6 CZ 1012 Problems You Must Be Aware of

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Having spent substantial time testing the CZ 1012 in the field, I was impressed and perplexed by this firearm. 

As I handled the weapon, a series of common CZ 1012 Problems emerged, some subtle and others quite glaring. It wasn’t long before I felt a need to address these issues.

The issues were varied, including ejection malfunctions, cycling troubles, jamming, a failure to fire, problems with the choke tube, and even barrel complications. These weren’t isolated incidents; they seemed to form a pattern that begged attention and resolution. 

It wasn’t just about identifying these problems but understanding them. These concerns weren’t just passing annoyances but represented real challenges that must be fixed.

Overview of CZ 1012 Problems & their Solutions

Ejection IssueClean the chamber, inspect and fix any broken parts.
Cycling IssueRegularly clean the cylinder and cycling rails.
Jamming ProblemTake apart, clean, and oil; seek professional help if necessary.
Failure To FireClean the firing pin area and check the hammer spring.
Problem with the Choke TubeGrease and tighten choke screws; clean barrel threads.
Barrel ProblemClean the barrel and contact CZ if necessary for manufacturing issues.

Top 6 CZ 1012 Problems & Solutions

1. Ejection Issue

Oh boy, the failure to eject problem with the CZ 1012 really gave me a run for my money. Imagine being out there, firing a shot, and the shell doesn’t exit the weapon. 

It’s frustrating! This jamming scenario isn’t rare, and trust me, it’s not a pleasant one either. It’s like the shell decides to cling to the chamber for dear life, refusing to leave. 

You can’t just slide the bolt back to free it, and that’s where things get tricky. Dirty gun chamber, broken extractor claw – these could all be culprits.


So, how did I tackle this? I found that giving the chamber a good, thorough cleaning did wonders. But it wasn’t just about cleaning. I also checked every part’s condition to make sure there wasn’t anything broken or out of place. 

Sure enough, some elbow grease, a detailed inspection, and patience set things right. It took a few tries, careful examination, and a lot of determination, but eventually, the CZ 1012 was back in action. It’s a fixable problem that requires a keen eye and a steady hand.

2. Cycling Issue

The cycling issue with the CZ 1012 caught my attention quite early in my testing. While aiming for rapid firing, the challenge really kicked in.

It’s like the gun doesn’t want to keep up with your speed! I noticed that in recoil, the cycling rate of the bullets was much slower compared to other models, especially if positioned in unconventional ways. 

It’s not just a nuisance; it hampers the whole shooting experience. You’re out there trying to fire, and it feels like the firearm is dragging its feet.


So, what’s the trick to overcome this? Cleaning, my friend! Regular attention to the cylinder and cycling rails made a substantial difference. 

After shooting dirty rounds or engaging in winter skeet/trap activities, I paid special attention. Cleaning might seem basic, but with the CZ 1012, it’s key. Once I took care of that, the slow cycling turned into a non-issue. 

It’s proof that sometimes simple maintenance can make all the difference in your shooting experience.

3. Jamming Problem

The jamming issues with the CZ 1012 are something else, let me tell you. I discovered that when using shells, a specific jamming pattern emerged. The first shell would fire and eject just fine, but the second one? That’s where things got hard. It would eject, but then the lever would stick in the firing position. 

And if that weren’t enough, the choke tubes jamming in the barrel became a constant headache. These weren’t just one-time mishaps; they were consistent and frustrating.


So, what did I do to deal with this? It required a bit of time and attention, but it wasn’t impossible to handle. Taking the rifle apart, cleaning it, and applying some oil to the right places did the trick. 

A deep cleaning, ensuring every component was free of dirt or debris, seemed to bring the CZ 1012 back to life. But I’ll be honest: if the problem continues, don’t hesitate to contact a gunsmith or even CZ directly. 

Sometimes, it’s good to know when to seek professional help. The cleaning resolved it in my case, but it’s good to have a backup plan.

4. Failure To Fire

Oh, the frustration of the Failure to Fire issue! During my time with the CZ 1012, I faced this problem more than once, and I can’t overstate how exasperating it is. You pull the trigger, expecting that satisfying boom and all you get is silence. 

It could be a faulty cartridge, a bad primer, or problems with the firing pin. In my case, I found that a dirty firing pin was the culprit. 

