6 Most Common Beretta 21A Problems And How To Fix Them

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In my recent field tests with the Beretta 21A, I discovered some Beretta 21A Problems that needed addressing. My hands-on experience with this particular firearm revealed a set of problems that are not just unique to us. Others might face them too, and I feel it’s crucial to share what we’ve found.

The problems I encountered include cycling issues, jamming, complications with the magazine, feeding troubles, disassembly difficulties, and failure to fire. Each problem potentially impacts the firearm’s functionality, and we’re here to discuss them in detail.

This article aims to shed light on the common problems related to the Beretta 21A and provide practical solutions. It’s all about making your experience with this firearm as smooth as possible, even if you’re a seasoned professional or just starting.

Overview of the Problems & Tier Solutions

Cycling ProblemsTry a different type of ammo.
Jamming ProblemChange the spring for smooth operation.
Magazine ProblemProperly clean and replace the factory magazine if needed.
Problems with FeedingKeep the gun clean and experiment with different ammunition like Federal AutoMatch.
Problems with the DisassemblyCheck the pin before disassembling and gently push it back into place if needed.
Failure to FireReplace the hammer spring for proper firing.

Top 6 Beretta 21A Problems & Solutions

1. Cycling Problems

In my time using the Beretta 21A, we’ve noticed a specific issue that caught my attention: cycling problems. It’s something that didn’t sit right with me from the start. 

The cycling issue became more pronounced when firing the gun with certain types of ammunition. It would misfeed, jam, or fail to eject the spent cartridge. 

You can feel that something’s off like the gun’s rhythm is out of sync. It’s frustrating and a bit worrying if you’re relying on it in a critical situation.


The solution I found through my trial and error is relatively straightforward. First, during the break-in period, I learned that using the Mini Mags seemed to work fine. 

But after the gun was broken in properly, they failed to be cycled correctly. So, I began experimenting with other ammo types.

I also made sure to stick to the factory magazine, as per the manufacturer’s advice. These simple changes turned the situation around completely. 

The gun began to cycle more smoothly, and my discomforting issues were resolved. It’s proof that sometimes a simple tweak can make a big difference. It felt right, and that’s what matters in the end.

2. Jamming Problem

During my extensive use of the Beretta 21A, I encountered a persistent jamming problem that seemed to defy my initial attempts to fix it. 

Imagine the frustration when the next cartridge won’t feed, instead preferring to ride up on the feed ramp and jam between the slides. 

It’s an obstacle that can disrupt your focus, throw off your aim, and lead to a less-than-satisfactory experience with the firearm. This issue felt like a stubborn barrier that was hindering me from truly enjoying and relying on this piece of equipment.


I didn’t give up on it because I knew there had to be a way to overcome this obstacle. After polishing and trying other adjustments without much improvement, I decided to change the spring, as it seemed logical. 

And it worked! The replacement of the spring turned out to be the solution that made all the difference. The jamming issue ceased, and the gun began to operate smoothly again. 

This hands-on experience taught me that sometimes the simplest alterations, like changing a spring, can transform a problematic situation into a reliable one. 

3. Magazine Problem

As I continued my extensive review of the Beretta 21A, one problem that seemed to sneak up on me over time was an issue with the magazine. 

At first, the magazines would drop out freely without any obstruction, just as they were supposed to. However, with prolonged usage, I started noticing some resistance while pulling the magazine out. 

It felt odd and out of place, like the gun was clinging to the magazine. Wear on the magazine, and a combination of dirt, dust, and lubricating oil seemed to create a sort of gunk within the gun, leading to this problem.


It’s a nuisance, sure, but I found a way around it. The first step I found was to ensure the gun and magazines were properly cleaned. I was careful not to over-lubricate, as I found that could be harmful too. 

When I noticed a spot where the phosphating was wearing off, I polished it. But, if all else failed, the most effective solution turned out to be opting for a replacement factory magazine. 

This hands-on testing and subsequent solution made the process feel normal again, returning the Beretta 21A to its reliable self. Simple yet effective steps like these make all the difference in the field.

4. Problems with Feeding 

While testing the Beretta 21A, I ran into an issue that I hadn’t quite expected: failure to feed (FTF) problems. 

These problems were more common than we’d have liked, and they started popping up, particularly after the gun had been broken in properly. 

I felt a disruption in the flow when using the mags, especially when the firearm was no longer brand new. 

This problem was compounded by a dirty gun or improper holding techniques, which further contributed to these feeding issues. It was frustrating and curious to figure out what was going wrong.


I rolled up my sleeves and started with the basics. First, I ensured the gun was clean and well-lubricated without going overboard. Next, I paid attention to my grip, making sure not to hold the gun too loosely or too tightly. 

Then, I experimented with different ammunition like Federal AutoMatch. Finding the right ammo made a world of difference. 

It’s a reminder that sometimes you must dig deep and experiment to find what works best for your needs. The trial-and-error process led to a smoother, more enjoyable experience.

5. Problems with the Disassembly 

During my field tests, I stumbled upon another issue with the Beretta 21A that caught me slightly off guard. Reassembling this firearm proved to be quite challenging. 

The slide wouldn’t go back into position, and I quickly realized the issue lay with a pin that had partially worked its way out of its chamber. 

This tiny pin became a massive headache, interfering with the slide coming off the frame. The problem frustrated us, as I couldn’t just apply brute force without risking damage. It was an obstacle that needed a careful approach and one that was initially confusing.


How did I manage to solve this tricky situation? I closely examined the semantics of the Beretta 21A and shined a flashlight into the gun to identify the protruding pin. 

Our hands-on approach led me to utilize a pen-knife blade between the frame and slide to gently push the pin back into place. The relief of resolving the issue was palpable!

The lesson here is always to check the pin before disassembling the gun every time and never to force the slide off. Patience, careful observation, and gentle handling saved the day for us.

6. Failure to Fire

During my time with the Beretta 21A, I encountered yet another perplexing issue: the gun’s tendency to fail to fire a bullet. It was quite disconcerting to pull the trigger and not receive the expected response. 

Instead, all I got was a small dent at the back of the shell, which was alarming and frustrating. I observed that using the tip-up barrel to feed the rounds one by one seemed to minimize the problem, but it didn’t completely eradicate it. 

I were left scratching my heads, wondering whether the gun’s cleanliness or the hammer spring was the culprit. I knew I had to delve deeper to find the right solution.


I rolled up my sleeves and started by thoroughly cleaning the gun but to no avail. I then honed in on the hammer spring. With some online research, I found a replacement for the Beretta 21A’s hammer spring. 

Changing it out proved to be the answer to my problem. The gun fired as it should, restoring my faith in this firearm. It’s a critical reminder that proper maintenance and knowing when to replace parts can make a difference in performance.


The Beretta 21A is a fascinating piece of equipment that captivated and challenged me during my extensive field testing.

 Despite its elegant design and functional features, this firearm came with its fair share of problems, each requiring careful examination and a hands-on approach to resolve. 

From cycling and jamming issues to more subtle problems with feeding and disassembly, my time with the Beretta 21A was both a learning experience and a reminder that no tool is perfect.

However, what stands out about this firearm is the ability to find practical solutions for most of the issues I encountered.  

By addressing its weaknesses and applying the solutions I discovered, you can enjoy a smoother, more reliable experience.


Does the Beretta 21A have an extractor? 

No, it relies on gas pressure to eject spent cases.

How many rounds does a Beretta 21A hold? 

It holds seven rounds in the magazine, plus one in the barrel.

What is the difference between a Beretta Tomcat and Bobcat? 

The Tomcat fires .32 ACP and is thicker and heavier than the Bobcat.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

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