5 Common CZ 712 G2 Problems You Must Be Aware of

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I’ve been out in the field testing the CZ 712 G2, and let me tell you, it’s been an interesting ride. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a solid shotgun, but like anything in life, it’s not perfect. 

The CZ 712 G2 had its moments. I’ve had my fair share of hiccups from shell reliability to choke tube issues. Oh, and let’s not forget about the stovepiping and recoil problems and the ever-annoying double feeding problem.

But hey, every cloud has a silver lining, right? In this article, we’re going to dive into these common CZ 712 G2 Problems, and I’ll share some tips on how to fix them.

Overview of CZ 712 G2 Problems & their Solutions

ProblemsQuick Solutions
Shell ReliabilityLubricate well and check gas rings.
Choke Tube IssuesUse flush chokes and inspect regularly.
StovepipingSweep palm to clear jam; tap slide to confirm.
RecoilLubricate and consider a recoil pad.
Double FeedingCheck magazine alignment and recoil spring.

Top 5 Problems & Solutions of CZ 712

1. Shell’s Reliability Problem

This shotgun did great with slugs and buckshot but stumbled when cycling shells at or under 1200 fps. Things started going south after about 200 rounds at the range. It’s frustrating, to say the least, especially when you have a mix of ammo types. 

I found myself dealing with failures to eject and cycle, which isn’t fun when you’re in the zone.


Okay, it’s time to tackle this head-on. First off, get that grease or oil and apply it generously to every surface of your shotgun to ward off rust and improve round dependability. You’ll also want to clean that trigger assembly—use solvent or carb cleaner for that. 

I used a Rem oil coating and then dry-cycled it on the bench to loosen those stubborn shells. Then it was back to the range for me, and what a difference it made. Don’t forget to clean out the extra oil after the break-in.

Lastly, make sure those gas rings are spaced 180 degrees apart. This worked for me, and it’s likely to work for you too.

2. Problem with the Choke Tube

Alright, now let’s talk choke tubes. I know, it’s not the most exciting topic, but trust me, it’s important. I’ve found that even with less than 50 rounds fired, the choke tube can sometimes break and bend the barrel. 

And let’s not even get started on extended chokes; those can also ruin your day by smashing the choke tube.


Let’s cut to the chase: to keep your choke tube and shotgun in top form, you’ve got to be a bit more cautious.

 I tried using a flush choke tube instead of an extended one to guard against external pressure, and it did the trick. Also, remember not to push extended chokes against walls; that’s just asking for trouble. 

Be proactive and regularly check your choke for bulges, dents, or bends. Store them in a choke tube case when you’re not using your shotgun. I also found that bulges and cracks are usually a sign you’re using subpar ammo. 

So, invest in quality ammo, and your choke tubes will thank you.

3. Stovepiping Issue

Ah, the notorious stovepiping issue. I’ve been there, one bullet in, and bam! An empty shell fails to make a clean exit, jamming up the whole process. 

The bolt locks back, misses the shell, and you are stuck there. Whether you’re in a competition, self-defense, or any high-stakes situation, this is a big no-no.


Look, stovepiping can be caused by a ton of stuff: a faulty magazine, bad ammo, or even a dirty shotgun. Your first instinct might be to rack the slide, but hold your horses! Doing that can lead to a double-feed failure, which is even worse. 

Here’s what I did: I swept my palm across the top of the slide to nudge out that pesky spent case while keeping an eye on the muzzle. 

After that, a quick tap on the rear of the slide confirmed everything was back in business, and the shooting went on as planned. Trust me, it’s worth practicing this to get it right.

4. Recoil Problem

If you’ve fired this shotgun, you might’ve felt like it’s trying to punch you in the shoulder. I felt the same. Excessive recoil can mess up your aim, tire you out, and take all the fun out of shooting. 

Plus, it’s not ideal when you’re trying to be quick and accurate, whether for sport or more serious matters.


Enough whining; let’s fix this. First up, make sure the shotgun is well-lubricated. I gave mine a good once-over with some quality gun oil, and it made a difference. Next, I switched up the ammo; different loads can change your recoil game. 

Still not satisfied? Consider adding a recoil pad to the buttstock. It’s like adding a cushion for your shoulder.

If all else fails, don’t hesitate to take it to a qualified gunsmith for a checkup. Trust me, a little effort goes a long way to improve your shooting experience.

5. Double Feeding Problem

Ah, the double feeding issue—quite the headache, isn’t it? Picture this: you’re locked, loaded, and ready to shoot. 

You pull the trigger, and then—nothing. You’ve got two shells trying to enter the chamber at the same time. It’s not just frustrating; it’s also a safety concern. I ran into this problem, and let me tell you, it can ruin your day.


Alright, so how do we fix this mess? First things first, check the magazine tube for alignment. I found that even a slight misalignment can lead to double feeding. Next, make sure the magazine follower is doing its job properly; you’d be surprised how often this little guy messes things up. 

Don’t forget to inspect the chamber for any obstructions that might be causing this chaos. The recoil spring can also wear out over time, so give that a look and replace it if needed. 

And yes, just like with most gun problems, proper lubrication is key. I followed these steps and got mine back on track. Simple as that.


The CZ 712 G2 is a bit of a mixed bag. On one hand, it’s a robust, reliable shotgun that delivers when it comes to slugs and buckshot. 

But let’s not kid ourselves; it has its share of issues, too. I’ve been through everything from shell reliability to choke tube problems, from stovepiping to recoil and double feeding. 

But the silver lining? Most of these problems have solutions, some easier than others. So, if you’re willing to get your hands dirty and do regular maintenance, this shotgun can serve you well. 

It’s a good firearm, but you’ve got to know its ins and outs to make the most out of it.


What is the difference between CZ 712 G2 and G3?

The G3 includes enhancements for a better shooter experience, building on the best features of the G2.

Is CZ 712 discontinued?

Yes, discontinued in 2023.

How much does a CZ 712 utility G2 weight?

Weighs 6.6 lbs.

Is the CZ 712 gas or inertia?

It’s gas-operated.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

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