4 Main Mossberg 464 30-30 Problems And How To Fix Them

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I’ve been out and about testing the Mossberg 464 30-30 for a good while now. Let me tell you, it’s an amazing piece of hardware, but not without its challenges. 

During my time using this rifle, I’ve encountered some Mossberg 464 30-30 Problems that, honestly, can throw a wrench in your plans. I’ve had trouble with the safety lever, faced issues chambering the rifle, stumbled upon ejection difficulties, and even had a few firing problems. 

Don’t worry, though. I’ve got your back, and we’ll dive into these issues together, finding out how to fix them.

After all, when you’re in the field, the last thing you need is a gun that’s giving you grief. So, let’s get started, shall we?

Overview of Mossberg 464 30-30 & their Solutions

Mossberg 464 30-30 ProblemsSolutions
Safety Lever ProblemClean and lubricate the safety lever.
Problem Chambering RifleInspect and clean the chamber and feed ramp.
Ejection IssueClean and lubricate the ejector and extractor.
Feeding ProblemInspect and clean the firing pin and hammer.

Top 4 Mossberg 464 30-30 Problems & Solutions

1. Safety Lever Problem

Ah, the safety lever. You might expect it to be smooth sailing, but I’ve found otherwise. During my outings, I discovered that the safety lever can get pretty finicky. 

There were times when it was tough to switch from “safe” to “fire,” making those precious seconds count. There’s nothing more frustrating than lining up for a perfect shot only to realize the safety won’t cooperate. 

This issue could make for an inconvenient if not risky, hunting experience. You really don’t want to be fumbling around when it’s time to take that shot.


Here’s the deal. I tackled the problem head-on by inspecting the safety lever mechanism. After making sure the firearm was unloaded, of course. A bit of cleaning and lubricating worked wonders. In some cases, wear and tear might be the culprit, and you might need to replace a part or two. 

But before you go down that road, give cleaning a try. With just a bit of lubricant in the right places, my lever was back to being smooth as ever. 

It’s a simple fix that you can do yourself, and believe me, it makes a world of difference.

2. Problem Chambering the Rifle

The chambering issue is another obstacle that can trip you up. I was out in the field, ready to take my shot when, lo and behold, I had a hard time getting a round into the chamber. 

It’s frustrating, to say the least. You load up, aim, and then… nothing. The round just doesn’t seat right, and you’re stuck there feeling like you missed a golden opportunity. 

It’s not just a one-off thing; I experienced it multiple times, which got me thinking: this needs a fix.


So, here’s what I did. First, I unloaded the rifle and inspected the chamber and the feed ramp. Sometimes, it’s just grime or debris messing things up. 

A good cleaning can really help. I took my cleaning kit and gave it a thorough scrub. For good measure, I also checked the magazine and ammo to ensure they were in top shape. 

After that, I went out to test it again, and the difference was night and day. If you find yourself in a similar predicament, start with a detailed cleaning and go from there. 

3. Ejection Issue

Well, here’s another pickle I found myself in ejection issues. You fire a shot, and the spent cartridge decides it’s going to hang around like a bad smell. 

Not ideal, right? Instead of automatically ejecting, the spent case would either stick in the chamber or just lazily fall out, messing up the rhythm. 

It’s distracting and can really disrupt your focus when you’re in the field. You can’t expect to have a smooth, productive experience with an issue like this lurking in the background.


So, what’s the game plan? First and foremost, safety comes first—make sure the gun is unloaded. I checked the ejector and the extractor for any signs of wear or damage. A worn-out extractor can be a prime suspect here.

After confirming they looked good, I got down to cleaning them meticulously. A bit of lubrication at the end, and we were ready to go. And guess what? The next time I was out, the ejection issue had vanished. 

In case cleaning doesn’t solve your problem, you might consider replacing the extractor. It’s a fairly straightforward procedure and can often be the key to solving this issue.

4. Feeding Problem

Oh, man, the firing issue. Let’s talk about it. You’re out in the field, finger on the trigger, ready to fire, and then…nothing. 

The gun simply refuses to shoot. I had this happen more than once, and I’ve got to say, it’s a real downer. This could be a potential disaster, especially if you’re in a situation where you absolutely need your rifle to perform. 

The stakes are high here, and it’s a problem you can’t ignore.


Okay, first things first—unload that firearm for safety’s sake. I took a deep dive into this problem, looking into the firing pin and hammer, as they’re usually the main culprits. Cleaning both carefully, I also checked for any wear or damage. 

A damaged firing pin could very well be your problem. After ensuring both parts were in good shape, I put them back and headed out to give it another go. 

The firing issue was gone. So, if you’re having similar issues, a good cleaning and a quick inspection of the firing pin and hammer could be all you need. But remember, consulting a professional is always a smart move if in doubt.

Final Verdict

The Mossberg 464 30-30 is an impressive firearm, no doubt about it. It’s got the muscle and finesse to make any hunting or shooting outing memorable. 

But let’s be real; it’s not without its faults. I encountered safety lever snafus, chambering headaches, ejection issues, and feeding troubles. 

But you know what? Every problem has a solution. Simple fixes like cleaning, lubricating, and sometimes replacing worn-out parts significantly improved performance. 

Overall, if you’re willing to put in a little elbow grease, the Mossberg 464 30-30 is a reliable companion in the field. It’s not perfect, but it’s definitely worth the investment in both time and money to make it as reliable as you’d want it to be.


Where is Mossberg 464 made?

The Mossberg 464 is made in North Haven, CT, U.S.A., and also at the Maverick plant in Eagle Pass, Texas.

What is the capacity of the Mossberg 464?

The magazine capacity of the Mossberg 464 is 6 rounds.

When was the Mossberg 464 made?

The Mossberg 464 was first produced in 2008.

What is the twist rate of the Mossberg 464?

The twist rate of the Mossberg 464 is 1:10.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

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