbehaving. 

Sometimes it wouldn’t lock back on the last round, and other times it would lock with a bullet still inside the magazine. It was an inconsistency that had me scratching my head, knowing I needed to get to the bottom of this issue for a safe and reliable firearm experience.


After some investigation, I found the problem wasn’t the slide lock itself but the magazine springs or the mag follower. Checking the follower for wear and assessing the spring’s strength led me to the solution. 

A replacement spring or close examination of the follower helped fix this inconsistent behavior. By addressing these components, I restored the slide lock’s proper function, enhancing the gun’s performance and safety.


Our extensive field testing of the Beretta 84 revealed it as a multifaceted firearm with strengths and weaknesses. 

The sturdy construction and reliable firing mechanism make it a worthwhile choice for legal concealed carry.

However, I encountered several problems, including slide issues, jamming, disassembly difficulties, feeding problems, safety concerns, and slide lock inconsistencies. 

Fortunately, I was able to find practical solutions to these issues, enhancing the firearm’s performance. 


Is Beretta 84 reliable? 

Yes, the Beretta Model 84FS is well made, reliable, and shoots comfortably, making it suitable for concealed carry.

Is the Beretta 84 still made? 

Yes, Beretta still manufactures the Cheetah in Italy with limited imports to the U.S. each year.

Is the Beretta 84 blowback? 

Yes, the Beretta 84 uses a straight blowback operating system.

When was the Beretta 84 made? 

The Beretta 84 was first released back in 1975, and it became part of the Beretta Cheetah series.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

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