6 Common Remington 572 Problems And How To Fix Them

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I recently got to take the Remington 572 for a spin-out in the field. I’ve got to be honest; it wasn’t all smooth sailing. I stumbled upon a handful of Remington 572 Problems that seemed to be more common than you’d expect.

From the get-go, the trigger pull felt a bit harder than what I’m used to. And oh boy, the bolt didn’t always return to battery as it should. 

That’s not all; there were also jamming problems, issues with locking the gun, and some feeding problems that threw me for a loop.

In this article, I’ll dig deep into each of these problems and offer you some solutions. Let’s get that Remington 572 working like a charm, shall we? My aim? To make sure your time at the range or out in the field is more about shooting and less about troubleshooting.

Overview of Remington 572 Problems & Solutions

ProblemsQuick Solutions
Stiff Trigger PullSwap factory spring with high-quality aftermarket spring, consider polishing.
Not Returning to BatteryClean chamber, confirm proper barrel use.
Bolt Freeze-upDeep clean, apply thin layer of lubricant, check alignment.
Jamming IssuePush out trigger plate pins, remove trigger group, replace damaged part.
Failure to LockManually operate pump, consider adjusting locking bar with gunsmith.
Feeding ProblemsClean action with Break Free or Remington Action Cleaner, check carrier and spring.

Top 6 Remington 572 Problems & Solutions

1. Trigger Pull Issue

Man, let me tell you about the trigger pull on the Remington 572. During my time out in the field, I found that it was very stiff.

Felt like I was wrestling with the darn thing just to get a shot off. Over time, and with enough rounds through the barrel, the trigger group started to wear out noticeably. 

The BDL trigger? Even heavier. Trust me, it gets tiring, and you don’t want that affecting your aim or your overall shooting experience.


Alright, so here’s what I did. I swapped out the factory spring for a high-quality aftermarket spring—A patriot trigger spring, to be exact.

Suppose you’re not savvy with this stuff; it’s best to hand it over to an experienced gunsmith. Safety first, you know? Also tried polishing the seals a bit, and let me tell you, it felt smoother already. 

I’ve heard some folks say you can also dust the insides with graphite powder to smooth things out. Another trick up some sleeves is shortening the sear spring by one and a half turns, but I wouldn’t recommend that. 

Why mess with factory settings unless you absolutely know what you’re doing?

2. Not Returning To Battery

So, here’s another snag I hit while using the Remington 572—getting it to return to battery. Most of the time, it cycles like a champ. It’ll feed and eject rounds without making a fuss. 

But then, out of nowhere, I’d pull the trigger and find that the bolt didn’t fully close. Yeah, that’s a big no-no. If the bolt doesn’t close, the next round won’t load properly, and then what? You’re just stuck, fumbling with your rifle while you should be shooting.


So, what did I do to tackle this? First, I inspected the chamber closely. Turns out, a nasty ring of lead and carbon buildup seemed to be the troublemaker. I grabbed some cleaning tools and got to work.

A thorough cleaning later, I found that the bolt was behaving much better. Additionally, I made sure to check the caliber stamp on the barrel to confirm I was using the proper barrel for the ammo. 

You’d be surprised how many issues arise just from using the wrong barrel. After these fixes, my Remington 572 was back in action, returning to battery as it should.

3. Bolt Issue

Alright, let’s talk about a particularly annoying issue—bolt freeze-up. There I was, out in the field with my Remington 572, and bam! The bolt decides it’s taking a break. 

No moving, no budging, no nothing. When the bolt gets stuck like this, chambering a new round becomes a Herculean task. You can’t just ignore it; it kills the shooting flow. 

The usual suspects for this freeze-up? Lack of lubrication, dirty or corroded parts, and sometimes extreme weather conditions. Trust me, I’ve seen it all.


So, let’s cut to the chase. First off, you’ve got to give your rifle a thorough inspection. I disassembled mine and gave it a deep look-over, especially focusing on the bolt, bolt carrier, and receiver. 

Any signs of dirt or corrosion? Off they go! I used a decent cleaning solvent and a brush to scrub it clean. Don’t forget to apply a thin layer of lubricant afterward. 

