5 H&K MR762 Problems You Must Be Aware of

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Having spent a lot of time in the field, I can’t help but share my firsthand experience with the H&K MR762. 

Honestly, the journey has been enlightening. While testing this firearm, I stumbled upon several issues that may not be obvious to the casual user. My hands-on exploration and assessment allowed me to uncover nuances that needed addressing.

The common H&K MR762 Problems I came across were varied, ranging from cycling to feeding problems and even including some loading and BCG challenges. 

It’s my intent to delve into these common problems and not only discuss them but also offer practical solutions.

Overview of the Problems & their Solutions

Cycling ProblemReplace ammo, switch magazines, clean and lubricate moving parts.
Loading ProblemTest new magazine, clean extractor, switch to different 175gr brand.
BCG ProblemRegular cleaning, lubrication, adjust buffer and spring, professional help with gas system.
Feeding ProblemUse fewer rounds, specific ammo, clean and lubricate, constant usage helps.
Short Stroking IssueFocus on barrel fuel valve, fuel barrier, try different ammo loads, repair as needed.

Top 5 H&K MR762 Problems & Solutions

1. Cycling Problem

Ah, the cycle problems with the MR762! Let me tell you, they’re something I ran into a few times out in the field. 

When the rifle isn’t used enough, it doesn’t start smoothly, almost like an old car on a cold morning. Failure to feed, failure to eject, loads getting jammed – these issues combined to create a real headache. 

I found myself spending more time trying to clear jams than actually firing.


But don’t worry, I found ways around this issue. Replacing the ammunition, switching magazines, and using only trustworthy reloads made a huge difference. And don’t underestimate the importance of cleaning and lubrication! 

I made sure to check for debris in the gas piston and port, lubricated the bolt group, and even gave the buffer spring a light oiling. 

I focused on any visible moving parts, avoiding areas that might build up unburned powder. With these fixes, the cycling problems were history, and the MR762 was back in action. It’s a simple fix that worked wonders for me.

2. Loading Problem

The loading problem with the MR762 threw me for a loop when I was out on the range. It seemed fine using Federal 168gr, not a single issue. 

But then, after just 10 rounds with 175gr match federal (for optimal accuracy, mind you), the problems started. 

The bullets were getting trapped before entering the chamber. It was like they were just stuck there, refusing to go any further. 

Even more perplexing, the ejection was hitting the deflector consistently. I tried cleaning and different oils, but nothing seemed to do the trick.


After a bit of tinkering, I found the way around the problem. Testing a new magazine was step one, thinking that a weak recoil spring might be the culprit.

Cleaning the extractor was also helpful. But if these methods failed, mailing it to HK or using a different 175gr brand seemed to clear up the issue. 

Switching to a new magazine worked for me, too. The solutions were simple enough, and the MR762 was back to its optimal performance. Ah, the satisfaction of a smoothly operating firearm!

3. BCG Problem

The bolt carrier group sticking, or BCG, in the MR762 became a recurring theme in my field trials. Lack of lubrication was often the primary villain, causing the metal components to heat up, create friction, and ultimately stick. 

Carbon buildup was another problem child. I noticed how residual carbon would accumulate when firing rounds, leading to further sticking. 

Oh, and don’t get me started on the incorrect buffer or buffer spring; those caused slow BCG movement and sticking, too. And then, there were the gas system issues, particularly a malfunctioning gas block.


Well, I didn’t let these problems get the better of me. Regular cleaning and lubrication became my best friends to avoid buildup and promote smooth BCG movement. 

I also played around with the buffer and buffer spring, adjusting them to find the right weight for my firearm. 

And when all else failed, I sought professional help for the gas system issues. Proper maintenance and a keen eye were all I needed to keep that BCG from sticking. Ah, problem-solving at its finest!

4. Feeding Problem

I can still remember the day I experienced failure to feed issues with the MR762. There I was, a few rounds in, and suddenly, it began having trouble with Remington Core-Lokt. 

At first, I thought it might just be a one-time thing, but no, it kept happening. Cleaning the rifle and using FireClean helped temporarily, but after around 200 rounds, those pesky feeding issues would reappear. It was like a bad loop repeating itself.


After a bit of experimentation, I realized a few simple adjustments could make all the difference. First, using fewer rounds made sense; less strain on the bolt carrier was a plus. 

Placing 2 rounds of 168 in the magazine and getting the bolt lock back seemed to help. And after about 100 rounds, the spring seemed ready to go. 

Specialized ammo also worked wonders. Over time, constant use of the rifle gradually decreased the failure to feed issue. It took some trial and error, but eventually, I got the MR762 running like a charm again!

5. Short Stroking Issue

During my field tests with the MR762, I stumbled across another frustrating issue. Cartridges would jam on the feed ramps, making it impossible to discharge. 

Trying to fire was a losing battle as the magazine’s cartridge stubbornly refused to be removed. It seemed to be under-gassed, preventing the bolt from fully cycling, and there was a pesky burr in the gas port. 

It’s safe to say that this particular problem had me scratching my head.


After assessing the situation, it became clear that this was a short-stroke issue. My attention was drawn to the barrel fuel valve and fuel barrier as possible culprits. Sending them back to HK appeared to be a sensible solution. 

But before resorting to that, I tried a different load, specifically M80 ball ammunition. The 175gr ammo seemed finicky with this firearm, and switching made a difference. 


The H&K MR762 is undeniably a firearm that demands respect for its powerful performance and the variety of challenges it presents. 

From cycling to feeding issues and loading to BCG challenges, the MR762 certainly kept me on my toes in the field. But that’s what made my journey with this firearm an enlightening experience. 

Every hiccup led to a solution; every struggle gave way to success. The issues I encountered were surmountable with proper maintenance, the right ammunition choices, and attentive handling. 

The MR762 might not be perfect, but the underlying reliability and the ability to overcome these problems add to its character. 


What is the twist rate of the HK mr762a1? 

The twist rate of the HK MR762A1 is 4 lands & grooves, right-hand twist, 1 in 12 in.

Where is the HK mr762 made? 

The HK MR762 is assembled in the USA using US and German-made components.

How much does HK MR762A1 weigh? 

The HK MR762A1 weighs 8.8 pounds.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

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