5 Main Mossberg 715T Problems And How To Fix Them

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I had the chance to test the Mossberg 715T out in the field. Don’t get me wrong; this firearm has much to offer. But over time, I’ve come across some common Mossberg 715T Problems that could use some addressing, especially if you’re considering this as your go-to rifle.

So, what problems am I talking about? I’ve experienced ejection issues, failure to feed, issues with the magazine lips, jamming ammo, and even a problem with the threaded barrel. Yeah, I know, it sounds like a lot. 

But don’t worry, these aren’t deal-breakers. Most of these issues are easy to troubleshoot and resolve once you know what to look for.

I’ll go over each problem in detail, and then I’ll give you some solid solutions to fix them. This way, you’ll get the best performance out of your Mossberg 715T. 

Overview of Mossberg 715T Issues & Fixes

Mossberg 715T IssuesFixes
Ejection IssueUse quality ammo and clean the ejection port.
Failure To FeedCheck magazine alignment and clean the feed ramp.
Problem with Magazine LipsInspect and realign with needle-nose pliers.
Ammo JammingSwitch ammo brand and clean the chamber.
Threaded Barrel ProblemInspect threads and use a thread repair tool.

Top 5 Mossberg 715T Problems & Solutions

1. Ejection Issue

So, let’s get into it. One issue that kind of bothered me while I was out using the Mossberg 715T was the ejection problem. 

You’re out there, all set to fire, and bam! Instead of a smooth ejection, the spent cartridge won’t clear the ejection port. Yep, this is super frustrating, especially when you’re in the middle of a shoot. 

It disrupts the whole flow, you know? It’s inconvenient and can lead to further complications like jamming if you’re not careful. So yes, it’s something that should be fixed pronto.


Alright, let’s solve this, shall we? What worked for me was a two-step process. First, make sure you’re using good-quality ammunition. 

Sometimes, low-quality ammo can be the culprit behind ejection issues. Secondly, I took some time to clean the ejection port and the bolt thoroughly. Sometimes, gunk and debris can accumulate there, affecting the ejection mechanism. 

A good clean with a gun-specific solvent helped a lot. After doing this, I noticed the ejection issue had considerably improved. It’s not rocket science, but paying attention to these small things can make a big difference.

2. Failure To Feed

Now, let’s move on to another issue that can be a real drag: failure to feed. Picture this—you’re all set, taken aim, and pulled the trigger. But nothing happens. 

The rifle just didn’t feed the next round into the chamber. Talk about a mood killer, right? Trust me when you’re out shooting, this is a problem you don’t want to run into. 

This issue disrupts your rhythm and can even compromise safety if not addressed. I’ve faced this problem several times during my field tests, and it’s definitely a concern.


Okay, let’s get down to fixing this issue. What worked for me might work for you, too. First off, check the magazine. 

A misaligned or damaged magazine is often the culprit behind feed failures. Make sure it’s in good shape and properly inserted. Next, examine the feed ramp for any wear and tear or dirt accumulation. 

Cleaning this part can do wonders. I used a mild gun cleaner and a soft brush to get it squeaky clean. After that, the failure to feed issue was almost entirely gone. A couple of simple steps, but they make all the difference in the world.

3. Problem with the Magazine Lips

Alright, next on the list is an issue with the magazine lips. If you’re like me, you might not notice this problem until it starts affecting the rifle’s performance.

The magazine lips are those tiny parts at the top of the magazine that help guide the cartridge into the chamber. When they’re bent or misshaped, you’ll start to see feeding problems or even jams. 

Trust me, it’s not fun. During my time in the field, I’ve encountered this problem more than once. It messes up the whole shooting experience, turning what should be a smooth operation into a frustrating ordeal.


So, what’s the fix? In my case, a close inspection of the magazine lips was the first step. I looked for any bends or irregularities that might be causing the issue. 

Once I identified the problem, a simple realignment using needle-nose pliers did the trick. If the damage is too severe, it might be best to replace the magazine altogether. 

Investing in a new one is better than constantly dealing with feeding problems. Trust me, it’s a small investment for a lot of peace of mind. 

After making these adjustments, I found the magazine lips problem was practically a thing of the past.

4. Ammo Jamming 

Let’s talk about a headache we all want to avoid—ammo jamming. I’m out there, feeling the groove, and suddenly the ammo jams. 

Believe me, it takes you out of the zone really fast. The bullet gets stuck, usually halfway into the chamber, and you’re left trying to figure out how to safely clear it. 

I’ve encountered this problem multiple times, and it was a momentum stopper each time. Jamming isn’t just annoying; it can actually be a safety concern. So yeah, this is definitely a problem that warrants our attention.


So, how to tackle this? First things first, let’s rule out ammo quality as an issue. I switched to a different brand of ammunition and noticed an immediate improvement. 

But that’s not all. A deeper look revealed some grime in the chamber, which was also contributing to the jamming. A thorough cleaning with a chamber brush and some gun cleaner sorted that out. 

Also, check your shooting technique. Sometimes, a so-called “limp-wristing” grip can contribute to jamming. I adjusted my grip, and the jamming issue was virtually gone. It’s amazing how a few simple adjustments can make such a big difference.

5. Threaded Barrel Problem

Last but certainly not least, let’s talk about an issue that’s a bit more technical—the threaded barrel problem. Now, the Mossberg 715T comes with a threaded barrel, which is great for adding on a muzzle device like a suppressor or a compensator. 

But here’s the thing: sometimes, the threads can get damaged or wear out. This happened to me during one of my field tests, and I was pretty concerned. 

Damaged threads not only compromise the functionality of any muzzle device you attach but could also pose a safety risk. So yeah, this issue is not to be taken lightly.


Now, how did I fix this? Well, first, I removed the muzzle device to get a good look at the threads. 

A detailed inspection is crucial here to figure out the extent of the damage. If it’s just minor wear, you might be able to smooth it out using a thread repair tool. 

For more severe damage, it’s a good idea to consult a professional gunsmith. In my case, a minor adjustment with a thread repair tool did the job. 

After that, the threaded barrel was as good as new and ready for action. So, don’t let this issue discourage you; it’s definitely fixable.

Final Verdict

So, after giving the Mossberg 715T a real-world test run, what’s the verdict? Well, it’s a mixed bag. On one hand, this rifle has some undeniable perks—it’s versatile, easy to use, and overall, a reliable firearm. 

On the flip side, it’s not without its issues. From ejection problems to ammo jamming, I ran into a few bumps along the way. But hey, the good news is that most of these problems have workable solutions. With a little attention to detail and regular maintenance, you can get this gun running smoothly. 

Don’t let the drawbacks discourage you. Think of them as areas for improvement, and with some proactive steps, you can optimize this rifle’s performance. 

All things considered, the Mossberg 715T has the potential to be a dependable go-to firearm with the right care.


Is the Mossberg 715T a rimfire?

Yes, the Mossberg 715T is a 22LR rimfire rifle.

How many rounds does a Mossberg 715T hold?

The Mossberg 715T can hold either a 10-round or 25-round magazine.

Does the Mossberg 715T have a threaded barrel?

Yes, the Mossberg 715T comes with a 16.5-inch threaded barrel.

How long is a Mossberg 715T?

The overall length of the Mossberg 715T is 33 inches.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

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