4 Most Common Beretta 71 Problems And How To Fix Them

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In my time spent field testing the Beretta 71, I found that it’s not all smooth sailing with this popular firearm. 

My hands-on experience has allowed me to uncover certain flaws and peculiarities some users may encounter. 

The Beretta 71 Problems I encountered were consistent, giving me confidence in my observations. I’ll delve into four common problems: slide problems, ejector issues, a finicky breakdown lever, and feeding problems. 

This article will unravel the mysteries behind these issues and provide reliable solutions. Together, I’ll make the Beretta 71 a more enjoyable experience!

Overview of the Problems & their Solutions

Slide ProblemsPull the slide back and release repeatedly, file any rough edges off the barrel lug.
Ejector IssuesContact a gunsmith to correct the bent ejector.
Breakdown Lever ProblemPull the slide to the back and let go repeatedly until the slide can be removed by hand.
Feeding ProblemClean the magazine and remove the dirt.

Problems & Solutions for the Beretta 71

1. Slide Problems

Oh, how I struggled with the slide problems on the Beretta 71! It was a real challenge to work the slide back and forth, only to have it not come all the way back to the end of the frame. 

I could feel the slide’s tension, the inability to pull the trigger, and the safety refusing to engage. It was like the gun was fighting against us, refusing to cooperate. 


I followed the advice given and found it to be spot on. Pulling the slide back and releasing it repeatedly, up to 50 times, became my go-to method. 

I could feel the barrel gradually loosening, a sensation of triumph growing with each pull. Carefully filing rough edges off the barrel lug that slides into the frame mount did the trick. 

It was vital to avoid going too far, as the barrel needed to fit tightly. I succeeded, turning a cumbersome task into an easy fix.

2. Ejector Issue

Another challenge caught me off guard during my field testing of the Beretta 71. The ejector started to bend. There was a noticeable change in how the pistol felt, and the rounds weren’t performing as they should. 

That sensation of something being off, the confusion of handling a firearm that should have been functioning seamlessly but wasn’t, was perplexing. 

I wasn’t heavy-handed with the pistol, yet this issue arose. It became clear that this was something I couldn’t overlook.


My solution was straightforward: I contacted the gunsmith. With professional hands, they managed to correct the bent ejector. 

I could feel the difference immediately as the pistol was restored to normal operation. The smoothness in the ejection of rounds was back, and my trust in the firearm was restored. 

It was a lesson learned that sometimes, the simple step of seeking professional help can quickly resolve what might otherwise become a serious concern. Knowing that such problems can be fixed with a little outside assistance is a relief!

3. Breakdown Lever problem

Ah, the breakdown lever problem. This was a peculiar issue that I stumbled upon with the Beretta 71. 

The lever got stuck in the breakdown position, and I couldn’t get the slide off. Even when I managed to return the lever back to the lock position, it was a struggle, and there was a clear fear of forcing anything and damaging the pistol. 

I was left scratching my head, feeling the smooth metal and knowing something wasn’t quite right. The way the lever resisted my efforts was both frustrating and confusing.


I discovered that the fitting of the slide to the frame was really tight. The solution, though it required some patience, was repetitive action. 

By repeatedly pulling the slide to the back and letting it go as if chambering a round, I slowly made progress. Each pull brought a tangible sense of movement, and eventually, the slide was freed. 

I had to be cautious about where the slide might land if I overdid it. But with care and persistence, the problem was solved, and a once-annoying task turned into a satisfying success!

4. Feeding Problem

The feeding problem in the Beretta 71 was an experience that initially left me puzzled and frustrated. Loading a full magazine led to jams, the slide staying open, and bullets bunching up in a way that was far from ideal. 

The very visual of bullets sitting perpendicular to the magazine was a concerning sight. Seeing the gun not operating well with a full magazine was strange when that should have been a normal function. 

I could feel the gun’s struggle with every attempt to shoot, the metal resisting, and a sense that something was off.


The solution was surprisingly simple and effective. Cleaning the magazine and removing the dirt made all the difference. The transformation was almost immediate, with the bullets feeding properly and the slide functioning as it should. 

What seemed like a complex issue turned out to be a simple matter of maintenance. The gun operated much better, and I was left with a feeling of satisfaction, knowing that regular care and cleaning could prevent such problems from reoccurring.


The Beretta 71, despite its popularity, is not without its challenges. My hands-on testing allowed me to discover and tackle the common problems such as slide issues, ejector bending, finicky breakdown levers, and feeding problems. 

My experience made clear that these issues, though potentially frustrating at first, can be addressed with the right approach and understanding.


What is the difference between the Beretta 70 and 71? 

The Model 71 featured an aluminum alloy frame instead of the steel frame used in the Model 70 and 70s, reducing the weight by about 200 grams.

When was the Beretta 71 made? The Beretta 71 was a common plinker in the 1950s.

What caliber is a Beretta 71? The Beretta 71 is .22LR caliber only.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

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