6 Common Beretta 1301 Problems You Should Know

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I’ve had the opportunity to test the Beretta 1301 problems in various field conditions. My hands-on experience with this firearm revealed several unexpected issues. 

During my time with the Beretta 1301, I encountered common problems, such as jamming, ejection problems, a tight barrel, accuracy issues, problems with the bolt release latch, and lifter issues. The sensory feedback, such as the resistance in the barrel or the inconsistency in accuracy, highlighted these problems.

This article aims to provide a clear and concise review of the common problems faced with the Beretta 1301 and offer practical solutions. My combined field experience serves as the foundation for this analysis, and I hope it will be a valuable guide for you.

Overview of the Problems & their Solutions

Jamming ProblemRemove obstructions, use proper factory-loaded shells, lubricate regularly, and get the right shell followers.
Ejection ProblemsCheck chamber tightness, apply proper oiling, clean thoroughly, and inspect components for wear.
Tight BarrelDry off properly, check screws, adequately tighten or replace certain parts.
Accuracy IssuesUse target-specific ammo, clean and maintain properly, consider environmental factors, improve grip and stance.
Issues with the Bolt Release LatchTry aftermarket solutions like the replacement bolt latch.
Lifter Locking ProblemInspect for wear, replace worn-out lifter with aftermarket components, handle gently, clean and lubricate regularly.

Top 6 Beretta 1301 Problems & Solutions

1. Jamming Problem

Oh, the frustration! I grappled with an annoying jamming issue during my field tests with the Beretta 1301. 

It’s an unwelcome interruption, especially when aiming for a seamless performance. Sometimes, dirt, dust, or debris would obstruct the bolt’s path. Sometimes, it was the oil and grease gumming up the works. 

And don’t even get me started on the times when incorrect ammunition or lack of lubrication would lead to a failure to feed. The feel of the jam in my hands was a tangible reminder that something needed to be fixed.


So, what’s the fix? I found that a good look at the problem could help pinpoint the cause. Removing obstructions was an immediate help. Changing to the proper factory-loaded shells cleared up other issues. 

Regular and proper lubrication? That turned out to be crucial. And getting the right shell followers for my specific model was like adding the cherry on top. 

After these adjustments, the jamming issue seemed to smooth out, leaving me with a firearm that functioned much more reliably. 

The hands-on experience of finding and fixing the problem was both frustrating and rewarding. But hey, that’s what testing is all about!

2. Ejection Problems

Ejection problems with the Beretta 1301 was another hassle I bumped into during my field testing. I experienced this problem in various ways. 

Sometimes it was a broken extractor or a missing part; other times, it was an over-application of oil or a tight chamber. Even incorrect ammunition played a role. 

The sensation of failure, the sudden stop, and the realization of a malfunction was disheartening and disruptive.


So how did I tackle this? I started by checking the chamber’s tightness and made adjustments as needed. 

I made sure to apply a quality gun oil according to the manufacturer’s instructions, carefully avoiding over-lubrication. 

Cleaning the gun thoroughly, focusing on areas like the magazine tube, receiver rails, and locking lug surfaces, was also key. 

Then came the inspection of all components for wear or damage. After taking these careful steps, I returned the shotgun to the field, and the ejection problems was resolved.

The satisfaction of identifying and solving these issues gave me a newfound appreciation for the intricacies of firearm maintenance and performance.

3. Tight Barrel

Here’s another issue I stumbled upon with the Beretta 1301 – the tight barrel. Out in the field, handling a shotgun with a tight barrel is nothing short of frustrating. 

You can feel the resistance, and it just doesn’t feel right. This problem would often show up after exposure to moisture or a slight variation in temperature. 

Sometimes it was due to over-tightening the bolts that attach the cap. What a headache!


So, what did I do to loosen up that tight barrel? I found that drying off the gun properly, especially after exposure to any moisture, helped. 

Wiping it down with a lint-free cloth and giving it time to dry worked wonders. Checking the screws was next on my list. 

Making sure they was adequately tightened, but not overly so, was a balance I had to strike. I found that the right touch in tightening the screws did the trick. 

And in some stubborn cases, replacing certain parts helped restore functionality. 

