Top 4 Smith and Wesson 610 Problems And How To Fix Them

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I’m here to discuss my hands-on experience with the Smith and Wesson 610 revolver.  I’ve taken this bad boy out into the field to see what it’s made of. I have to say, it’s a solid firearm, but that doesn’t mean it’s without its issues. 

While using it, I encountered a couple of Smith and Wesson 610 Problems that need to be addressed. First up, I noticed that the double-action trigger pull could be less than smooth.  

Then there was the matter of the sights, which could use some improvement for quicker target acquisition. I also found that the grip might not be the most comfortable for long shooting sessions.

Don’t worry, though. The point of this article isn’t to just point out flaws but to offer some solid solutions.  I’ve been down the troubleshooting road and back again, so I’ve got a few tips and tricks to improve your experience with this firearm.

Overview of Smith and Wesson 610 Problems & their Solutions

Light Primer StrikesReplace the factory spring with a stronger aftermarket one.
Problem with the BarrelUse a high-quality bore cleaner and scrub away fouling.
Trigger IssueInvest in a trigger job kit to improve action.
Cycling IssueApply high-quality gun lubricant to the ejector and ratchet on the cylinder.

4 Smith and Wesson 610 Problems Problems & Solutions

1.  Light Primer Strikes

So, let’s dive right into one of the first issues I ran into light primer strikes. Man, were these frustrating. When you’re out in the field, the last thing you want is a misfire, right? I noticed this happening more often than I’d like, and it bugged me. 

Every so often, I’d pull the trigger, and instead of the satisfying bang I was expecting, I got nothing. A light primer strike means the firing pin didn’t hit the primer hard enough to ignite the powder in the cartridge. 

It’s super annoying when you’re trying to get some good practice in.


After some tinkering and testing, I found a fix that helped me out. I replaced the factory main spring with a stronger aftermarket one. 

Trust me, it’s a game-changer. Once I swapped out that spring, the number of light primer strikes decreased dramatically. 

The trigger pull was still smooth, but the strikes were consistent and reliable. No more misfires for this guy! The good news? Changing the main spring is something you can do yourself.

Just make sure you follow all safety precautions, like always ensuring the gun is unloaded before starting any maintenance.  My shooting sessions have been much more satisfying with the new spring in place.

2.  Problem with the Barrel

Alright, next on the list: issues with the barrel. While in the field, I noticed that my shots were drifting more than I’d like. 

We’re talking about accuracy taking a nosedive here. No, it wasn’t the wind or my shaky hands; it was a problem with the barrel itself. 

A closer look revealed that there was some fouling inside the barrel that had built up over time. This fouling messes with the trajectory of the bullet, making your shots less accurate. 

It’s not something you can afford to ignore, especially if you plan on using this revolver for more than just target practice.


I took matters into my own hands to find a fix. After searching around for the right cleaning solution, I settled on a good-quality bore cleaner.

Armed with a cleaning rod and bore brush, I went to work. Scrubbing away the fouling made a world of difference. My shots became more consistent, and the drift was pretty much gone.  This is something you can easily do at home. 

Just make sure the gun is unloaded, and you’re in a safe environment to work on it. Trust me, a clean barrel makes for a happy shooter. So, roll up your sleeves and get that barrel sparkling clean.  

3.  Trigger Issue

Okay, let’s get to it.  Another issue I encountered was with the trigger. I was having a bit of trouble with the double-action pull.

It felt gritty and inconsistent, and that’s definitely not what you want when you’re focused on hitting your target. Every pull should feel the same, right? But with this revolver, I felt like I was fighting against the trigger instead of working with it. 

It was distracting and messed with my shooting rhythm.


Now, for the part you’ve all been waiting for the fix. The good news, it’s something you can sort out without too much hassle. 

What I did was invest in a trigger job kit. These kits come with springs and other components designed to smooth out the trigger action. 

I swapped out the existing springs and components; the difference was night and day. The trigger felt much smoother, and my shots were more consistent. 

4.  Cycling Issue

Alright, moving on. So, you’ve got your Smith and Wesson 610, you’re excited, and you’re ready to fire some rounds. 

But then, bam!  You hit a snag. I’m talking about cycling issues. In my experience, I found that the cylinder didn’t always rotate as smoothly as I’d like. 

Sometimes, it’d feel like it was sticking or dragging, making the whole firing process feel less fluid than it should be. 


I couldn’t let that stand, so I searched for a solution. Turns out, the answer was lubrication. A well-lubricated cylinder makes a world of difference. 

I applied high-quality gun lubricant to the needed parts, including the ejector and the ratchet on the cylinder. 

And let me tell you, the difference was immediate. The cylinder started turning smoothly, just like it’s supposed to. 

If you’re having similar issues, give this fix a try. Just ensure the gun is unloaded, and you’re in a safe space. Lubrication seems like a small thing, but small things matter when it comes to firearms.

Final Verdict

So, where does all this testing and tweaking leave us with the Smith and Wesson 610? It’s a solid choice for anyone looking to add a 10mm revolver to their collection. 

It performs well in the field and packs a punch. But let’s be real—no gun is perfect, and this one’s no exception. Issues like light primer strikes, barrel fouling, gritty trigger action, and cycling problems can damper your shooting experience. 

I’ve also given you tried-and-true solutions to those challenges. So, if you’re willing to put in a little time and elbow grease, this gun can go from good to great. 

All in all, it’s a reliable firearm with room for improvement. And once you tackle those minor setbacks, trust me, this revolver shines.


How accurate is the Model 610?

The Model 610 has an overall average accuracy of 2.75 inches for five-shot groups at 25 yards with 10mm Auto ammo.

Can a S&W 610 shoot 40 S&W?

Yes, the 610 is capable of firing both 10mm and .40 S&W cartridges with the use of moon clips.

Is A 10mm revolver worth it?

A 10mm revolver offers decisive, man-stopping power and is versatile enough for both self-defense and hunting.

What frame is the Smith 610?

The 610 is manufactured on an N-frame.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

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