6 Common Remington V3 Problems And How To Fix Them

Last Update:

I got my hands on the Remington V3, and let me tell you, it was a mixed bag. Now, I won’t sugarcoat things; I faced a handful of issues while using it. Sure, the Remington V3 has its merits, but hey, even the best things have their downsides, right?

So, I decided to jot down some of the common Remington V3 Problems I’ve bumped into, including issues with loading cartridges, feeding problems, and even the bolt getting stuck.

Let’s not forget its sensitivity to certain types of ammo and the dreaded jamming issues. There were also some barrel problems that caught my attention. 

In this article, I’ll dive into each of these concerns and offer you some handy solutions. 

Overview of Remington V3 Problems & Solutions

ProblemsQuick Solutions
Problem in loading the cartridgeApply some oill to reduce snags during loading.
Feeding ProblemLubricate where the shell lifter contacts the shell release.
Bolt StuckUse CLP on the bolt carrier to eliminate carbon buildup.
Sensitivity to AmmunitionStick to Remington Golden Bullet, Winchester, or Hevi-Shot ammo.
Jamming IssueClean or replace ejector springs in both barrel and bolt.
Barrel ProblemScrub the barrel; if issue persists, consider a replacement barrel.

Top 6 Remington V3 Problems & Solutions

1. Problem in loading the cartridge

So, let’s talk about those pesky loading issues, shall we? Trust me, I felt your frustration the first time I tried loading shells into the Remington V3. 

They almost made it, but then they got stuck in that final quarter-inch, like they didn’t want to go home. It’s not the magazine spring, so don’t start blaming it. 

I reached out to Remington’s customer service, thinking they’d have some answers. Guess what? They were as clueless as I was, hinting maybe it’s a tight magazine spring.


Now, onto the good stuff—the fix. Here’s what worked for me. I found that the gas pistons being close to the receiver could be the culprit; they’re spewing extra carbon into the receiver. 

Use some lubrication oil. This stuff has low viscosity, so you don’t need much. A little application and voila! I noticed fewer snags when loading. 

2. Feeding Problem

Let’s jump into another problem: I’ve had some run-ins with failure to feed. Look, nothing kills the mood faster than a shell that just won’t go into the chamber smoothly. 

This issue shows its ugly face right after the first shell ejects, and the second one is on deck. Instead of sliding into the chamber like it’s supposed to, it hangs high, stuck to the upper section of the barrel or receiver. 

Yeah, it’s frustrating. I noticed this happened about 3 times for every 50 shots through my tests. And no, you’re not imagining it; it’s likely because of the misaligned lifters on the shell.


Now, let’s get this sorted. The first thing I tried was switching the shell to a Winchester Super Target, and let me tell you, it worked wonders. 

But you’ve got to go beyond that. The key part that needs attention is where the shell lifter contacts the shell release. 

A bit of lubrication there goes a long way. Just lift it up a few times to spread the lube, and the spring will pull it back down. Remember, that joint needs to be your new best friend; always keep it lubed. Trust me, it’ll save you a lot of headaches down the line.

3. Bolt Stuck

Let’s tackle another hiccup you might face—the bolt getting stuck. Now, this one really caught me off guard. 

About 30 shots in, my bolt decided it needed a break and just froze on me. Even after a thorough cleaning, no dice; it just wouldn’t budge. 

It’s sluggish and makes ejection a pain because the bolt head gets immobilized within the bolt body. From my observations, it’s likely due to carbon buildup on the bolt carrier, especially if you’re shooting rapidly or going full throttle.


It’s time for some good news—this isn’t a hopeless situation. Here’s how I tackled it: I managed to push the bolt’s handle in as far as it would go while stuck. 

A little pulling back, and boom! It moved backward. If you reassemble it the way it was before, it should glide all the way forward.

But the show’s real star is “CLP” (Cleaner, Lubricant, Protectant). Spray that stuff generously onto the bolt carrier group, let it sit, then wipe it down with a fresh rag. Trust me, it’s like magic for eliminating that stubborn carbon buildup.