After taking these steps, handling the shotgun felt more comfortable, precise, and just right! The relief of resolving this issue was palpable, and it gave me a satisfying sense of accomplishment.

4. Accuracy Issues

Now, let’s talk about something that really threw me for a loop in the field: accuracy issues with the Beretta 1301. 

I knew something was off, whether it was missing targets or just inconsistent shooting patterns. It didn’t feel right, and the more I encountered the problem, the more I was determined to figure it out. 

Was it the ammunition, my experience level, or something with the firearm itself? It became quite a puzzle for us.


I started my investigation by looking at the type of ammunition. It turned out that using target-specific ammo made a difference. 

Ensuring that the ammo was compatible with the gun helped tighten up those shot patterns. Next, I focused on cleaning and maintenance, as fouled barrels was also impacting my accuracy. 

Proper oiling and greasing made the shotgun perform more reliably. Environmental factors also played a role, so being mindful of things like wind speed and direction became part of my routine. 

Finally, working on my own form, grip, and stance made a difference. The satisfaction in achieving improved accuracy was immense, and the frustration of those missed shots became a thing of the past.

5. Issues with the Bolt Release Latch

While out testing the Beretta 1301, I ran into an unexpected snag: issues with the bolt release latch. It’s a little tricky, and here’s what happened: when pressing the bolt release without moving the carrier out of the way on a loaded shotgun, two shells got ejected, causing a jam. 

It’s one of those things you might overlook until it happens, especially under stress or without a complete understanding of the controls. Let’s say it got my attention real quick, and I even found that accidental bumps against objects could cause it. 

The situation felt a bit odd, and I knew I needed to figure out a fix.


What really saved the day was some aftermarket solutions specifically designed to solve this problem. I tried the replacement bolt latch from Aridus Industries, which proved to be an excellent fix. 

It came with a shroud that prevented me from pressing the wrong part of the latch, thereby eliminating the issue. 

I could still use the front part of the latch for its intended purpose, and my shooting experience was smooth again. It felt like a great relief and restored my confidence in handling the shotgun.

6. Lifter Issues

I was out on the range, enjoying the Beretta 1301, when I stumbled upon what’s known as the “Lifter Locking Problem.” Trust us, this is one inconvenience that can ruin a shooting session.

It felt strange when shells weren’t cycling correctly, and I soon figured out that excessive wear on the lifter was to blame. I noticed that the fit within the receiver became loose, and it failed to push the shells up properly. 

Thinking back on my handling, I realized that perhaps I’d applied too much force to the operating handle. This was a learning experience for us, and the frustration of the moment made it all the more memorable.


After carefully examining and comparing with another shotgun, I knew I had to replace the worn-out lifter. Thankfully, I found suitable aftermarket components from J&P Custom Products, which worked like a charm. 

The new part fit snugly, and the shotgun started performing flawlessly again. What a difference it made! I made a mental note to be gentler with the operating handle and to keep my firearm clean and well-lubricated. 

Now that i’ve been through it, I feel more confident in handling such issues. It’s all part of the journey with this intriguing firearm!


The Beretta 1301 has proven itself in many ways, both on the competitive field and in tactical applications. 

During my comprehensive testing, I encountered various issues ranging from jamming and ejection problems to accuracy and lifter issues. These problems did pose challenges, but my hands-on experience allowed me to find effective solutions. 

Whether it was regular maintenance, choosing the right ammunition, or investing in specific aftermarket parts, these resolutions led to a greatly improved shooting experience.

 It’s worth mentioning that the issues I encountered might not be universal, and each firearm could have its own characteristics.


Is the Beretta 1301 reliable? 

Yes, the Beretta 1301 has proven to be one of the best 12-gauge shotguns on the market and is considered a good defensive tool.

What is the Beretta 1301 used for? 

The Beretta 1301 is intended for tactical, self-defense, law enforcement applications, and competitive disciplines.

What is the tube capacity of the Beretta 1301? 

The Beretta 1301 has a 7+1 magazine capacity.

What size shells can a Beretta 1301 shoot? 

The Beretta 1301 can handle both 2.75″ and 3″ shells.

How many rounds does a Beretta 1301 comp hold? 

The Beretta 1301 Comp Pro holds a 10+1 round capacity magazine.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

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