5 Taurus Raging Hunter Problems You Must Be Aware of

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I test the Taurus Raging Hunter out in the field. Having spent time analyzing and working with the firearm, I couldn’t help but notice certain problems that are worth discussing. 

Taurus Raging Hunter Problems include bullet issues, internal damage issues, cylinder issues, problems with the trigger, and timing problems. But don’t worry; I’ve also figured out how to fix them, and I’ll share that information with you.

The main goal of this piece is to shed light on these common problems and offer solutions. I want to help you understand what might go wrong and how to correct it, all based on my real-world experiences with the Taurus Raging Hunter.

Overview of the Problems & their Solutions

Timing problemsProper assembly and subtle adjustments during the process.
Bullet problemsRegular cleaning of the barrel to prevent build-ups.
Internal damage issuesAvoid using +P ammo regularly; send damaged parts to Taurus.
Cylinder issuesSend it to Taurus for repair as parts aren’t easily available.
Problems with the triggerManipulate or swap the springs for a personalized experience.
Timing problemsCorrect assembly, fitting parts properly, and servicing from Taurus.

Top 5 Taurus Raging Hunter Problems & Solutions

1. Bullet Problems

I found a rather concerning problem while testing the firearm. Bullets either didn’t fit the barrel properly or faced severe resistance while traveling through it.

 I quickly realized this wasn’t just a one-off issue but something that could affect many users. The cause was build-ups within the surface of the barrel, creating significant hindrances during firing. 

This wasn’t just an inconvenience; it had the potential to cause further damage to the barrel if left unaddressed.


Fortunately, the solution was simpler than I’d initially feared. Cleaning the barrel periodically proved the key to preventing build-ups and ensuring the bullets traveled smoothly. 

I made sure to be thorough in my cleaning, not allowing any accumulation to linger within the barrel. The difference was immediate; the resistance disappeared, and the bullets fit just right. 

So, if you find yourself in this situation, make sure to give your barrel a good cleaning. It can really make all the difference!

2. Internal Damage Issues

In my ongoing testing of Taurus firearms, I noticed something consistent about them: a reputation for quality control problems. 

For example, I observed firsthand the internal damage that can occur with the Taurus Raging Bull. The issue seemed to lurk, ready to spring into action. 

It’s a sneaky problem that might not be apparent until real damage has occurred.


As I discovered, the solution to this problem is if any part has been damaged due to the powerful ammo, sending it back to Taurus for replacement worked perfectly for us. 

They were able to replace the damaged components, restoring the firearm to its original condition. Simple precautions and proper follow-through can really save the day!

3. Cylinder Issue

In my exploration of the Taurus Raging Hunter, I stumbled upon a rather rare but nonetheless troublesome issue: the cylinder stopped working entirely. 

This problem left me puzzled and somewhat frustrated, as it was an unexpected hiccup in my testing process. To compound the issue, I found that most parts of the gun aren’t readily available on the market, making it a unique challenge to resolve.


Sadly, my hands were somewhat tied in addressing this issue. Because general parts for the Taurus Raging Hunter aren’t easily found on the market, I were left with one course of action: sending it to Taurus. 

Even though they have a reputation for less-than-ideal aftermarket service, it was the only viable option. 

If you’re ever lucky enough to find spare parts for the revolver assembly, you might take a gamble on fixing it yourself, but my experience suggests that sending it to Taurus is the safest bet. It’s not ideal, but sometimes that’s the way things go!

4. Problems with the Trigger

During my field testing, I came across an interesting aspect of the Taurus Raging Hunter that 

might not necessarily be a problem for everyone but caught my attention. 

The firearm’s trigger was noticeably tight. Some of my team actually preferred the heavier trigger, enjoying the unique feel. 

However, others found it a drawback, feeling that the stiffness detracted from their overall experience. my divided opinions led me to investigate how this could be tailored to individual preferences.


Upon exploring the situation further, I found that the tight trigger isn’t something you’re stuck with. If it doesn’t suit your liking, you can manipulate or swap the springs to reduce some of that stiffness. 

Specifically, replacing the main spring and trigger spring seemed to do the trick for those who wanted a lighter feel. 

There are two different springs that can help you reduce the recoil. This allowed me to customize the trigger pull to my liking, creating a more personalized experience. It’s a bit of fine-tuning that can make all the difference!

5. Timing Problems

While putting the Taurus Raging Hunter through its paces, I ran into a well-known issue that has plagued this particular firearm: timing problems.

 These aren’t just minor annoyances; they can be significant. The issue means that the cylinder’s action is slightly off and may not be properly aligned with the barrel. 

This misalignment might cause the cylinder not to rotate all the way into a locking position. I found this to be a delicate and somewhat tricky problem to diagnose, which made the solution all the more vital.


Correcting this issue requires a delicate touch and careful attention to the gun’s assembly. I 

found that the parts needed to be fitted properly, and cylinder timing had to be checked meticulously. 

Subtle adjustments during the assembly process were essential. If I noticed that any part had been damaged during the disassembly procedure, I concluded that getting the firearm checked and serviced from Taurus was the best course of action. 

While this problem was more complex than others, I were able to get the Taurus Raging Hunter back on track with careful handling. 


While an appealing firearm, the Taurus Raging Hunter comes with its own challenges. 

Through extensive testing, I’ve discovered recurring problems, such as timing, bullet, internal damage, cylinder malfunction, and trigger concerns. However, these can be addressed and rectified with careful attention to detail and the right solutions. 

Overall, the Taurus Raging Hunter is a robust and versatile weapon, with most of its faults being correctable with proper maintenance and care. Its weaknesses don’t overshadow its potential as a reliable firearm, particularly when handled with awareness and diligence.


How many rounds does a Taurus raging hunter hold? 

It holds 7 rounds and is a double-action revolver.

What is the Taurus raging hunter made of? 

It’s made of lightweight stainless steel barrel surrounded by an aluminum-alloy shroud.

Can the raging hunter shoot 45 Colt? 

Yes, the Taurus Raging 460 Magnum can safely chamber and fire 45 Colt rounds.

What caliber is the raging hunter? 

The Raging Hunter is available in .357 Magnum, and it is a spurred hammer DA/SA revolver with a seven-round cylinder.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

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