5 Main Mossberg 817 Problems And How To Fix Them

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I recently got my hands on the Mossberg 817 for some field testing, and let me tell you, it was an eye-opener.

While using the Mossberg 817, I encountered a few Mossberg 817 Problems. I’m going to dive into problems like the loose pin, the barrel moving forward while chambering, feeding issues, bolt problems, and cases getting stuck in the chamber. 

So, what’s the aim of this article? Simple. I want to guide you through these problems and offer some practical solutions. Let’s make your Mossberg 817 experience as smooth as it should be.

Overview of Mossberg 817 Problems & Solutions

Mossberg 817 ProblemsSolutions 
Loose PinTap the pin into place using a punch and hammer.
Barrel Moving ForwardTighten the set screws with an Allen wrench.
Feeding IssueClean and replace the magazine spring.
Bolt ProblemClean, lubricate, and replace bolt carrier rings.
Casing Stuck in the ChamberUse a cleaning rod to tap out casing; lubricate chamber.

Top 5 Mossberg 817 Problems & Solutions

1. Loose Pin

So, let’s jump right in, shall we? One issue that caught my attention was a loose pin. Yeah, it sounds like a small thing, but you know how it goes; small issues can become big headaches if you don’t deal with them.

In my experience, a loose pin can mess with the overall integrity of the firearm. When I was out in the field, I noticed that the pin had more wiggle room than it should, making the gun feel a bit unstable. And instability is not what you want when you’re relying on a firearm.


Now, onto the fix. After noticing the problem, I figured I should try to sort it out myself. It turns out tightening the pin isn’t rocket science. 

All you really need is the right set of tools. I used a punch and hammer to delicately but firmly tap the pin into place. Of course, ensure the firearm is completely unloaded and always follow all safety guidelines when doing any maintenance. 

I did it cautiously and step-by-step, and it did the trick. Now, the pin is snug as a bug, making the Mossberg 817 feel a whole lot more secure. Problem solved!

2. Barrel Moving Forward While Chambering

Alright, let’s talk about another issue that’s been on my radar: the barrel moving forward while chambering rounds. Now, this is something that can really throw you off in the heat of the moment. 

I was out there trying to get a feel for the Mossberg 817 and noticed this odd behavior. It felt off, you know? A moving barrel affects the chambering process, and that’s a chain reaction you don’t want to start. It can compromise accuracy, safety, and, most importantly, your confidence in the firearm.


Okay, so how did I tackle this problem? After ensuring the gun was empty and safe to work on, I inspected the barrel assembly and found that the set screws were not tight enough. 

That was the culprit. I grabbed an Allen wrench and tightened those screws properly. But hold on, don’t go crazy on tightening; you want it secure but not overtightened, as that could cause other issues. 

After tightening them, I took the gun out for another test run. And guess what? No more moving barrel. It’s as stable as you’d want it to be. So there you go, an issue tackled!

3. Feeding Issue

Let’s move on to the next hiccup, shall we? Whoops, I mean the issue. Feeding issues, to be specific. Trust me, there’s nothing more frustrating than dealing with this kind of inconsistency when you’re trying to focus. 

I was out in the field, and the rifle would fail to feed a round every so often. Sometimes, it seemed like it was jamming; other times, the round wouldn’t even make it into the chamber. 


Now for the fix. To solve this feeding dilemma, I started by breaking down the magazine. That’s usually where feeding issues originate. After taking it apart, I noticed some grime and buildup that could be obstructing the smooth flow of rounds. 

A simple clean-up was the first step. I used a brush and some solvent to clean the parts thoroughly. But I didn’t stop there. To ensure better feeding, I replaced the magazine spring, which looked worn out. 

I reassembled everything, loaded it up, and went back to the field. And would you believe it? The feeding issue was gone. Just like that, the Mossberg 817 was back in action!

4. Bolt Problem 

Next up on our list is the bolt issue. Now, you’ll know when your bolt isn’t operating like it should. I was out testing the Mossberg 817 and quickly noticed that the bolt wasn’t cycling as smoothly as it should. 

Sometimes it would stick, and sometimes it just wouldn’t fully close. 

Let me tell you, a bolt issue is more than an inconvenience; it’s a serious concern that can mess with the firearm’s reliability and safety.


Alright, now for the good stuff—how to fix it. First and foremost, safety first. Make sure that the firearm is unloaded before you start fiddling with it. 

I began by disassembling the bolt and gave it a thorough inspection. I found some minor debris and signs of wear that needed addressing. My go-to fix involved a bit of cleaning and lubricating. 

But wait, the real kicker was replacing the bolt carrier gas rings. That seemed to be the underlying issue. Got some new ones, popped them in, and guess what? The bolt started to function like a dream. 

Smooth, reliable, and no more sticking or incomplete cycles. Issue sorted!

5. Casing Getting Stuck in the Chamber

Last but definitely not least, let’s talk about the issue of casings getting stuck in the chamber. This is a real mood killer, believe me. 

I was out there, enjoying some good trigger time with the Mossberg 817, when all of a sudden, I found myself dealing with a casing that just wouldn’t budge. 

I tried racking the bolt back and forth, but that stubborn casing wasn’t going anywhere. This is more than an inconvenience; it’s a malfunction that could pose a safety risk if you’re not careful.


So how did I fix this? First off, safety is paramount. Make sure the gun is pointed in a safe direction, and keep your fingers off the trigger. 

I used a cleaning rod from the muzzle end to get the stuck casing out, gently but firmly tapping it until the casing came loose. But wait, the real solution lies in prevention. I took some time to thoroughly clean the chamber, removing any grime or buildup. 

Then, I applied a thin layer of quality firearm lubricant to minimize friction. After these tweaks, I went back out for another session, and voila, no more stuck casings. Issue tackled, my friends!

Final Verdict

Alright, folks, let’s wrap this up. After extensive field testing of the Mossberg 817, I can say that this rifle has quite a lot going for it. 

That said, it’s not without its downsides. From loose pins and moving barrels to feeding and bolt issues, I’ve encountered a handful of problems that could make or break your shooting experience. But here’s the silver lining—these issues aren’t insurmountable. 

Hands-on maintenance, attention to detail, and the right fixes can turn things around. It’s all about knowing your firearm, problem-solving, and, most importantly, staying safe. 

In summary, the Mossberg 817 is a solid firearm that becomes even better when you put in a little elbow grease to iron out the kinks.


What is a Mossberg 817?

The Mossberg 817 is a bolt-action rifle designed for plinking, small game hunting, and target shooting, offering low recoil and high accuracy.

What is the effective range of a Mossberg rifle?

The effective range of a Mossberg rifle like the 817 varies, but it’s generally around 40 meters.

Are Mossberg rifles accurate?

Yes, Mossberg rifles, including the 817, are known for their excellent accuracy, as confirmed in various reviews and tests.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

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