6 Ruger Wrangler Problems You Must Be Aware of

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I recently had the chance to take the Ruger Wrangler out for field testing. Now, let me tell you, I was pretty stoked. 

The Wrangler is an affordable .22 LR revolver that has garnered much attention. Unfortunately, my excitement dimmed slightly when I ran into some issues while shooting.

These Ruger Wrangler Problems include accuracy problems, jamming issues, timing concerns, issues with the transfer bar, hammer problems, and cylinder complications. 

No need to fret. I’ve got your back. In this article, I will delve into each of these issues, breaking them down so you’ll know what to look out for.

Overview of the Problems & their Solutions

Hammer not fully cockingReplace the faulty cylinder pin
Cylinder gets stuckSwitch ammo or consult a gunsmith
Transfer bar hangs upPush transfer bar all the way in
Firing without proper alignmentCocked the hammer quickly or consult Ruger

Top 6 Ruger Wrangler Problems & Solutions

1. Accuracy Problem

So, I’m out there, right? Just me, the Wrangler, and a target 25 yards away. I aim, pull the trigger, and guess what? My shots are consistently off—3 levels high and 3 levels to the left. I mean, come on! That’s a little frustrating if you ask me. 

And here’s the kicker: It wasn’t just me experiencing this. A few other folks have reported the same issue. The primary culprit seems to be the fixed sights. 

Whether it’s a manufacturing glitch or you’ve accidentally knocked the sight out of alignment, this issue can really mess with your shooting experience.


So, what did I do? First things first, I took it to a reliable gunsmith. I know, not everyone loves that answer, but sometimes, you gotta leave it to the pros. 

They aligned and calibrated the sights for me, and my aim improved noticeably. Another option? Switch out those factory sights for a third-party version. I tried this, too, and let me tell you, it made a difference. Lastly, be careful with your Wrangler. 

Dropping it or giving it a good knock can throw off the alignment and put you right back to square one with accuracy problems.

2. Jamming Issue

Ah, the dreaded jamming issue. So, there I was, shooting at targets and feeling good about life. I angle the Wrangler downward for a different shot, and guess what happens? Yep, it jams. Talk about a mood killer. 

The problem usually occurs when you hold the Wrangler at a downward angle. In my own investigation, it seems like a faulty or misaligned center pin is often to blame. 

And let’s not forget the latch; if it’s not tightened properly, it doesn’t engage fully, which just adds to the problem.


Alright, onto the good stuff: the fix. My first move was to disassemble the Wrangler and check the center pin. Was it seated properly? Did it move smoothly? Luckily, it’s not rocket science and a quick adjustment set it right. 

I also looked into the latch and made sure it was fully tightened. Now, if you’re dealing with a new unit and run into this jamming issue, don’t hesitate to contact Ruger directly. They’re usually good about sorting this stuff out. 

Just a heads-up: Always exercise extreme caution when disassembling and reassembling firearms. Safety first, folks.

3. TIming Issue

So here’s another hiccup that caught my attention: the hammer timing issue. This one’s a little unique and caught me off guard. If you’re like me and you cocked the hammer slowly, there’s a chance the cylinder won’t align properly when you fire. 

Yeah, that’s not ideal, especially because a gun should work reliably whether you’re slow or fast with the action.


Now, as for the fix, this one’s a bit tricky. Some might say, “Just cocked the hammer faster,” but let’s be real—this is more like a band-aid than an actual solution. In this case, it’s best to contact Ruger directly and explain the situation. 

I did just that and they were pretty receptive. I’m no gunsmith, and with something as nuanced as timing issues, it’s best to leave it to the pros or the manufacturer itself. 

So, my advice? Reach out to Ruger and let them take it from there. Safety and reliability should always be top priorities.

4. Problem with the Transfer Bar

Okay, let’s talk about another issue that threw me for a loop: the transfer bar problem. If you tilt the Wrangler while cocking it, the transfer bar can get hung up on the bottom of the firing pin. 

It’s not something you want to deal with, trust me. In my digging, I found out that a faulty spring-loaded plunger is usually the main offender here. 

This little piece is what keeps the transfer bar from making unwanted contact with the firing pin.


Here’s what you can try: first, push the transfer bar all the way in when the gun is fully cocked. This might seem basic, but it worked for me more times than not. If this quick fix doesn’t solve the problem, it gets a bit more complex. 

Disassembly and careful inspection could be the next step, but if you’re not super comfortable with that, just take it to a gunsmith. I also tried using different types of ammunition, switching between brands and velocities, and that seemed to mitigate the problem to an extent. 

But let’s be real: for something as serious as a firearm, sometimes professional help is the best solution. Safety comes first, always.

5. Hammer Problem

Ah, so here’s one that’s a bit more frustrating. If you point the barrel downwards, you might notice the hammer won’t go to the full cocked position. 

Not exactly the best thing to discover while you’re in the field, right? After examining it, I found the main culprit could be a misaligned base pin and latch. Yeah, I know, it’s not the kind of surprise anyone’s looking for. 

When that base pin latch doesn’t engage properly with the groove, you’re left with a hammer that’s not behaving the way it should.


Look, the best fix starts with disassembling the gun. I did this myself and found the cylinder pin was the faulty part. 

A quick replacement and the problem was solved. But if you discover the issue lies with the base pin and latch, then you’re venturing into complex territory. 

At this point, it’s best to consult a gunsmith or send it over to Ruger. I opted for professional help because let’s face it, fiddling around when you’re not sure isn’t the best course of action. 

So, get the experts in, and keep that firearm working like a charm.

6. Issue with the Cylinder

So, another issue you might run into is a stuck-loaded cylinder. Trust me, when this happens, you can’t help but think, “What now?” And yeah, it’s usually down to excessive drag, which can really kill the mood when you’re out and about. 

It might be tempting to blame the cylinder itself, but don’t jump the gun—no pun intended. A worn-out firing pin can also be the bad guy here, messing up your whole setup. And let’s not forget the ammo; it plays its part too.


First off, switch the ammo. I did that, and guess what? It made a difference. Try a different ammo brand before you even think about taking the gun apart. It’s the simplest step you can take to solve the issue. 

If that doesn’t work, then it’s time to dig deeper. Maybe your firing pin is worn out, or perhaps it’s something else. But remember, disassembling your firearm is a step not to be taken lightly. 

Always seek professional help if you’re not confident about the nitty-gritty.

Final Verdict

Alright, let’s wrap this up. The Ruger Wrangler is imperfect, but it’s also not a dud. I’ve put it through its paces, and it’s handled well, but it does have its issues. 

I’ve talked about problems like stuck cylinders, transfer bar hang-ups, and timing issues with the hammer. But the good news? Most of these problems have straightforward solutions, some as easy as changing the ammo brand. 

And expert help is just a call away for the more complicated issues. So yeah, it’s a mixed bag. But if you’re in the market for a reliable and relatively simple firearm to troubleshoot, the Wrangler might just be your match.


Are the Ruger Precision rifles worth the money?

Yes, they offer reliability and accuracy at a competitive price.

What is the range of a Ruger Precision Rifle?

Effective firing range is 1600 yards, max range about 2000 yards.

Is the Ruger Precision Rifle 556 any good?

Yes, it offers stunning accuracy for its price.

Are Ruger rifles any good?

Yes, they are reliable and offer good value for the money.

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I'm Micheal, an avid shooter and hunting enthusiast from Texas. I'm a recreational shooter who loves to spend time at the range and enjoy learning about new firearms and gears. I love to write about guns and share my passion for shooting with others.

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