3 Common Ruger 44 Carbine Problems You Must Be Aware of

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So, here’s the deal. I took the Ruger 44 Carbine to the range for serious field testing. Don’t get me wrong; it’s a solid firearm with plenty to offer. But, like anything, it’s not perfect. I found myself running into some issues that, well, needed addressing.

I stumbled upon three consistent Ruger 44 Carbine Problems: feeding, gas piston, and ejection difficulties. 

In this article, I will lay out these problems in plain terms. We’re not stopping there! I will also offer some clear-cut solutions to get your Ruger 44 Carbine running smoothly.

Overview of Ruger 44 Carbine Problems & their Solutions

Feeding ProblemPolish the feed ramp.
Gas PistonClean or replace piston rings.
Ejection IssueReplace the recoil spring.

Top 3 Problems & Solutions for the Ruger 44 Carbine

1. Feeding Problem 

Alright, let’s dive right in. The first issue I had was with feeding. I was out on the field, excited to put some rounds downrange, but the darn gun wasn’t cooperating. 

A round wouldn’t load properly every few shots, throwing off my rhythm and making the whole experience less enjoyable. It wasn’t just a one-time thing, either. 

This kept happening, and you can bet it started to grind my gears.


So, what did I do? I dug into the magazine first. A thorough cleaning was step one. Nope, that didn’t cut it. Then I thought, maybe the feed ramp needs some attention? Bingo. A quick polish of the feed ramp, and I was back in action. 

Trust me, you’ll want to do this carefully. Use a non-abrasive material so you don’t end up damaging the ramp. After I polished it up, I went back to the range, and voila, the feeding problem was history. 

So, if you’re facing the same issue, I highly recommend giving your feed ramp a little TLC.

2. Gas Piston Problem

Next up on the agenda is the gas piston problem. Oh boy, did this one throw me for a loop. So, I was shooting away, having a decent time, and suddenly, the rifle started to act sluggish. 

The recoil felt off, and the cycling of rounds was slower than usual. It messed up the entire shooting rhythm. Not a happy place to be, let me tell you.


So, here’s what worked for me. First, I did a complete disassembly to better examine the gas piston. Turns out, it was pretty gunked up. A good cleaning with some Kroil helped a bit, but not entirely. 

Then, I decided to go one step further and replace the piston rings. It’s not a complicated process, but follow your manufacturer’s guidelines. After that, I went back to the field for a retest. 

You know what? The problem was gone. The gun cycled like a charm, and that sluggish feel was nowhere in sight. So, if you’re dealing with something similar, check your piston and maybe swap out those rings.

3. Ejection Problem

Last but not least, let’s tackle the ejection issue. You know that moment when you pull the trigger and expect a spent casing to fly out, but it doesn’t? Yeah, that’s what happened to me more than once. 

At first, I thought it was a fluke, but then it kept happening. The casing would either jam or not eject at all. It is quite frustrating, to say the least, especially when you’re aiming for 

a smooth shooting session.


So, here’s how I fixed it. My first instinct was to look at the ejector and extractor. They seemed fine upon inspection, but I gave them a good clean anyway. No dice. Then it hit me: it could be the recoil spring. 

Maybe it was worn out or too weak to push the bolt back effectively. I went ahead and replaced the recoil spring, taking care to match the specs from the manufacturer. 

The casings ejected as they should, and my Ruger 44 Carbine was back in business. So, if you’re struggling with ejection issues, take a closer look at your recoil spring. It might just do the trick.

Final Verdict

In wrapping up, the Ruger 44 Carbine is a solid choice for those who appreciate a versatile, reliable rifle. It’s not without its flaws, though. 

During my field tests, I ran into some feeding, gas piston, and ejection issues. No gun’s perfect, right? The good news is all these problems are fixable. 

You can significantly improve the gun’s performance With simple adjustments and replacements—like polishing the feed ramp, cleaning and perhaps replacing the piston rings, or swapping out the recoil spring. 

If you’re willing to invest a little time and effort into maintenance, the Ruger 44 Carbine won’t disappoint you.


Why did Ruger discontinue the 44 carbine?

It was Discontinued in 1985 due to high production costs.

What is the range of a 44 carbine?

Effective range is around 50 yards.

How old is Ruger 44 carbine?

It was manufactured from 1961 to 1974.

What is the difference between the Ruger 44 carbine and the Deerfield carbine?

Deerfield has an open-top design, unlike the solid-topped Model 44.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

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