3 Main Mossberg 464 SPX Problems And How To Fix Them

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I’m here to talk about my hands-on experience with the Mossberg 464 SPX. I encountered a few problems with the rifle.

I’ve had issues with feeding, failure to eject, and extraction. I’m about to break it all down for you. In this article, I’ll walk you through each of these problems and offer some practical solutions. That way, you’ll know how to keep your Mossberg 464 SPX running smoothly and safely.

This article aims to help you troubleshoot some common problems so you can get the most out of your Mossberg 464 SPX. 

Overview of Mossberg 464 SPX Problems & Solutions

Mossberg 464 SPX ProblemsSolutions
Feeding ProblemDry out the gun and use compressed air to remove excess lubricant.
Failure to EjectReplace the worn-out ejector spring.
Extraction ProblemSwap out the old extractor claw with a new one.

Top 3 Mossberg 464 SPX Problems & Solutions

1. Feeding Problem

So, let’s dive into the first issue: shell failure to feed from the magazine tube. I was out in the field, ready to enjoy some target practice. 

I loaded up the Mossberg 464 SPX and started firing. But then, bam! Every so often, about one in every ten shells wouldn’t feed from the link onto the lift gate. 

Talk about a mood killer. It’s frustrating, to say the least. I figured out the probable cause—over-lubing. That messed up the feeding system. Fiddling with the spring tension didn’t do the trick, nor did disassembling the mag tube parts.


Alright, onto the solution. What did I do? I let the gun soak for a bit to dry out. Afterward, I took a can of compressed air to blow out the excess lubricant from the action. 

It’s crucial to note that the Mossberg 464 SPX seems to run better on the dry side compared to my other rifles. After this little tune-up, the gun was back to its normal operation within a week. 

Trust me, taking the time to get the lubrication levels just right can save you from a world of frustration. So, if you find yourself facing the same issue, give this solution a go.

2. Failure To Eject

While I was out doing some more field testing, another issue popped up that made me scratch my head: failure to eject. 

Picture this—you’ve taken the perfect shot, you pull the trigger, and then… nothing. The spent shell casing just sits there. 

It refuses to exit the chamber, making it impossible to load another round. I thought maybe it was a one-off, but then it happened again. 

Seriously frustrating, right? Now, I’m not one to jump to conclusions, so I investigated what might be causing the ejection failure. One common culprit I found was that it might have been a worn-out ejector spring.


So, how did I fix it? First, I checked the ejector spring to see if it was, in fact, worn out. Then I replaced it. Simple as that. 

Trust me, this isn’t rocket science, but you’ll want to be cautious and make sure you’re using the right parts for your specific model. 

After the swap, my Mossberg 464 SPX was back in action, ejecting shells as it should. If you’re facing this issue, start by examining your ejector spring. It’s a small component but can make a huge difference in the functionality of your firearm. 

A quick replacement could very well solve the problem, getting you back to smooth and reliable shooting.

3. Extraction Problems

Another issue that reared its head during my field test was an extraction problem. It’s just as annoying as it sounds. 

You fire the gun, and the spent cartridge case won’t come out of the chamber. It’s as if it’s glued in there. At first, I thought it might be a fluke, but it happened a couple more times, which got me concerned. 

You can’t expect to enjoy your shooting experience if you’re struggling to extract spent shells, right? It was evident that this was another common issue, and I decided to tackle it head-on. 

Upon inspection, it seemed like the extractor claw was the culprit. It wasn’t gripping the cartridge case properly, leading to the extraction failure.


After identifying the probable cause, it was time for a fix. I removed the old extractor claw and replaced it with a new one. 

Just a little heads up—make sure to consult your manual or a professional for the specifics, as the parts can be delicate. 

After the replacement, the rifle was as good as new, pulling those spent shells out like a champ. So, if you’re having extraction issues with your Mossberg 464 SPX, look at the extractor claw. 

Chances are, a simple replacement will have you back in business. And believe me, it makes a world of difference.

Final Verdict

After spending ample time with the Mossberg 464 SPX in the field, I can say it’s a solid firearm with a lot to offer, especially in terms of design and initial performance. 

However, like any piece of machinery, it comes with its own set of challenges—feeding, failure to eject, and extraction problems being the ones I encountered. 

The good news? Each of these issues is manageable with a little know-how and the right approach. Changing an ejector spring, for instance, turned out to be a straightforward solution for ejection problems. 

The same went for the extractor claw when I faced extraction issues. So, despite its issues, I still consider the Mossberg 464 SPX to be a reliable rifle. Just be prepared to get a bit hands-on to keep it operating at its best.


Where is the Mossberg 464 made?

The Mossberg 464 is made in North Haven, CT, U.S.A, and also at the Maverick plant in Eagle Pass, Texas.

What is the twist rate of the Mossberg 464?

The twist rate of the Mossberg 464 is 1:10.

Who makes the Mossberg 464?

The Mossberg 464 is produced by the Mossberg Firearms Company.

What is the Mossberg 464 based on?

The Mossberg 464 is functionally similar to the Winchester Model 94 Angle Eject design.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

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