5 Common Remington 1187 Problems And How To Fix Them

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Recently, I took the Remington 1187 for a spin-out in the field. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a solid shotgun and generally reliable. 

But, just like anything else, it has its share of issues that you might want to know about if you’re thinking about getting one or if you already own one.

We’re talking about link issues, jamming, cycling problems, and barrel-related issues, and it is a bit prone to collecting dirt. 

Yeah, I know it’s a laundry list of Remington 1187 Problems, but don’t worry. I’ve got your back.

In this article, I’ll be diving into each problem to give you a heads-up on what to expect and how to fix it.

Overview of Remington 1187 Problems & Solutions

Issue with the LinkSmooth out receiver’s rails or replace the link.
Jamming IssueCheck shell insertion and replace worn feed latch.
Problem with CyclingLess oil, more dry spray lubricant.
Barrel ProblemCheck bolt’s lock, or send back to Remington for a fix.
Prone to DirtRegular cleaning between shots.

Top 5 Remington 1187 Problems & Solutions

1. Issue with the Link

Alright, so let’s talk about the link problem. While in the field, I noticed that the link got completely jammed inside the action spring tube. 

Talk about frustrating, right? This isn’t just an annoying hiccup; it’s a real roadblock. The link getting lodged like that can put a halt to any shooting activity you’ve got planned. 

Plus, the channel where the link rides can get roughed up during the process making it even harder to operate smoothly.


Here’s what worked for me: a small sharpening stone, similar to a fish hook sharpener. Using this, I was able to smooth off any rough edges on the receiver’s rails.

This made a noticeable difference in how easily the link moved. If you’ve tried a Surecycle spring and it didn’t do the job, I’d say go ahead and look for an alternative spring. 

Brownells is a decent place to pick up a new link if you think it’s time for a replacement. This fix is pretty straightforward, and trust me, it’s a game-changer in improving your Remington 1187 experience.

2. Jamming Issue

So, moving on to the jamming issue. This one’s a real pain, trust me. I was out in the field, pumped for action, when the gun jammed on me. 

Picture this: the bolt is shut, you’re ready to go, and boom—jamming. What happens is the second shell ejects from the magazine before the first one does after you fire.

It totally threw me off, and it was clear something needed to be done.


Here’s the lowdown on how to tackle this issue. First, check the shell in the magazine. Chances are, it’s not inserted far enough, which means the feed latch isn’t fully engaged. So make sure you push that shell all the way in. 

Now, if your feed latch is releasing shells too soon, it’s likely worn, weak, or damaged. You can grab a new interceptor latch and a set of circlips in various thicknesses from Brownells. 

Use these new parts to secure the latch; you should be ready. This fixed it for me, and it’s pretty straightforward to do. Give it a try; it should also smooth out those jamming issues for you.

3. Problem with the Cycling

Okay, let’s shift gears and talk about the cycling problem. This is one that really got under my skin. 

What happened was that after the gun ejected a shell, the new one would get stuck in the receiver or ejection port. It’s like the top of the shell was bumping into the inside of the receiver. 

And let me tell you, if you’re using 3″ shells, this problem only gets worse. It’s a real letdown, especially if you’re in the middle of some intense shooting action.


So, here’s what you can try. First off, this gun doesn’t need more oil; it needs less. Odd, I know, but that’s how it is. This issue can be even more aggravating if you’re in a cold climate. 

Take the time to completely disassemble and clean everything. Ditch the oil and go for a dry spray lubricant. Heck, you can even try modifying the shell. 

If all else fails, and I hate to say it, consider selling the gun and buying a different one that’s more reliable. I tried the disassembly and dry spray, which made a difference. So, give it a shot before throwing in the towel.

4. Barrel Problem

Now, let’s get to the barrel problem. You’d think something as critical as the barrel would be rock solid, but it comes loose.

Imagine my surprise when I’m in the field and I notice the barrel isn’t as secure as it should be. To make matters worse, it could also show signs of peening. 

There’s even a specific groove that a “bump” is supposed to fit into to keep the barrel in place. But guess what? That doesn’t always happen, either.


Here’s how to deal with this annoyance. First, look at the bolt’s lock. You might find a bur or some sort of obstruction that’s causing the issue. 

If that’s the case, removing it should help. But if you’re not comfortable tinkering around, there’s another option: send it back to Remington.

They’ll likely just replace the bolt lock and could also fix the barrel issue. Since the barrel not seating properly is a factory defect, Remington should fix it under the warranty. I sent mine back, and sure enough, they sorted it out. Now it’s as good as new.

5. Prone to Dirt

Ah, the dreaded dirt issue. I faced this problem too many times. The gun just starts acting up, failing to eject or feed correctly, and let’s face it, that’s frustrating. 

Whether it’s chaff, dust, or old magnum shell powder residue, this gun seems to attract dirt like a magnet. And when that happens, you’re in for a series of cycling issues.


So, what did I do? Maintenance, my friends, maintenance. This firearm requires diligent upkeep. Don’t wait until you’re back home to clean it; do it between shots if you have to. 

These guns are prone to picking up grit, especially if you’re out in the field. Be meticulous in your cleaning efforts. 

I found that keeping it clean as much as possible reduces the issues significantly. We’re talking about debris in the action, so every little bit of cleaning helps. Don’t underestimate the power of a well-maintained gun; it’s a game-changer.

Final Verdict

Alright, let’s wrap this up. The Remington 1187 is a solid, generally reliable shotgun with flaws. 

From link issues to jamming, cycling problems, and even barrel complications, there’s a bunch you should be aware of. Most of these issues are manageable with the right know-how and a little elbow grease. 

I’ve been out there, dealt with these problems, and found workable solutions. So, if you want to invest in this firearm or already own one, don’t let these issues deter you. 

Armed with this guide, you can tackle them head-on and enjoy a smoother, more reliable experience with your Remington 1187.


Does the Remington 1187 jam often?

Not always, but it can if you don’t manage the shell and feed latch properly.

Is the barrel issue a factory defect?

Yes, Remington should fix it under warranty.

What causes the cycling problem?

Often caused by excessive oil or dirt in the action.

How can I prevent the gun from getting dirty quickly?

Regular cleaning between shots is crucial.

Is the link issue easy to fix?

Yes, smoothing out the receiver’s rails or replacing the link should do the trick.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

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