5 Mossberg Gold Reserve Problems & How To Fix

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I recently got the chance to test out the Mossberg Gold Reserve. Look, I’ll be straight with you; this shotgun has a lot of potential. I’ve put it through the paces, and while I was out and about, I noticed a few Mossberg Gold Reserve Problems that kept popping up.

So, what exactly went wrong? Well, first off, I had some issues with the firing pin. Not ideal, right? Then there was the choke, which seemed to be misbehaving. As if that wasn’t enough, I also encountered problems with the barrel and the safety lever. And let’s not forget about recoil; that needed some addressing, too.

I’m going to dig deep into each of these problems and offer you some solutions. My aim here is to guide you through fixing these issues yourself, making your Mossberg Gold Reserve more reliable and enjoyable to use. 

Overview of the Problems & their Solutions 

Firing Pin IssueClean the firing pin with quality solvent.
Problem with ChokeClean or replace the choke.
Barrel IssueClean the barrel thoroughly.
Safety Lever IssueTighten screws and lubricate lever.
Recoil ProblemAdd a quality recoil pad to the stock.

Top 5 Mossberg Gold Reserve Problems & Solutions

1. Firing Pin Problem

So, let’s dive right in with the firing pin issue. When you’re out in the field, the last thing you want is a gun that’s misfiring. And yep, I ran into this exact problem with the Mossberg Gold Reserve. 

Several times, I pulled the trigger and got nothing. No bang, no recoil, just a click. That’s a big deal, especially if you’re in a time-sensitive shooting scenario. 

Misfires can ruin your day, not to mention they can be pretty dangerous if you’re not careful. So, needless to say, this issue needed some attention, stat.


Alright, onto the fix. First thing, always make sure your gun is unloaded before doing any work on it. Safety first, people! I opened up the shotgun and took a close look at the firing pin. 

Turned out it was all gunked up. A simple cleaning with a good-quality solvent did wonders. I also inspected it for wear and tear, and it seemed fine otherwise. 

After putting everything back together, I tested it out, and it worked like a charm. So, if you’re facing firing pin issues, a good cleaning could very well solve your problem. But if wear and tear is visible, you might have to replace the pin altogether.

2. Problem with the Choke

Next on our list is the choke. For those new to the shotgun world, the choke controls the spread of the pellets when you fire. 

Now, during my field testing, I noticed that the pattern wasn’t as tight as I expected it to be. I’d aim and shoot, and the pellets would scatter way too much. This is bad news, especially if you’re aiming for accuracy, whether you’re out hunting or shooting clays.

 I double-checked to make sure I was using the right choke for my activity, but the issue persisted. Clearly, something was off, and it needed a fix.


Alright, it’s time for the remedy. The first thing to do is ensure your shotgun is completely unloaded. Safety is a big deal, folks. Once I was sure it was safe to proceed, I unscrewed the existing choke and gave it a thorough cleaning. 

Sometimes, debris and residue can affect the choke’s performance. After cleaning, I swapped it out with another choke to see if the issue was choke-specific. Guess what? The performance improved significantly. 

So, if you’re having choke problems, start by cleaning it thoroughly. If that doesn’t do the trick, try using a different choke to see if the issue remains. Chances are, one of these steps will get your shotgun back on track.

3. Barrel Issue

Alright, let’s move on to the barrel issue. Now, when you’re out shooting, the barrel is pretty much the heart of the operation. 

During my field tests, I started noticing that my shots were veering off target, even when my aim was solid. I checked the sight and re-calibrated everything, but the problem persisted. Upon closer inspection, I found that the barrel had some inconsistencies. 

They weren’t major, but enough to throw off my shots. It’s frustrating, to say the least, especially when you’re looking to make precise shots.


So, how did I solve this? First off, I unloaded the shotgun and ensured it was safe to work on. I then gave the barrel a thorough cleaning, making sure to remove any debris or build-up that might have been causing the problem. 

I also used a bore light to check the inside, and sure enough, the cleaning made a difference. When I tested it out again, my shots were much more accurate. If you run into barrel issues, start with a thorough cleaning. If that doesn’t resolve the problem, it might be time to consult a professional or even consider replacing the barrel. 

Trust me, sometimes it’s the simple solutions that make the biggest difference.

4. Safety Lever Issue

Let’s talk about the safety lever, an absolutely crucial part of any firearm. The safety lever on the Mossberg Gold Reserve gave me some headaches during my field tests. 

Sometimes, it would engage when I didn’t want it to, and other times, it wouldn’t engage at all. Trust me, that’s not something you want to happen when you’re handling a loaded shotgun. It’s concerning because it compromises both the functionality and the safety of the gun. 

I needed to address this problem immediately; safety should always be a top priority.


So, what’s the fix? As always, make sure your shotgun is unloaded before doing any sort of maintenance. I took a close look at the safety lever and noticed that it was a bit loose. I tightened the screws and gave it a light lubrication. 

After that, it was time for some testing. I loaded the shotgun and tried engaging and disengaging the safety multiple times. Thankfully, the lever responded well, doing exactly what it was supposed to do. If you’re experiencing safety lever issues, it might be a matter of tightening and a bit of lube. 

But if the problem persists, consult a professional. We’re talking about safety here; it’s not something to take lightly.

5. Recoil Problem

Last but not least, let’s address the recoil problem. You know, the kickback you feel when you fire a shotgun? Yeah, it was a bit too much with the Mossberg Gold Reserve. 

I mean, a little recoil is expected, but this was excessive. It was uncomfortable and made it difficult to line up my next shot quickly. 

Over a short period, it can be more than just annoying; it could lead to soreness or even injury. Trust me, nobody wants that, especially if you plan on spending a lot of time shooting.


So, how did I tackle this? First, always remember to unload your firearm before doing any maintenance. Now, I started by adding a recoil pad to the stock. It’s a straightforward fix but can make a world of difference. I chose a medium-density pad and went back into the field for some testing. 

What a relief! The recoil was noticeably less harsh, making for a much more comfortable shooting experience. If you’re dealing with recoil issues, consider adding a quality recoil pad.

It’s a simple change but can improve your overall shooting experience dramatically. 

Final Verdict

Alright, so after spending some quality time with the Mossberg Gold Reserve, what’s the verdict? Let’s not kid ourselves; this shotgun has a lot going for it. It’s versatile, relatively affordable, and can be a solid choice for various shooting activities. 

However, it’s far from perfect. The issues with the firing pin, choke, barrel, safety lever, and recoil were definitely bumps in the road. But here’s the good news: most of these problems have straightforward fixes. 

Whether it’s a deep clean or a simple part replacement, you can get this shotgun running smoothly with a little bit of effort. And let’s be real: every firearm will have its issues; what matters is how manageable these issues are. 

In the case of the Mossberg Gold Reserve, they’re not only manageable but also fixable, making it a reliable shotgun once you iron out the wrinkles.


Is the Mossberg Gold Reserve a good gun?

Yes, the Mossberg Gold Reserve offers excellent value for the price, especially if you’re spending less than $1,000.

Where is the Mossberg Gold Reserve made?

The Mossberg Gold Reserve is made in Turkey.

How good are Mossberg shotguns?

Mossberg shotguns, like the Model 500, are very capable and reliable, particularly for waterfowl hunting.

What ammo is best for Mossberg shotgun?

Federal Premium and Remington offer a wide range of suitable ammo options for Mossberg shotguns, including birdshot, buckshot, and slugs.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

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