4 Common Remington 700 VTR Problems And How To Fix Them

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I took the Remington 700 VTR for a spin at the range recently. While this firearm has its merits, like great build quality, I also encountered some issues that could affect your shooting performance. 

Now, don’t get me wrong. This rifle can be a solid choice for some. But if you’re investing your hard-earned money into a firearm, you gotta know its strengths and weaknesses, right? 

So, I will break down some common Remington 700 VTR Problems I’ve faced with the Remington 700 VTR. Yeah, I’ll get into the details about accuracy, the trigger mechanism, the bolt, and even the muzzle brake.

I want to help you make an informed decision and guide you on how to fix these issues if you already own one. 

So, stick around as we delve into problems and solutions that can make or break your experience with this rifle.

Overview of Remington 700 VTR Problems & Solutions 

Accuracy IssuesSwitch to higher-grade ammo and realign scope.
Trigger ProblemClean and adjust pull weight or replace.
Bolt IssuesClean, lubricate, and polish any imperfections.
Muzzle Brake ProblemReplace with a proven aftermarket option.

Remington 700 VTR Problems & Solutions

1. Accuracy Problems

So, here’s the deal. When I took the Remington 700 VTR to the range, I noticed that the accuracy wasn’t quite up to snuff. 

You expect a rifle of this caliber to be a sharpshooter’s dream, but that wasn’t the case for me. Now, I’ve got a decent amount of experience under my belt, so I know it wasn’t just me having an off day.

Even after cleaning the barrel and checking the scope, the shots were still a bit off. Sometimes, they veered to the left; other times, they dropped too quickly. It was frustrating.


After scratching my head for a bit, I decided to tackle this issue head-on. First things first, I double-checked the scope alignment and even replaced it to rule out any hardware issues. 

Bingo! That seemed to improve things a bit. But the game-changer was when I switched the ammunition. I opted for premium-grade bullets. 

The rifle became the tack driver it was supposed to be. So, if you’re struggling with accuracy, consider a scope replacement and definitely look into using higher-grade ammo.

2. Trigger Problem

Okay, let’s talk about the trigger. I was really looking forward to a smooth, crisp pull. However, that’s not what I got. I felt some noticeable creep and overtravel. 

Not good, folks, not good. You know, a shaky trigger can mess up your whole shooting experience. When I tried to take precise, timed shots, that darn trigger didn’t deliver. In a nutshell, the trigger inconsistency threw me off.


So, what did I do? First, I cleaned the entire trigger assembly, thinking maybe some gunk was causing the issue. Nope, that didn’t do much. 

So, my next step was to adjust the pull weight. A lighter pull seemed to help quite a bit. Still, I wasn’t fully satisfied, so I finally decided to swap out the factory trigger for an aftermarket one. 

And guess what? Problem solved! Now, the trigger is as smooth as I always wanted it to be. If you’re stuck in the same boat, a new trigger might be the way to go. 

3. Issue with the Bolt

Alright, let’s move on to the bolt. I had a feeling something was off when I started cycling rounds. 

The action just didn’t feel as smooth as it should, you know? It was like it was catching somewhere, giving me a little resistance that made the whole process feel clunky. 

A bolt that doesn’t operate smoothly can really throw you off in the middle of shooting. It got to the point where I was more focused on the bolt than actually aiming.


So, what did I do to fix this? Initially, I thought maybe it needed some cleaning and lubrication. Cleaned it up, lubed it, and tried again.

It’s a slight improvement but not a total fix. That’s when I decided to look for burrs or imperfections on the bolt itself. Found a couple. A little bit of polishing later, and it was a different game altogether. 

Smooth cycling, no more catching. A thorough cleaning and a keen eye for tiny defects can do wonders if you’re dealing with a stubborn bolt. Sometimes, it’s those small fixes that make all the difference.

4. Problem with the Muzzle Brake

Let’s dive into the muzzle brake, shall we? This piece is supposed to help control recoil and make your shots more comfortable. 

However, while I was out testing the Remington 700 VTR, I felt more recoil than I’d like. It was like the muzzle brake wasn’t doing its job effectively. I even double-checked to ensure it was properly installed and aligned, but there were no dice. 

Each shot had that extra kick, making it tough to stay on target for follow-up shots. An ineffective muzzle brake doesn’t just mess with your comfort; it can affect your accuracy, too.


Alright, on to the fix. I initially tried readjusting and tightening the muzzle brake. A bit better, but still not great. Then it hit me. 

Why not just switch it out? So, I went ahead and installed an aftermarket muzzle brake. What a difference that made! The recoil was noticeably reduced, and the shooting experience became way more enjoyable.

If you find yourself wrestling with the same issue, consider replacing the muzzle brake with a proven aftermarket option. It might cost a bit, but trust me, it’s well spent.

Final Verdict

The Remington 700 VCR is no slouch regarding build quality and potential performance. However, like any other firearm, it has its own issues that need addressing for optimal usage. 

I’ve tackled problems with accuracy: the trigger, the bolt, and the muzzle brake. While each issue is significant in its own right, none are insurmountable. 

Simple fixes like changing your ammunition for better accuracy or installing an aftermarket muzzle brake can work wonders. If you’re dedicated enough to invest a little more time and money into this rifle, you can transform it into the reliable and precise firearm it’s designed. 

So, is it worth it? If you’re willing to get down to the details and fine-tune some aspects. But if you want something pitch-perfect right out of the box, you might want to consider other options.


When was the Remington VTR made?

The production for Remington VTR started production in 2008.

What is a Remington VTR?

A varmint tactical rifle based on Remington’s Model 700 action.

What does VTR mean on Remington 700?

VTR means Varmint Tactical Rifle.

How accurate is Remington 700 VTR?

The accuracy is decent but requires fine-tuning for optimal results.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

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