4 Common Remington 783 Problems And How To Fix Them

Last Update:

I recently had the chance to take the Remington 783 for a spin, and while I was out testing it, I ran into a couple of issues that had me scratching my head. So, I figured, why not dig deeper and see if these were isolated incidents or something more pervasive.

I found a few common Remington 783 Problems people have been grappling with. Specifically, I’ve noticed issues with the firing pin, accuracy, feeding, and the ever-frustrating failure to eject & extract.

This article aims to talk you through these problems and provide tried-and-true solutions. Because let’s face it, the last thing anyone wants when they’re out in the field is a firearm that’s acting up. 

Overview of Remington 783 Problems & Solutions

Problem with the Firing PinClean the bolt and firing pin assembly thoroughly.
Accuracy IssueReplace the stock scope with a high-quality one.
Feeding ProblemInsert a penny between the spring and follower in the magazine.
Failure To Eject & ExtractUse a bronze brush for cleaning and consider extractor replacement.

Top 4 Remington 783 Problems & Solutions

1. Problem with the Firing Pin

Alright, so one of the first things that got my attention was the firing pin issue. You’re out there, your target’s lined up, and you pull the trigger—only to get a whole lot of nothing. 

Yep, no bang. When I examined the primer, there was only a slight indentation. I thought it was the ammo, so I switched it up, but there were no dice. 

Same problem, different round. It’s a frustrating experience, to say the least, especially when you’re trying to focus on your aim and technique.


Now, let’s get to fixing this. After tearing my hair out, I took apart the bolt and inspected the firing pin assembly. And sure enough, what did I find? A buildup of dried grease and even a hint of carbon.

So, I cleaned the inside of the bolt really well. Before putting it all back together, make sure you don’t have any pins sticking out where they shouldn’t be. And if the pin isn’t protruding the required .055″ when de-cocked, you’ll need to check the bolt tube’s far end for any debris or dried oil. A flat-bladed screwdriver works great for scraping off any buildup. 

And one more thing, ensure your bolt handle is completely down when closed. It’s simple but essential. After doing all this, my Remington 783 was back in action, and yours can be too.

2. Accuracy Issue

Let me tell you about another issue that had me stumped—the rifle’s accuracy. Even after making sure my aim and stance were good, the grouping at 100 yards was awful. 

We’re talking over 4 inches apart, folks! And no, I wasn’t including any flyers in that measurement. I tried everything to get those numbers down, but no luck. 

As much as I like the Remington 783 for its other features, missing the mark by that much makes it a no-go for any serious outing.


So, what did I do to fix this? I zeroed in on the stock scope, and boy was that an eye-opener. For starters, it’s pretty fragile, and didn’t take much to knock it out of whack. 

Not to mention, it’s made in China, and guess what happened about five shots? The lens threw itself out like it was done with life. Replacing the stock scope was the first thing I did. 

I swapped it out for a better one with proper eye relief, especially considering I was using a Magnum caliber. After making that simple switch, the accuracy issue practically vanished. Now we’re talking tighter groupings and a much more reliable shooting experience.

3. Feeding Problem

Here’s another headache: failure to feed. Imagine the frustration when you’re all set to shoot, but the bolt just won’t catch the round properly. 

You know it as a bolt-over-rim failure, where the rounds just don’t align well enough to be pushed out by the bolt. It’s like the magazine keeps sending them up, but they’re just not making it out there. 

It’s kind of like a conveyor belt malfunction in a factory, right? This shouldn’t happen, especially when you’re relying on your rifle to perform.


So here’s how I tackled this issue. I realized that tweaking the feed lips isn’t the best idea, even though the gun is on the cheaper side. I got a bit hands-on and disconnected the magazine’s plastic floor from the metal box. 

There are two small plastic tabs you have to carefully pry or release. Once that’s done, you’ll find the follower with its accordion spring inside. Here comes the clever part: place a clean penny between the spring and the follower. 

Use some robust but flexible glue to keep that penny in place. Be careful not to go overboard with the glue; it just needs to hold the penny. After it’s all dry, put it back together, and guess what? Feeding problem? What feeding problem?

4. Failure To Eject & Extract

Now, let’s talk about something that’s just as annoying: the ejection and extraction issue. You fire a round, and you’d think the casing would leave the chamber like it’s supposed to, right? Well, not always. 

I’ve had instances where, despite cleaning and even replacing the extractor, the spent case just wouldn’t budge. And oh, if it did decide to extract, it would lazily sit there and not eject. 

You’re left fumbling, trying to get that stubborn casing out while focusing on the target. Trust me, it’s not fun.


Alright, enough complaining. Let’s fix this. First, your regular patch and solvent aren’t cut it. I had to resort to using a pocket knife to dig out the embedded brass initially. But then I found a better approach. Use a bronze brush and turn it only from the breech end in the chamber. 

A coiled Tornado brush works wonders for polishing the chamber, so I highly recommend that. If you find that the extractor is broken, get it replaced. 

I used an extractor from Midwestgunworks, and it’s been reliable so far. Just be sure to remove any broken pieces first. Once all is set and done, the ejection and extraction issues should be a thing of the past.

Final Verdict

Look, the Remington 783 is by no means a perfect rifle, but what in life is? Throughout my field testing, it had its fair share of issues—be it the firing pin, accuracy, feeding, or ejection and extraction problems. 

But here’s the silver lining: each problem comes with a viable solution, and that’s been my experience as well. A little bit of elbow grease, maybe a new part or two, and you’ve got a solid firearm that’s reliable and robust. 

So, if you’re considering getting your hands on the Remington 783, don’t let the issues scare you away. Remember, no gun is perfect right out of the box. It’s your willingness to fine-tune it that makes all the difference.


What is the best caliber for the Remington 783?

The 30-06 caliber is generally considered the best all-around hunting option for the Remington 783.

What trigger is in the Remington 783?

The Remington 783 features an adjustable Crossfire Trigger System, factory-set at 3.5 lbs.

What is the barrel twist rate of a Remington 783?

The barrel twist rate for the Remington 783 is 1:9.125 inches.

Does a Remington 783 have a safety?

Yes, the Remington 783 has a 2-position, non bolt-locking safety located rear of the bolt.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

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