You want that bolt sliding smoothly, not sticking like glue. Last, but not least, check for proper bolt alignment. If it’s misaligned or damaged, you’ll have to replace it. 

After these steps, I found my bolt behaving much better, like a well-oiled machine.

4. Jamming Problem

Okay, let’s dive into another issue that’s a real headache—the feeding problem. When you’re out there trying to get your shots in, the last thing you want is your round slipping back like it’s got cold feet. 

It just won’t feed into the chamber, and it’s a real momentum killer. In my case, it felt like the carrier was rough and had seen better days.

If you’re dealing with a pump .22 with tube feed, you know exactly what I’m talking about.


So here’s how I rolled up my sleeves and tackled this. The first step is disassembly. Took off the stock and forearm to really get a look at what’s going on. 

Used Break Free to clean the action, but Remington Action Cleaner works well, too. Now, if you’ve done all that and the issue’s still there, it’s time for a deeper dive. 

Inspect the carrier, carrier tube, and carrier spring for any wear and tear. For me, it was the spring that had weakened, so it wasn’t holding the carrier in the pivot hole as it should. In some cases, you might find the tube’s pivot surface is worn. 

When all else fails, a trip to a skilled gunsmith can be the game-changer. After these fixes, my rifle was back to feeding like a champ.

5. Failure To Lock the Gun

Here we are, faced with yet another snag—the gun refusing to lock. Yep, I’m talking about that frustrating moment when you push the action forward, and the slide action locking bar just won’t stay put. The bolt doesn’t lock up fully, either. 

You can sense something’s off when you pull on the forend, and it moves backward, unlocking the bolt. 

I’ve been there, scratching my head in the field, and I can tell you it’s a hassle. It’s an issue that can’t be ignored; you need that gun to lock for safety and accuracy.


Alright, so how did I tackle this? You need to manually operate the pump to start. Make sure the gun’s trigger assembly is removed for this, alright? Hold the locking bar up with your finger. 

This will help you see if the locking bar can secure the bolt. Didn’t work for me, so on to Plan B. The locking bar’s interaction with the disconnector and sear might need adjustment. 

It’s a job for the pros. I took my Remington 572 to an expert gunsmith, and they sorted it out. You’ll likely need to do the same. After the repair, my gun’s locking issue was history, and it was back to smooth operation.

6. Feeding Problem

Ah, the dreaded jamming issue. So there I was, out in the field, just about to cock the gun when—ugh—the pump mechanism decided not to cooperate. Felt like I hit a wall; the pump wouldn’t go back any further. 

It’s quite a buzzkill when you’re in the middle of a shooting session. This isn’t something you can just ignore or power through. A jammed gun is a safety risk, plain and simple. 

And let’s face it, you’re also not going to hit anything if the gun’s not working properly.


Okay, let’s roll up our sleeves. First off, to figure out what’s causing the hiccup, push out the trigger plate pins and get that trigger group out of there. 

More often than not, a tiny piece of fractured metal is the culprit. In my case, that’s exactly what it was. Got the damaged part replaced with a new one, straight from Brownells. 

It’s a Remington item, so you’re not messing around with third-party stuff. And the price? Pretty reasonable. After the swap, I ran the pump action multiple times, and guess what? Smooth as ever. No more jamming for me, thank you very much.

Final Verdict

Alright, folks, here’s the deal. I’ve run the Remington 572 through its paces, and the verdict is—it’s a decent gun with room for improvement. 

Don’t get me wrong; the craftsmanship and the design elements are top-notch. However, it does have issues like stiff trigger pull, failure to return to battery, and feed jams that can really grind your gears. The upside? Most of these hiccups are fixable.

 Whether it’s swapping out springs, doing a deep clean, or making a trip to your trusted gunsmith, you can get this baby running smoothly. 

Overall, if you’re up for a bit of tinkering, the Remington 572 can be a reliable piece for your shooting escapades.


What is the history of the Remington 572? 

Introduced in 1954, it succeeded the Model 121, offering better scope mounting and side ejection.

Does Remington still make the 572? 

Yes, the BDL model with a straight comb stock is currently in production.

What year was the Remington Model 572 made? 

It was introduced in 1954 as the M572A.

What caliber is a Remington 572?

 It’s a .22 caliber, manually-operated, slide-action rimfire rifle.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

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