Dirt and debris made the pin lazy, and it just didn’t have enough oomph to ignite the primer. A weak hammer spring added to the woes, leaving me with a gun that didn’t seem to want to fire.


The fix? It turned out to be a bit of TLC. Careful cleaning of the firing pin area and checking the 

hammer spring made all the difference. 

I made sure that no dirt or debris was blocking the firing pin and that the hammer spring was in good shape. It’s amazing how a bit of careful attention can turn a stubborn shotgun into a responsive and reliable piece of equipment. 

5. Problem with the Choke Tube

The choke tube jamming on the CZ 1012 is no small inconvenience; it’s a genuine headache. I found myself wrestling with this issue, and I wasn’t alone.

 The problem seems to stem from the barrel, chokes expanding at different rates, and little bits of plastic getting stuck between them. It’s a mess; the plastic could be anything, even a shot cup or wad. But once it’s jammed, it feels like it’s there to stay.


Luckily, there’s a way to tackle this problem. I found that ensuring the choke screws were greased was step one. Dirty or dropped choke tubes were often to blame, and sometimes even tubes slightly out of round. 

Cleaning the choke tubes, checking their condition, and cleaning the barrel threads did the job. Tightening the choke tube to the proper level was essential when installing it. After following these steps, the choke tube jamming issue became a thing of the past. 

It’s all about maintaining and handling your firearm with care. A little attention can save you a lot of frustration!

6. Barrel Problem

The barrel problem in the CZ 1012 is a bit more serious than other issues I’ve come across. There was a noticeable gouge about 6 inches into the hole, and a 3-inch segment of the bore seemed unlined. It was apparent to me that the choke was not centered when it was machined. The visible half-moon it produced was clear evidence of that. 

This wasn’t just a minor mishap; it was poor machining, and it left me disappointed in what is otherwise a dependable firearm.


The solution to this problem seemed to stem from a factory fault. The best course of action I found was to thoroughly clean the barrel to remove any debris or dirt lodged within it. If that didn’t work, reaching out to CZ was the next step. 

In some cases, sending the firearm back to them might be necessary. It’s not ideal, but working with CZ directly might be the only way to address this manufacturing issue. It was a lesson in patience and persistence, but getting the firearm back to working order was necessary.


The CZ 1012 is a firearm that showcases an exciting blend of design and functionality, making it appealing to many enthusiasts. Throughout my testing and hands-on experience, I found it to be a reliable piece despite its challenges. 

From ejection issues to barrel complications, the CZ 1012 demonstrated some shortcomings. However, each problem, with proper attention and care, was addressable. Some solutions were simple maintenance routines, while others required more significant intervention. 

Despite these problems, the CZ 1012’s overall performance and the ease with which most issues could be fixed contribute to a positive assessment of this shotgun. It’s not a perfect firearm, but with the right approach, it’s a reliable and satisfying tool for those passionate about shooting.


What are the problems with inertia-driven shotguns?

The problems include more felt recoil and being more prone to failing to go into battery, especially if the charging handle is not allowed to slam shut.

Are CZ shotguns any good?

Yes, CZ is making its mark in the market with cool, affordable, and great shotguns like the updated 712 G3.

Is the CZ 1012 a good turkey gun?

Yes, CZ 1012’s versatile design makes it a favorite for turkey hunters, with its inertia operating system providing reliability.

Is the CZ 1012 gas-operated?

No, the CZ 1012 uses a gas-less inertia operating system.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

2 thoughts on “6 CZ 1012 Problems You Must Be Aware of”

  1. Bought Cz 1012 would cycle 2-3/4 would not cycle 3 inch shell. Bought gun and clean every time I used the gun. Only shot 100 shells of 2-3/4 target loads no issues other than slow cycle time.
    Went on goose hunt and with the cleaned gun would not cycle 3 inch at all. Tried numerous brands with no luck. Gun went back to factory.
    This is my fourth semiauto Have three from other competitors with no issues. Love how the Cz shoots when it works.

    • Thanks for sharing your experience with the CZ 1012. It’s frustrating to hear about the issues with the 3-inch shells, especially after keeping it clean and trying different brands. Good call sending it back to the factory. It’s interesting how different each gun can be, even from the same line. Hoping the factory resolves it quickly for you. Would love to hear how it performs once you get it back.


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