4. Sensitivity to Ammunition 

Okay, it’s time to delve into another issue I noticed: ammunition sensitivity. Now, this one’s a doozy, especially if you’re planning to use the Remington V3 for hunting or self-defense. 

Seriously, this gun can be super picky about what ammo it likes. Think of it as that friend who can only eat gluten-free, non-GMO, organic snacks. 

It doesn’t play well with all types of ammunition, which is a big deal. If you’re in a situation where you need reliability, the last thing you want is your gun throwing a tantrum because it doesn’t like the ammo.


Let’s fix this, shall we? I tried a few types of ammo to see what works best. Drumroll, please… Remington Golden Bullet came out as the winner, followed closely by Winchester and Hevi-Shot ammunition. 

These guys played nice with the Remington V3. On the flip side, Nitro and Apex ammunition were like oil and water with this gun, causing all sorts of malfunctions. 

So, if you want a smooth experience, stick to the ammo that’s proven to be friendly with your Remington V3. Trust me, it’s a game-changer.

5. Jamming Issue

Let’s dive into jamming issues, one of the most infuriating problems I encountered with the Remington V3. Picture this: you’re lining up your shot, you pull the trigger, and bam! Not the good kind of bam. 

The gun jams up. Talk about a buzzkill. What causes this? Mostly, it’s a buildup of dirt and debris in the pistol. This common issue can be super annoying, especially when you’re focused on hitting your target. 

You’re outdoors; dirt happens. But when dirt happens in your Remington V3, it can really damper your shooting experience.


So, how did I fix it? A good cleaning goes a long way. The ejector springs on the barrel often need a little TLC, either in the form of cleaning or replacement. 

Don’t overlook the ejector springs in the bolt either; they also might need some attention. If a simple cleaning doesn’t cut it, try resetting the springs. 

If they’re worn out, replacing them is pretty straightforward. With basic tools, you can easily swap them out yourself. 

A bit of regular maintenance can save you from a whole world of jamming headaches. Take it from me; it’s worth the effort.

6. Barrel Problem

Here’s another one that threw me for a loop: Barrel issues. Yep, even with a brand-new Remington V3.

I noticed light creeping out from under the barrel at odd spots, and let me tell you, that’s not something you want to see. Even the ribs on the barrels weren’t parallel. Oh, and don’t get me started on the rust-like residues inside the barrel. 

It’s as if the barrel was throwing its own little rust party. This is alarming because the barrel is, you know, kind of essential for accurate shooting.


So, what did I do? First, I grabbed some brushes, CLP, patches, and paper towels and went to town scrubbing the barrel. 

Despite all the scrubbing, the barrel still showed signs of rust when I pushed a clean patch through it. If you’re worried about rust spreading, disassembling the gun to look for issues is a good move. 

But sometimes, you have to escalate things. So, I called Remington. Yep, let them know exactly what was up. Good news: they sent a new barrel. Now, that’s customer service. 

All those weird barrel issues were gone with a new barrel in place. Just like that!

Final Verdict

So, there you have it, folks—the whole scoop on the Remington V3. Don’t get me wrong, the V3 is far from a flop. It’s a reliable firearm with features designed for performance, but it does have its share of problems, as we’ve delved into today. 

While Remington has room for improvement, their customer service is commendable, stepping up when it comes to serious issues like the barrel problem I encountered.

In summary, if you’re aware of its weaknesses and you’re willing to tinker a bit, the Remington V3 can still be a solid choice for your shooting needs.


What is the difference between Versa Max and V3? 

The V3 has a shorter receiver and is chambered only for 2¾- and 3-inch shells, unlike the Versa Max.

Is Remington making the V3? 

Yes, the V3 is currently in production and is designed for various hunting and sporting applications.

What is the Remington V3 receiver made of? 

The V3’s receiver is made of lightweight aluminum and is drilled and tapped for scope mounting.

When was the Remington V3 made? 

The Remington V3 was introduced in 2015 and is chambered for 12-gauge shells of 2¾ or 3 inches.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

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